Make someone dream about you and tell you about it the next day.
You may need:
Super duper concentration!!!!
You may need:
Super duper concentration!!!!
Dream of a time when you were happy. Now think that your person was the one who caused you to be so happy. Why? Now you are in a field. He/she comes toward you. You smile and sit down on the warm grass, patting the seat beside you. Now wake up. When you see the person, ask him/her what they dreamed about last night. They will answer the same exact dream you had.
This spell turns you into a fairy and alows you to change your eyes and hair color when a fairy.
You may need:
A favorite color candle
Candle that you want to be your wing color
Candle the color that you want your eyes to be
Candle you want your hair to be
You may need:
A favorite color candle
Candle that you want to be your wing color
Candle the color that you want your eyes to be
Candle you want your hair to be
Put all the candles in a circle the sit in a circle then slowly go a round in a circle. Spin once while standing up then after that sit and meditate. T then chant how ever many times you need to make your wings the the size and day you want them to grow:
"Please give me my wings
When (#) days are over.
My wings will be (color)
My eyes will be (color)
My hair will be (color).
All of these candles shall be me
When (#) days are over".
Just follow the simple instructions below, and you will have psycic powers in no time!
You may need:
1 person whom their mind you will read
You may need:
1 person whom their mind you will read
So first you look the person straight in the eye if possible and say,'' Your mind shall open unto me. All your thoughts you and I may see. Prepare for your secrets to unfold, and to your mind I shall have a strong hold.'' Thanks for ''reading'' my spell! Tell me if it works!
This is incantation for Binding your circle. When a Circle is bound, each of the Circle members powers are linked so more than one witch from the Circle would have to be focusing on the spell at hand for it to take action. A binding ceremony is a powerful ritual that is able to bind the magic of a witch, to their coven, by suppressing their power.
You may need:
You may need:
Must be placed around the bonfire in a circle formation. One Circle member must be saying the incantation clearly with no disruption (lots of concentration must be performed by the reader!). When everything is set up and perfected, you may proceed in reciting the incantation.
"Fire, Earth, Metal, Air, Water and Blood. By these elements, we bind the circle, and follow in the steps of our ancestors; who pledged themselves to fight against the forces of darkness. When evil assails us, when fear weakens us, when descent threatens us, in the circle we will find our power. We come to this place alone, but leave bound as one. With this oath, our journey begins together. Do you accept the circle?"
Transports you to the magick world. Only truly powerful people can do this.
You may need:
A diamond
Magickal Belief
You may need:
A diamond
Magickal Belief
Hold the diamond in your hands and imagine it getting hotter and hotter. Build up your magickal power until you are getting warmer yourself. You and the diamond will be boiling. Then say these words:
'By the power of air, earth, fire and water,
I am a very strong and respectful daughter,
The magickal world is where I'd like to be,
So take me there and mote it be!'
To come back to earth you need to say:
'Take me back to my home country,
Mote it be.'
And you need to imagine earth.
REMEMBER: This only works for those with loads of magickal power. If your belief is not high but you have loads of magickal power, it will still work.
If you read this, and learn something from it, you just may get telepathy.
You may need:
You may need:
What is telepathy? A link between minds, is the short of it. First understand how channeling works. We are all members of the Quantum Foam, therefore connected. When you channel a God, you are communicating, or directing power in some instances. So communication.. you can call upon any soul you would like. Most Occultists believe that every soul has it's own channel, and when you "hop" into their channel, you are communicating directly with the channeled being. So it's channeling... According to the "Law" of personal universes, every being has it's own universe, the question is, how are you using your communication to affect their universe?
The Long of it... telepathy only exists for those who believe they have it. And yes, if you believe in your magic, you have it, therefore, If you believe you can channel, you can. Channeling normal Humans outside the magical community is dangerous for them, for they don't know certain things, and will be shocked from the experience, but nonetheless very possible.
If you are a true magician, this should be an easy feat for you. But distance is kind of an issue, considering there is much space in between for your communication to either A. get lost in transition, B. get intercepted, and blocked or C. forgotten. And yes, as you dive into the minds of others, you can make them forget things too. And remember, it's your Will, and Karma is so there.
If you're a conspiracy follower, you will believe me when I say that Illuminated Humans have this ability, and use it often inside their network. Also, Telepathy opens doors to voices in your head, and you may be institutionalized if others suspect you are in need of medical attention for being outright and saying you have this ability. (Been there, done that.) Obviously normal people are the ones who are closed minded, and also note, there are higher forces at work, who can prevent things, seen it happen before.
I am offering to train anyone who is willing to master the mind. Though it may seem silly, these techniques will assist you in whatever path of magic you chose. From concentration, manipulation, meditation, and event defensive and offensive skills, you are sure to succeed. Having these skills, your magic will improve, as will your mental skills. If you are interested in learning what I have mentioned, even if it is a single aspect, please contact me via mail and I will get back to you.
First, enter their mind. If you don't know how, just imagine a line of energy running from your mind to your victim I mean willing voulenteer. Then, act as if it's a bridge, and walk over the bridge with your minds self.
Then, in your "willing voulenteer's" mind, find their minds self, who looks just like them. However you attack their minds self, they shall feel pain. The same goes for you. If you want to leave, juat walk over the mimd bridge.
To protect yourself from sich attacks, fight back! Their mindsnself can get hurt in your mind too. Plus, your mind is your domain. Make some TNT blow up in their gace or something.