Become an angel in 7 days. Side effects are: back hurting throwing up and fever sore throat side effects come in 1 day 1st ()means color you want.
You may need:
1 white candle
full moon
1 white towel
Dawing a figure 8
You may need:
1 white candle
full moon
1 white towel
Dawing a figure 8
Go outside draw a figure 8 with your pencil hold it up and light the candle and say
"Angels angels take me farfar away see my soul and soon let me grow( ) wings I shall get them. When I do I will be thankful. I choose to be a ( ) and gain every power whenI do, I say my thanks to ( ) and rejoice thank you. ( )"
This potion will make you grow wings but it takes a lot of belief and energy you will feel weak after and the wings will grow within an hour.
You may need:
White candle( more is fine)
A clean feather of choice( must be real)
Color dye that you want your wings to be
Drop of YOUR blood
You may need:
White candle( more is fine)
A clean feather of choice( must be real)
Color dye that you want your wings to be
Drop of YOUR blood
Ok you may be asking is this reversible? Yes. All you have to do is make and drink the potion again! So you can meditate first on having wings once you are done with that light the white candle/candles and get the cup. Then put a tablespoon of milk in then a tablespoon sugar and salt. Stir. Then a teaspoon of honey. Stir. Then a drop of the dye for the color wings you want. Stir. Then dip the feather in. Now put your drop of blood In and stir after saying, '' I want the wings, I need the wings, it is my desire give me the wings!'' put the blood in and stir now drink it . All of it 😄
Close your eyes. place your index finger and your middle finger on the center of you forehead. Allos your two fingers to be the key to your third eye awakening. Now, picture n eye being drawn in the center of your forehead. Now picture your third eye glowing.
Now chant 3X:
''Unlock my third eye,
Let me see where I am blind.
Allow me to read others minds
To tell the truth from the lies.''
Keep your third eye glowing. Remove your fingers and begin to meditate. Only focus on your third eye glowing. Meditate as long as you choose. Before you go to bed, meditate one last time. Get your third eye glowing again.
Im not saying this will let you read minds but it will help open your third eye
This lets you see auras, the color surrounding a body.
You may need:
You may need:
Use something white as a background. You can use a piece of paper though. Hold your finger up to the item you chose and stare at your finger nail. it may take a minute though. The more you practice looking at auras the less time it will take.
After looking at your finger nail you should she color(s) surrounding your finger. These color(s) all have a meaning. Everything has an aura including fruit.
This spell can be used to make yourself and/or others less noticeable.
You may need:
You may need:
Whisper to self repeatedly: "Go away, don't notice me ignore this circle so mote it be." If you are in a group it can work with one person but it helps if everyone/some of the group is whispering it.
Get two people to put two fingers together, then get the lightest person to lye flat on the ground. Put your fingers under him. Chant: "Light as a feather, stiff as a board."
As the name implies, this will let you know what your child is thinking.
You may need:
3 white candles
Mother-of-pearl (if you're a mother) or any other seashell (if you're a father)
You may need:
3 white candles
Mother-of-pearl (if you're a mother) or any other seashell (if you're a father)
1. Place the candles in a triangle formation around the shell. And light them.
2. Chant these words:
Help this mother/father understand,
The thought inside his/her little man/woman.
To Reverse the Spell:
Son/Daughter in the future, Son/Daughter in the past,
Seeing anew what once had passed,
Return him/her now from whence he/she came,
Right when he/she left, all now the same.