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927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

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927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 927 Wealth Spells
  1. money oil
  2. Magick "Treasure Fleet" Spell
  3. Magickal Pathway Of Prosperity Spell
  4. Binding
  5. how to make your magick beleif
  6. Simple Money Attraction
  7. Luck Bag
  8. merry sleep
  9. Summon a Genie
  10. Simpel Money Spell

#151 - money oil

money oil to attract and draw money to you. i made this oil recently and havent had any experience with it so if it works for you pls let me know!
You may need:

  • cinnamon
  • dill ( from the store or the garden)
  • olive oil
  • glass jar or container
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    You may need:

  • cinnamon
  • dill ( from the store or the garden)
  • olive oil
  • glass jar or container
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    cleanse your container either by smudging it or using energy and visualization . i personally get rid of it by using my energy and visualization and and i visualize a white energy going from my hands into the jar in a smoke like style and filling the jar up while pushing the black and negative energy out and then i ball up the black energy and make it smaller and picture it disapating into the air banishing it

    now place your herbs in one by one and enchant each one by either chanting or visualizing a green energy going into the jar jusr intended amount in the jar and close with a lid.

    use to annoing money or

    Added to on Jan 01, 2018
    Last edited on Apr 05, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #152 - Magick "Treasure Fleet" Spell

    This spell works well... and it can bring results quickly, which is exactly what you need, just in time for Yule!
    You may need:

  • A toy boat
  • An altar
  • One green candle
  • Play money
  • Real coins
  • Sparkling crystal, gems, beads
  • money drawing insence
  • Tarot cards
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    You may need:

  • A toy boat
  • An altar
  • One green candle
  • Play money
  • Real coins
  • Sparkling crystal, gems, beads
  • money drawing insence
  • Tarot cards
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    STEP 1: Get a small or medium sized toy boat. I prefer a wooden ship, but a plastic toy one can also work.

    Make sure it's one that you can put things in.

    STEP 2: Fill it with play money, real coins, sparkling gems, sparkling beads, and crystals.

    STEP 3: Strategically arrange the boat on your altar so that it's easy to visualize your ship arriving at your ''home port''.

    The boat must be pointed TOWARDS you, not away from you.

    STEP 4: Intensify the effect with green candle burning and money drawing incense.

    STEP 5: While the candles burn, sit at your altar and visualize a real ship filled with treasure coming towards you at sea.

    STEP 6: Once the candles have burned down, place a three of wands Tarot Card UNDER the boat, and leave it there until money finds you

    Added to on Dec 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #153 - Magickal Pathway Of Prosperity Spell

    More wealth and prosperity just in time.

    Y'> It's too much easy-to-use.

    More wealth and prosperity just in time.

    You can do this spell once in a month.
    You may need:

  • A small bowl
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Cinnamon powder
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    You may need:

  • A small bowl
  • Sandalwood powder
  • Cinnamon powder
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    STEP 1: Combine 4 parts powdered Sandalwood and 1 part powdered Cinnamon.

    You should use enough to fill a small bowl.

    STEP 2: Walk out of your doorway, and out to the nearest sidewalk. If you're in an apartment or condo...go out of the buliding to the sidewalk.

    STEP 3: As you walk back to your front door, sprinkle this powder behind you. And stop once you get inside your house.

    STEP 4: Forget about this ritual, and go about your life.... over the next several days, you'll be pleasantly surprised...

    Added to on Dec 31, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #154 - Binding

    This spell is to help someone who causes harm to themselves and others mentally. It will help them see what they've been doing by increasing the energy around the x3 law. The more good they do, it will come back x3, and the more bad they do it will come back x3 also. This will just help to increase it and allow the person to realize the good and bad in themselves so they may fix it.
    You may need:

  • -Frankincense incense stick
  • -One black candle
  • -A piece of paper and a pen to write their name on (or anything else you wish to bind with).
  • -Citrine, rose quartz, hematite, selenite, amethyst, clear quartz, any other crystal you feel would work best. (Optional)
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    You may need:

  • -Frankincense incense stick
  • -One black candle
  • -A piece of paper and a pen to write their name on (or anything else you wish to bind with).
  • -Citrine, rose quartz, hematite, selenite, amethyst, clear quartz, any other crystal you feel would work best. (Optional)
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    Cast your circle and sit down within it. Light your black candle and focus on what you want. Read out once:
    When things are wrong, I make them right, bind (person's name) on this night. Let (him/her) see just how (he/she) is. 3x3x3 I bind thee by 3x3x3. What you give will come back 3x3x3. So mote it be!
    After you have spoken, light the insense. Say the quote again and then after write down the person's name on the paper (or whatever you used for binding, bind it!) State out loud that when you have the paper you will make sure it will happen and you are in control until the lesson is taught. You can also hide the paper in a place that they spend a lot of time at.
    Finally, quote the saying once more and then state:
    ''If (he/she) does good, it'll be returned x3. If (he/she) does bad, it'll be returned x3.''

    *It's very important to make what you want clear!*

    After that, just relax and imagine the person finding peace in themselves and causing no more harm. At that point, you may blow out the candle to finalize it.

    Close your circle and thank the gods and goddesses. Allow the incense to continue to burn.

    Added to on Dec 13, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #155 - how to make your magick beleif

    this will make your magick belief stronger than ever.
    You may need:

  • clear mind
  • quiet room
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    You may need:

  • clear mind
  • quiet room
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    go to the quiet room and start to medition. then empty your mind from everything. no start chanting in your head : i belif i belif I BELIEF!

    Added to on Dec 10, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #156 - Simple Money Attraction

    An old spell to attract money to you.
    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • 13 inch cord, green or gold
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    You may need:

  • 1 green candle
  • 13 inch cord, green or gold
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    Light the candle.

    Take up the cord and tie a knot with each line you say.

    ''With knot one, this spell has begun.''
    ''With knot two, plenty of work to do.''
    ''With knot three, money comes to me.''
    ''With knot four, opportunity knocks on my door.''
    ''With knot five, I am and will thrive.''
    ''With knot six, monetary problems are fixed.''
    ''With knot seven, gain from the vault of heaven''
    ''With knot eight, increase is great.''
    ''With knot nine, all of this is mine.''

    When you're finished, blow out the candle, and keep the cord with you.

    The money that comes to you may come in the form of an opportunity to earn it!

    Added to on Dec 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #157 - Luck Bag

    Put these ingredients into a bag and keep it with you to bring good luck.
    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Black Pen
  • Allspice
  • Nutmeg
  • Water
  • Small jewelry piece (a chain from a necklace will do)
  • Small Ziploc bag or Small Velvet Drawstring pouch
  • Small stone of your choice (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Black Pen
  • Allspice
  • Nutmeg
  • Water
  • Small jewelry piece (a chain from a necklace will do)
  • Small Ziploc bag or Small Velvet Drawstring pouch
  • Small stone of your choice (optional)
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    1) Get your small piece of paper and write down your intention with your black pen, or you can make a sigil and draw the sigil on your piece of paper.

    2) Take your herbs, and one by one take a drop of water, then with the herb mixed water use your finger to create a streak on the back of the paper.

    3) With each stroke say this "As this substance of nature be bound to this parchment, I wish for more (your intention) to be bound to me. With this stroke I implore it." After this put it in the bag.

    *If you did have the stone you may kiss it and place it in the bag*

    4) Fold your paper up and wrap your chain around the paper (this will represent your intention being bound to you).

    5) As you tie/ close your bag say "I, now and forever, hope to recieve this blessing soon, this is my will, so mote it be"

    Hold this bag around with you to have a chace of gaining your intention.

    *Please keep in mind that this might not work for everyone and that is ok. But with that being said thank you for taking an interest in my spell.*

    Added to on Dec 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #158 - merry sleep

    for help sleeping
    You may need:

  • melatonin
  • cannabis (optional)
  • white candle
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    You may need:

  • melatonin
  • cannabis (optional)
  • white candle
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    Merry sleep and happy sheets // melatonin keep my tired feet // light of sun be gone away // light of moon shine dimly and give me shade // drowsiness take over me // awake begone and fade // cannabis help me // restlessness go away // take me to a tranquil quay // in my bed all night i’ll stay // resting deep no rustling of the hay // may i sleep sleep sleep in my happy sheets // warm and tranquil // my feet won’t dangle // bless my sheets and part my cheeks // warm blankets keep my feet // merry sleep and happy sheets

    Added to on Nov 19, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #159 - Summon a Genie

    So as you've read in the title it's a spell to summon a genie in a mirror. I hope this works for you children.
    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • Candles
  • Dry rose petals (as many as you want 1,2,3,4, it's up to you.)
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    You may need:

  • Mirror
  • Strong belief
  • Quiet room
  • Candles
  • Dry rose petals (as many as you want 1,2,3,4, it's up to you.)
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    Go into a room (of your choice). Make sure the door is closed behind you and also make sure that nobody can come into you're room and bother you. Now you have a mirror right? Yeah of course you do. It doesn't matter what size or where you have it, it just has to be a mirror of any kind. Get the candles and light them. Put on on either side of you kinda like in a circle i guess. Get your rose petals next, and spread them in between the space of the candles. sit on the floor while doing this. And say this spell :

    "Genie,Genie come to me, appear in this mirror and become more than a fantasy! So mote it be!"

    4 times.

    Added to on Nov 01, 2017
    Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #160 - Simpel Money Spell

    This is a money visualisation spell which should be done regularly until you are happy with the amount of money that has come into your life.
    You may need:

  • 1 Green candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 Green candle
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    Take a green candle, and carve a dollar sign into it (or any other symbol which strongly represents money to you). Hold it in your hands and ask it to bring you money, charging it with money energy
    Light the candle, and imagine yourself being showered with gold dust. Feel it raining all around you. Maybe even dollar bills, coins, or treasures pile up around you. Chant the following:

    “Golden rain, the magick is done Money come to me, harming none”
    It’s important that you really feel the wealth piling up around you; feel yourself becoming light and free and all your worries lifting. Feel joy in your heart. Do this visualisation and chanting as long as you want, but recommended at least 5-10 minutes.

    Thank you; so mote it be.”

    Then blow out the candle while thanking it for its work, and keep it to use only for money magick. Do this spell regularly, at least a few times a week, to keep aligning with the energies of money. Keep your channels open to where the money might come from, and stay open to new opportunities showing up in your life.

    Added to on Oct 21, 2017
    Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters