927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Nice
- Be Confident Overnight
- Leaf in the Stream Prediction
- Anthill Hex
- Tuition
- Money/Fortune
- Bottle Wealth Magic
- Emergency Protection Spell (Spanish)
- Boost Creativity
- Happiness
#331 - Nice
Think of the person you want to be nice. Then say:
"(Names) heart is as cold as ice so let us fill them up with nice. Nice things are all the say, over and over again after this day. Only nice things they say, so let us proclaim, (name) will only say things of nice or pay a fee, So mote it be!"
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#332 - Be Confident Overnight
Say: "All spirits of confidence, please give me confidence. I never will be shy again." It will work in 1 hour- 2 days
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#333 - Leaf in the Stream Prediction
Sit by the stream and cup a large sycamore leaf in both of your hands. look directly at the leaf and ask it a yes or no question. afterwards, keep your hands cupped and slowly lower the leaf into the stream and allow the water to gently release it from your hands. (Be sure to place the leaf "straight" into the water, not sideways)....if the leaf spins clockwise, the answer to your question is yes. If counterclockwise, the answer is no.
This same practice also works for wishes. make a wish and if the leaf spins clockwise, your wish will come true. If counterclockwise, your wish will not come true.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#334 - Anthill Hex
#335 - Tuition
The spell is best performed on a Thursday at the end of a new moon or during a waxing moon. Draw a symbol of Jupiter on the top and bottom of the jar, which looks like the number 21 with the 1 intersecting with the bottom line of the 2. On the back ow a piece of receipt paper, write the amount of money in green pen, then fold the paper in half and stick it in the jar along with the herbs. Every day, drop a coin into the jar and visualize yourself paying the tuition bill as vividly as possible.
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#336 - Money/Fortune
Okay, put a one dollar bill before a candle and light it up. Now focus on the flame for 30 seconds, visualize the quantity of money you are willing to have, put in all of your desires into it, be passionate, let the desire burn as you focus more intensely. Now close your eyes and watch the flame as you imagine you are having the money, you are happy and secure, simply imagine how would you react after getting the money. Then you burn the 1 dollar bill and collect the ashes. Throw the ashes at morning sun rise and yell "mote it be".
Your obstacles that is hindering your progress to wealth would be destroyed. White magik like this takes lots of time, unlike black magik, where the result is achieved usually faster. Do not doubt your powers, the moment you doubt is you have betrayed your mind. Results would be bad for that reason.
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#337 - Bottle Wealth Magic
First mix all of your herbs up in the small jar, then add the change(penny, dime, ect..) Add water and let it sit in the sun for a bit. While its sitting in the sun start off with a prayer ("Blessed be my lips that they may speak the truth. Blessed be my eyes, so they may see the wisdom of spirit... ect.".) Once done with that start making your pentagram, use the green marker to do this. Once done get your bottle and place it in the middle and chant 1-4 times
"Money money all the time.
Money money now's your time.
Help me gain to wash away this pain."
While you are saying that imagine power flowing threw your hands to the bottle and and the very last chant put your hands on the bottle to make sure your power is flowing threw. Once done with that trace the bottle to the pentagrams points, you should end up with the bottle at the point of the star then erase leave the bottle alone while doing this and then you're done!
Last edited on Sep 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#338 - Emergency Protection Spell (Spanish)
Image Link: http://blog.chron.com/lavoz/wp-content/blogs.dir/2707/files/san-judas-tadeo-pilgrimage/gettyimages-130699043_master.jpg
Oración a San Judas Tadeo
¡Oh glorioso Apóstol San Judas Tadeo,
siervo fiel y amigo de Jesús, el nombre del traidor que entregó a nuestro querido maestro
en manos de sus enemigos, ha sido la causa de que muchos te hayan olvidado.
Pero la Iglesia te honra e invoca universalmente como el patrón de los casos difíciles y sumamente desesperados.
Ruega por mí que soy tan miserable, te ruego que hagas uso de tu privilegio especial, de socorrer visible y prontamente cuando casi se ha perdido toda esperanza.
Ven en mi ayuda par que reciba yo los consuelos y el socorro del Cielo en todas mis necesidades, tribulaciones y sufrimientos, particularmente, en ......(hacer aquí la(s) petición(es) especial(es).....) si es para mi provecho espiritual, gloria de Dios y honor tuyo.
Te prometo, glorioso San Judas, acordarme siempre de tus favores y nunca dejar de honrarte como a mi especial y poderoso protector, y hacer todo lo que pueda para extender tu devoción.
San Judas, Apostol de Cristo y Martir glorioso, deseo honrarte con especial devocion. Te acojo como mi patron y protector. Te encomiendo mi alma y mi cuerpo, todos mis intereses espirituales y temporales y asimismo los de mi familia. Te consagro mi mente para que en todo proceda a la luz de la fe; mi corazon para que lo guardes puro y lleno de amor a Jesus y Maria; mi voluntad para que, como la tuya, este siempre unida a la voluntad de Dios. Te suplico me ayudes a dominar mis malas inclinaciones y tentaciones evitando todas las ocasiones de pecado. Obtenme la gracia de no ofender a Dios jamas, de cumplir fielmente con todas las obligaciones de mi estado de vida y practicar las virtudes necesarias para salvarme. Ruega por mi Santo Patron y auxilio mio, para que, inspirado con tu ejemplo y asistido por tu intercesion, pueda llevar una vida santa, tener una muerte dichosa y alcanzar la gloria del Cielo donde se ama y da gracias a Dios eternamente. Amen.
Last edited on Sep 25, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#339 - Boost Creativity
On the piece of fabric/paper write a word or draw something that represents where you need to focus your creativity. Rub the corners of the fabric/paper with the Cinnamon or Bergamot oil.
Place the cloth in front of the diffuser/burner on your altar. Put the citrine on top of the fabric. Light the candle of your diffuser/burner and as the oil is burning meditate for a few minutes about your project while saying in your head
"Open my mind,
Let my creativity flow,
My heart and mind direct,
My hands create,"
The ideas will start coming to you and you will feel ready to create. When the oil is done burning, take the piece of fabric/paper with the citrine and place it near you on your place of work. You can put it by your desk.
Repeat the meditation every Wednesday to boost your creativity. Every time you have a new project you must get a new piece of fabric or paper and write down/symbolize your project.(Remember to rub the oil on the corners)
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#340 - Happiness
Light the candles, and get the tune of a song with an easy rhythm in your head. Hold the crystal above the candle until you feel the warmth from the candle creep up to your fingers. Take the crystal and hold it against your charm. Sing the song (without words) and repeat it, so you've sang it twice. Blow out the candles.
You will feel the energy transfer into the crystal. Set the crystal down, and put your charm on. When you are feeling sad, or want to use this spell to feel better, sing the same song the same way, and put your hands on both your charm and your heart for it to work.
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.