This is a spell I made up, it works and you can do it anywhere. Just say ''I call forth the God of time and the Goddess of rhyme, please make the time _:_9'' You can say any time but it HAS to end in 9 or the spell won't work. Also, it can't end in 19.
"Time in space, universes collide. Make me see who I was before my present day life. Element (your element) rise before me and let me see, the person that I used to be. Show me here, show me now. Take me back to my past life. So Mote it be!"
"Vicis in tractus, universum offensus planto mihi animadverto quisnam ego eram pro meus tendo dies vita. Elementum Terra (earth) orior oriri ortus pro mihi quod permissium mihi animadverto, alio ut ego adsuesco assuesco exsisto. ostendo mihi hic, ostendo mihi iam. Take mihi tergum ut meus preteritus vita."
You will not immediately flash back, but you will gain knowledge and get hints about certain things.
This spell sometimes works to teleport you elsewhere.
You may need:
You may need:
Think of the person you want to teleport. If this is you, visualize yourself and say: "(persons name) go to (place). Stay there for a minute, so mote it be". Visualize the person moving from wherever they currently are to the intended destination.
First, tell your partner this: "Think of a color and I will guess it" then wait until she or he takes the color. Now close your eyes until its all black.
Second, visualize his face and everything he has on, only on his face. Now just fix it a little, make sure your eyes are still closed!
Third, you will see a television coming to you, and it has a color. Only one color. If you see two colors, your partner might be thinking of two. Memorize the colors and open your eyes. Tell your partner the color he was thinking.
First, look at the time, clock or anything that tells you the real time. Focus on the time and just focus on it directly. You might feel weird right now, it post to happen.
Second, feel like your gonna fight the time and beat it down, roll into your fist with your hands only if you want.
Final, Just make your eyes strong, and now roll your hands into a fist! You will see the time go slower, well nice!
Note: I will try to make a spell that makes time go faster! Well thanks for looking at this one!
Use this to tell what another person is thinking or feeling.
You may need:
You may need:
Stare at the persons head. Look at their mind, imagining where thoughts are stored. Keep staring until you begin to pick up on their feelings or what they are thinking.
Go into a room where you can adjust the lights and adjust them to the lowest setting before dark. Put each candle on one side of you and light them, then meditate for at least fifteen minutes. If your heart is pure, after thirty minutes, you'll levitate, with your candles, and spin in a circle. Then your muse will come to you and bring along good luck. Write down your thoughts and ideas during this time.