928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Crystal Ball
- A Spell for Self-Esteem
- The Break that Habit
- To find an Object
- Easy Money
- Future Seeing Spell
- Popstar
- Knowledge Tea
- Money Gain
- Spell Fixer
#411 - Crystal Ball
Say: ''I seek reflection of the past, wisdom's warning of what will last.
Good council of right and wrong, show me what on which path that I belong.''
The orb will show you warnings of future events and knowledge that you may need.
Last edited on May 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#412 - A Spell for Self-Esteem
Now, totally relaxed and at ease with yourself, visualize a spot of golden light above you. Watch it get bigger and bigger before it floats down and your body is enveloped in its warm glow. At this point, say the words that follow:
''I have my mark to make,
I have words to say.
Let others hear the words I speak.
And take self-doubt away.
And it harm none, so be it.''
Repeat the words six more times and when you feel ready, leave the bath and snuff out the candles in the usual way. Thread the oak leaves onto the thread, hold them up to the light and repeat the words one more time. Now fold the leaves into the envelope and put it in your handbag or wallet. Whenever you have a bad day, first thing on the following morning, heat the jasmine oil in the burner, relight the candles and hold the leaves up to the flames, repeating the words seven times in all. You can then face the new day with confidence.
When the leaves die, repeat the original spell and it won't be long before you are brimming with self-confidence and no longer have need of it.
#413 - The Break that Habit
Fill the pot with the compost and plant your bulbs or herbs. As you do this, see yourself free from your addiction or sticking to your diet, and looking much healthier as a result. Pat the compost nine times with your finger, saying
"By the power that makes these bulbs/herbs grow
I ask that my compulsion to ***** shall go.
And it harm none, so be it."
Next time you find yourself giving in to temptation (and let's face it we are all human) take the offending cigarette, drink or bun to somewhere you can shred it or pour it into a suitable container.
Take this to the flowerpot and plant or pour a tiny amount into the soil and say:
"Mother Earth, I bury this that you may
Give it new life, through decay.
And it harm none, so be it."
Breathe in the fragrance of the plant, thanking Mother Earth for her grace and dispose of the rest of the offending substance. Next time you are tempted, go to the pot and smell the plants, again thanking Mother Earth for her lovely fragrance
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#414 - To find an Object
#415 - Easy Money
Write on peice of paper desired amount of money. With the coin inscribe $ ero or pound sign in candle (If using peppermint oil rub over candle). Light candles and think of desired amount for 10 mins or more
Fold paper in 3 than 3 again making an envolpe. Place coin in envelope. Drip wax over envolpe to make seal while saying "Oh money I need come to me with harm to none so note it be"
Place envolpe in safe place for a week
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#416 - Future Seeing Spell
I seek sight beyond sight
To see through one's eyes
To see what the future hide
In the shadows
I cast thee
Now let me see
So note it be
But the paper and a sign or vision will happen.
#417 - Popstar
Say 5 times in front of a lit candle while holding a microphone
"May my voice sound like a popstar,
may I sing my best,
the stars answer my plea,
may Mother earth help me.
This is my will, so mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#418 - Knowledge Tea
Take the leaves out of each bag and put them into 2 SEPERATE bowls. After boiling the water, put half of the water into each bowl (be careful)
Wait for the tea leaves in both bowls to steep (and cool down a little so the measuring cup doesn't shatter in step 4), pour the bowls into a strainer over that original bowl (so you don't get the leaves in your tea while you drink it), and pour one of the bowls of tea (it doesn't matter which) into the mug up to where ever you think is enough tea.
Using the measuring cup, measure the amount of tea that you poured into the mug. After measuring it, divide that number by two and then measure that amount for each bowl of steeped tea. Put them both into the mug and mix. (If the tea cooled down too much, re-heat it in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds)
Use the honey if you want to sweeten it, and drink it while studying.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#419 - Money Gain
Light the candle in a dark room, and while its burning, start etching in how much you need on the side like this. $00.0 then start meditating on the thought of cash. After about two minutes say this while meditating. "Money, money, please come to me. I need you in this time of need. Now is not the time to fret, now it is the time to get. So mote it be". Then, soon you will get the money.
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#420 - Spell Fixer
Say this 5 times a week if needed: "Spells work for me. In the name of Darox come to be".
Last edited on Jul 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.