928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Protection Spell
- See Your Future Life
- Silent Wish
- I.Q.
- Luck
- Money Spell
- Money Honey
- Lovers spell
- Money Flow
- Prosperity Pouch
#491 - Protection Spell
''Gods of power
Gods of death
Gods of good
I ask thee to protect me from evils and demons, Let them never come near me, Let it be, Let it be. Protect me with thy powers.''
#492 - See Your Future Life
So lets get started with this tested spell ! Firstly you take a "Crystal Ball" in front of you.Now you take your bowl and put Tobacco in it (Best 5-6 grams) and put that in front of you , but on the right side of crystal ball !.Now slowly put Mineral Water over the tobacco in the bowl.
Now turn lights OFF ,(Its the best way , if you are afraid do not do it ! :) . ) Sit in front of bowl and crystal ball , concetrate on them and clear mind totally (Needed opened Third-Eye as I said.)Hold it there for about 2 min.
Now put 2 white candles (One in front of crystal ball , another from back of crystal ball !.) Light it up.Now close eyes, imagine all you put in front of you in your mind.Concetrate on it and medidate for around , about 10 min. (The longer,The better!.) After that open eyes , and that mixture you maked in bowl , throw slowly over the crystal ball (Dont make a mess !
Now chant these powerfull lines:"Oh goddesess , Fire , Water, Air, Earth , help me , me (your name)______,to see my future , I wont bad past , I want new future, those is my wish , so make it be ! "Blow out candles and leave it on some sunny and happy place !
Now look at crystal ball, you will see ALOT of shapes etc. and everything else.So , concetrate on it ,look how the Mineral Water fall,look all shape from Tobacco etc. So ,when you see alot , or a litle , or a nothing ,it does not matter ,take it ALL from the crystal ball , and put it back in the bowl .
Then fire it with some lighter filled with energy or Aura. Or just some lighter that has really big and good fire. When you light it ,look at the smoke ,and when its all burned , look at the shapes left in bowl.
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#493 - Silent Wish
Write your wish on a piece of paper and say in your mind or whisper into paper:
"Hear me mystic, I don't fear, here's my wish, dish it for me, make it true, read my mind, lead to what is mine. No cons or tricks, no bad deeds done, make my wish come to me. This is my will, so mote it be" say/think it at least three times.
Kiss the paper and put it under your pillow, or under your head when you sleep.
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#494 - I.Q.
Draw a square on your hand and inside it put the number you want your I.Q. to be (please make it logical)
Say: "I control what I know, gods and goddesses aid me in this. I bend my I.Q. to what I want, this is my will, so mote it be" three times
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#495 - Luck
Say "My luck is good, my luck is strong, please don't let me be wrong. My luck is sweet, my luck is kind, and it will be mine" three times or more and then after you finish repeating it, say "this is my will, so mote it be"
Last edited on May 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#496 - Money Spell
By Knot Of one, my spell's begun
By Knot Of two, plenty fruitful work to do
By Knot Of three, money comes to me
By Knot Of four, opportunity knocks at my door
By Knot Of five, my business thrives
By Knot Of six, this spell is fixed
By Knot Of seven, success is given
By Knot Of eight, increase is great
By Knot Of nine, these things are mine
keep the cord somewhere safe, in your purse or wallet would be good.
#497 - Money Honey
''Money I need, money come to me. I ask of thee I seek prosperity. Abundance be mine and manifest three times. Enrich my life and help me please. It is money I need and it is money I seek. I ask my spirits to bless this spell and bring me money to pay my bills. This is my wish I make now.''
Then, take one bay leaf at a time and burn it. (bay leaves are used for manifesting wishes.) After you finish burning all three leaves say:
''I thank you for your grace and bless this spell I have cast. I draw prosperity into my life now, so mote it be.''
Blow out the candles but let your set up remain in the positions they are set up placed on your alter for 24 hours.
Last edited on Jul 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#498 - Lovers spell
#499 - Money Flow
In small glass jar, put 5 penny and 5 dimes. Sprinkle a touch of cinnamon. Now write the amount you need and what you need it for on a small paper, then fold the paper very small. Write your name and the desired date you need the money by on a bay leaf. Set a white candle near or on the jar, and repeat the words:
"My intent is pure and wish no harm to anyone
I request the power of the energies
money blessing come to me
I will it so mote it be ."
Burn the candle for at least an hour then set jar in sunny window spot. Every day add a few coins during sunny hours. After you reach your goal or pass the date, burn the paper, bury the ashes outside with 1 penny and 1 dime and the bay leaf.
Last edited on May 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#500 - Prosperity Pouch
Step 1: put the bayberries and sage into the bowl. Don't put the pine needles in because the needles need to be crushed into smaller bits so that they can fit in the pouch.
Step 2: crush the pine needles. You can use your hands or a mortal and pestle for this if you want. Once you are done crushing them, put them in the bowl with the other herbs.
Step 3: mix the berries, sage, and needles together in the same bowl.
Step 4: lay out the cloth on a flat surface. Put two tablespoons of the mixture onto the center of the cloth.
Step 5: put three drops of almond oil on top of the mixture on the cloth. If you don't have almond oil then you can skip this step.
Step 6: Bring all the sides of the cloth together and twist it once. Tie the sting around the twist tight enough so that it won't come apart.
Step 7: Now, put the pouch somewhere. You can put it in different places for different things. For example, if you want your garden to prosper, put the pouch in a gardening shed or hang it on the garden fence. I usually put mine on the mantle piece or above the door or next to my bed. You can also carry it with you if you want.These make great gifts too.
Now your done!