Need to find something? Like a parking space or your keys? Then this is the spell for you. Focus all of your energy on what you need to find. Think of only the object you are looking for. Keep searching and focusing. You will find it almost appears when you see it.
Write on peice of paper desired amount of money. With the coin inscribe $ ero or pound sign in candle (If using peppermint oil rub over candle). Light candles and think of desired amount for 10 mins or more
Fold paper in 3 than 3 again making an envolpe. Place coin in envelope. Drip wax over envolpe to make seal while saying "Oh money I need come to me with harm to none so note it be"
Write down your thing you want to see in the future the chant:
I seek sight beyond sight
To see through one's eyes
To see what the future hide
In the shadows
I cast thee
Now let me see
So note it be
By making this tea, it can help you become more smart (to tell me if it helps, mail me something). Drink this while studying to help.
You may need:
2 bowls
Boiled water
Tea mug
Liquid measuring cup
Calculator (if needed)
Chamomile tea leaves, taken out of it's teabag (for relaxation)
Sage tea leaves, taken out of the bag (for wisdom)
Honey (if wanted)
You may need:
2 bowls
Boiled water
Tea mug
Liquid measuring cup
Calculator (if needed)
Chamomile tea leaves, taken out of it's teabag (for relaxation)
Sage tea leaves, taken out of the bag (for wisdom)
Honey (if wanted)
Take the leaves out of each bag and put them into 2 SEPERATE bowls. After boiling the water, put half of the water into each bowl (be careful)
Wait for the tea leaves in both bowls to steep (and cool down a little so the measuring cup doesn't shatter in step 4), pour the bowls into a strainer over that original bowl (so you don't get the leaves in your tea while you drink it), and pour one of the bowls of tea (it doesn't matter which) into the mug up to where ever you think is enough tea.
Using the measuring cup, measure the amount of tea that you poured into the mug. After measuring it, divide that number by two and then measure that amount for each bowl of steeped tea. Put them both into the mug and mix. (If the tea cooled down too much, re-heat it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds)
Use the honey if you want to sweeten it, and drink it while studying.
Light the candle in a dark room, and while its burning, start etching in how much you need on the side like this. $00.0 then start meditating on the thought of cash. After about two minutes say this while meditating. "Money, money, please come to me. I need you in this time of need. Now is not the time to fret, now it is the time to get. So mote it be". Then, soon you will get the money.
Know which path you should take to accomplish something.
You may need:
Seeds of any variety
You may need:
Seeds of any variety
Place all natural objects onto a surface and cover them with both your hands while casting the spell. "Earth, grass, trees and seeds reveal the path to suit my needs"
1 candle with the color that best represents yor wish.(ex. Wealth=green)
1 marker
1fire proof bowl/plate
You may need:
1 bay leaf
1 candle with the color that best represents yor wish.(ex. Wealth=green)
1 marker
1fire proof bowl/plate
Light your candle and meditate on your wish for as much as you like, then write your wish on the bay leaf. When you are done meditating put the bay leaf to the flame of the candle and let it burn and drop it in the bowl/plate when it gets close to your fingers.
When it is completely burned throw the ashes into the wind.