Lay in a ball. Cover yourself in a coat, blanket, or something to constrain yourself and take away visual senses. Imagine yourself lookinag at your surroundings and concentrate very hard on not being visible.
This spell can make your light turn on and off, the spell is written in old English (but the pronunciation is shown).
You may need:
A light
You may need:
A light
This spell needs concentration and a quiet place, without this you may find it takes longer to work. This spell can be used by anyone.
Start by meditating (although this does not have to be done). Then stare at your light (can be already on)do this for about 20 seconds, make sure you feel a connection (aka you feel as though you can change/manipulate the light). Now say: "ic behéfþ þes léoht æt cierr on/æcyrf, gescéadnes hit nú, hand mec légeléoht swá cíþ hit béon" !
This means :" Ii want this light to turn on/off, do it now, give me light so mote it be!"
This isn't as much of a spell as it is energy manipulating. It will NOT make you invisible, and if somebody is specifically looking for you there is no guarentee they will not see you. It is designed to make you slip from other's minds and eyes. Out of sight, out of mind.
You may need:
Somewhat powerful energy manipulation skills.
You may need:
Somewhat powerful energy manipulation skills.
Simply zip up your jacket--no loose articles of clothing flopping around to catch eye. Suck your energy within yourself. You may feel a sensation of not being able to breathe, stomach ache, etc. That is the power of your energy compressing back in your Body, where as it is normally somewhat loose around you (i.e., your aura). It is dangerous to pull your energy into yourself for too long, because the possible sensation of not being able to breathe is real. You must be careful. Hope it works for you and your needs as well as it helps me get out of school work. :)
I made this spell to speed up and slow down time in class.
You may need:
A pen or pencil (optional)
You may need:
A pen or pencil (optional)
Tap the side of your desk with a pencil as many times as you want the time to be sped up. Now tap each beat relative to how fast you want time to go (fast if you want time to go by fast, slow if you want slow)
Go to a quiet place and sit in a comfortable pose. Shut your eyes, clear your mind, and focus on being at peace. Do not open your eyes. Stay in this pose for 3-6 minutes (you can go longer when you are better at it and feel comfortable doing so).
Meditation is a great tool to relax you, prep you for your spells or rituals, build your energy, and put you at peace.