925 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Super Real Success
- Past to Future
- Financial Spell
- Trinka Five Money
- Bath Prosperity Spell
- Money Spell
- Smart Spell
- Protection Spell
- See Your Future Life
- Silent Wish
#481 - Super Real Success
Put the dragon in the bowl, surrounded by the treasure, and then chant:
"Look inside the dragons lair;
see the treasure gatherd there.
with this spell I charge and bless
all these things to bring success."
Keep the dragon bowl somewhere you can see it as a reminder of your achevements.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#482 - Past to Future
Close your eyes and focus on the future while imagining what it looks like. Wave your wand in a circle and say:
"Send me now to the future,
Where now will be the past.
Send me to the future,
To learn my fate at last.
Send me there for _ minutes,
Then send me directly back.
When I stop this stopwatch,
Stop time present.
So mote it be!"
Then open your eyes and start the stopwatch. Stop it when the # of seconds are equal to the # of years you want to go ahead in the future. ex. 0.02(2 seconds)=2 years.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#483 - Financial Spell
If inside sit down at a table.
Place the penny down on a flat surface. Heads up, tails down.
Chant this twice:
Money, in life, is my trouble
So I need help, on the double
In three weeks I wish, hopefully
That these troubles are gone
So Mote It Be.
After saying the chant take the water ( and the leaf is you have one) and place it alongside the penny. Then drop the penny in the glass of water ( and the leaf afterward if you have one ) then say the chant above three more times.
By three weeks the trouble you have with money should be either easier to deal with or gone, depending on how bad you are with the money problems.
Blessed Be
#484 - Trinka Five Money
Place a small bowl in a place you will see every day. Hold 3 coins in your dominant hand and say "Trinka five, trinka five ancient spirits come alive, money grow and money thrive, spirits of the trinka five".
Toss the coins in the bowl and repeat the spell for nine days then continue doing so once a week until you have the money you need.
Last edited on May 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#485 - Bath Prosperity Spell
Now charge your candle and the coins on your altar.
While they charge run a bath then place the coins and a pinch of salt in the water.
Put the candle at the foot of the bath.
Now light the candle and turn off any lights.
Lay back in the water and focus on the flame visualizing yourself receiving the money.
Chant: ''the green dragon flies over the sea, bringing wealth and prosperity to me''.
Do not wash! Just soak...
Once the candle has burned down by a quarter get out of the bath and dry yourself.
Take the candle and the coins to the altar, let the candle burn down.
Give thanks afterwards.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#486 - Money Spell
#487 - Smart Spell
#488 - Protection Spell
''Gods of power
Gods of death
Gods of good
I ask thee to protect me from evils and demons, Let them never come near me, Let it be, Let it be. Protect me with thy powers.''
#489 - See Your Future Life
So lets get started with this tested spell ! Firstly you take a "Crystal Ball" in front of you.Now you take your bowl and put Tobacco in it (Best 5-6 grams) and put that in front of you , but on the right side of crystal ball !.Now slowly put Mineral Water over the tobacco in the bowl.
Now turn lights OFF ,(Its the best way , if you are afraid do not do it ! :) . ) Sit in front of bowl and crystal ball , concetrate on them and clear mind totally (Needed opened Third-Eye as I said.)Hold it there for about 2 min.
Now put 2 white candles (One in front of crystal ball , another from back of crystal ball !.) Light it up.Now close eyes, imagine all you put in front of you in your mind.Concetrate on it and medidate for around , about 10 min. (The longer,The better!.) After that open eyes , and that mixture you maked in bowl , throw slowly over the crystal ball (Dont make a mess !
Now chant these powerfull lines:"Oh goddesess , Fire , Water, Air, Earth , help me , me (your name)______,to see my future , I wont bad past , I want new future, those is my wish , so make it be ! "Blow out candles and leave it on some sunny and happy place !
Now look at crystal ball, you will see ALOT of shapes etc. and everything else.So , concetrate on it ,look how the Mineral Water fall,look all shape from Tobacco etc. So ,when you see alot , or a litle , or a nothing ,it does not matter ,take it ALL from the crystal ball , and put it back in the bowl .
Then fire it with some lighter filled with energy or Aura. Or just some lighter that has really big and good fire. When you light it ,look at the smoke ,and when its all burned , look at the shapes left in bowl.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#490 - Silent Wish
Write your wish on a piece of paper and say in your mind or whisper into paper:
"Hear me mystic, I don't fear, here's my wish, dish it for me, make it true, read my mind, lead to what is mine. No cons or tricks, no bad deeds done, make my wish come to me. This is my will, so mote it be" say/think it at least three times.
Kiss the paper and put it under your pillow, or under your head when you sleep.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.