927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Green Candle Spell
- Gold Stone
- Good Luck, Come My Way
- Easy Candle Money Spell
- Psychic Spell for Negative Energy
- Islamic Blessing
- Lucky Hand Charm Bag
- Sleepy Voodoo
- Tell me the Truth
- Become a Magical Creature
#361 - Green Candle Spell
Take candle rub with oil from mid point to top, then from midpoint to bottom. Roll in cinnamon crarge with yourneed know that your need will be met then light candle. Burn a third of the way down for the first two night on the third night allow to burn completely out.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#362 - Gold Stone
Gold metallic paint is super cheap at (rhymes with Balmart) for 50 scents to a dollar in the arts and crafts section. As you paint your stone, pour your intent in to it. Feel free to also paint and symbols you wish; sigil, rune, deity symbol, etc. These stones are great for feeding spells that have already been cast.
Last edited on Sep 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#363 - Good Luck, Come My Way
Libra, master of the scales,
Let the aura of good fortune surround me,
Let its source be of this bracelet,
And bring me nothing but greatness for seven days and nights,
I accept the price of another's misfortune,
So give me the success of three,
This is my will, so mote it be!
After this put the bracelet on, BUT DO NOT TAKE OUT OFF! Taking it off will result in the breaking of the spell. If the misfortune is sent to someone close to you and their misfortune is so bad that you can't take it any more, take the bracelet off, but be warned, the rest of the bad luck will be reversed to you!
#364 - Easy Candle Money Spell
3 caps of pre-made High John the Conqueror Oil
3 caps of Lavender oil
3 caps of bayberry oil
3 caps of cinnamon oil
1/4 tsp gold or silver magnetic sand
1 small lodestone
Note: You may add a few drops of food coloring as color affects magic. Green is typically used for FAST luck, while red may be used for lasting wealth. Shake the bottle very well. (Store the bottle in a cool, dark place such as a closet to avoid light. Light breaks down oils over time.)
If left handed, your magic hand is your left hand. Your weaker hand is the right. And, the opposite is true for right-handed people. If ambidextrous, choose the hand you write with.
With a sharp instrument, carefully carve money symbols and the dollar amount desired from top to bottom, so that when the candle burns, the letters are consumed in the correct order. Also, carve your name vertically, top to bottom. For example, I used the pentagram on the top of the candle. On this sides, I carved the names of deities that are associated with money. As an example, Tyche and Fortuna.
Take the magic oil bottle and pour a small amount of oil onto your dominant hand. Place the green candle in your weak hand in the center of your palm. I use my fingers to grip the candle while anointing it with oil. Be sure to work from top to bottom, focusing on your intentions and the dollar amount desired. The entire candle should be thinly anointed with money drawing oil, including the top and bottom.
Place the candle in safe location, preferably in a safe container such as a lantern. Enclosed holders must be vented on top for the heat and magic to flow into the air.
Tyche, Tyche, Tyche,(tie-kee), goddess of prosperity...I call upon you, blessed be! Glory to your name and to your fame. Blessed goddess, please look upon me favorably.
(You may choose your own deity...repeat three times, then proceed...
Next, recite the following: ''Goddess, bless me, three times three. Bring unto me good fortune and prosperity. Blessings come quickly to end my poverty, and to vanquish my misery. Harm it none, so mote it be.
Light the candle and let it burn down to a puddle. I suggest keeping the wax in a closet to keep attracting wealth and good luck.
How long does it take to manifest? Whenever the god or goddess pleases. Typically, I can tell within three days if a money spell is working.
Give it one full moon cycle to be sure. If it does not work, try it again with a different deity. I also make my own mojo bags with flannel, lodestones, magnetic sand, and money drawing oil and carry them in my purse and place one under my pillow.
#365 - Psychic Spell for Negative Energy
"This blessed candle,
Clean my (your room or house)
By the power of psychics,
Clean my room and take negative energys away."
Then brush your room by the blessed water.
Here i tell you how to make blessed water
Take water by a plate and mix it with salat
Last edited on Jul 17, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#366 - Islamic Blessing
Say this "Urdu Taqreer,, Maulana Tariq Jameel Sahab, Naat, Jihad Nazam, Aulmai Deo Band, Sipah Sahaba Pakistan"
These Arabic words mean, 'There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the Messenger (Prophet) of God.' Once a person says the Testimony of Faith (Shahada) with conviction and understanding its meaning, then he/she has taken the first step in blessing their home with this prayer ( nasheed saleel sawarim). Visualize your wish and Allah shall help you!
Last edited on Aug 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#367 - Lucky Hand Charm Bag
#368 - Sleepy Voodoo
Put the bed,put the pillow on the bed, put the candles, light them. Then put the pins on the voodoo doll, put the voodoo doll on the bed and blow out the candles.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#369 - Tell me the Truth
Chant this four times:
"Tell me the truth, tell it to me
Tell me the truth, so mote it be!"
I'm not promising that it will work
Last edited on Aug 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#370 - Become a Magical Creature
Make up a circle using the chalk. Light the 2 candles and place in the center. Place the picture or description in between the 2 candles. Chant the following: " I,( your name), wish to become this creature. I call on all the gods to help me succeed. So mote it be!"
When you finish, burn the picture or description using the right candle. Bag up the ashes and bury it.
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.