927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Basics of Spellcasting
- Past to Future Spell
- Good Fortune
- Scullcap Money
- To Obtain Money
- Money Spell
- Abundance Satchet Spell
- Calling A Lost Witch Spell
- First Impression
- Cleansing Spell
#541 - Basics of Spellcasting
Now not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn't everything that you should know.
Magic secret #1: You MUST truly believe a spell will work from the bottom of your heart.
Magic secret #2: Direct your spell as desired by being in the frame of mind needed to cast it correctly.
Magic secret #3: Charge your spells with outside energy from nature. Use natural ingredients like herbs, wood, and other plants, and, I can't stress this enough, thank the Earth for the energy you've borrowed!
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#542 - Past to Future Spell
Send me to the future, where now will be the past send me too the future to learn my fate at last send me there for __ minutes then send me directly back when I stop this stop watch stop time present so mote it be
Then open your eyes and start the stopwatch.
Stop it when the number of seconds are equal to the number of years you want to go ahead in the future. It may take a second too work.
Have a nice journey if It works mail me
Note-No matter what terrible things you see you cant change it. Its your fate, you asked for it-WolfHowls and Hannah Ward
#543 - Good Fortune
Now, chant (In a whisper, regular voice, or yell) 'My dear moon goddess, bless upon me the fortune of the moon and stars. May the bowl represent the earth! May the water represent the night sky! May each grain of salt represent the stars! May each stone represent a different piece of the moon!' And if you added a four leaf clover then say, 'May the clover represent the luck you will bring!' And finish both with, 'Please give me fortune, my dear moon goddess!'
Then, finish by grabbing a pinch of salt and throwing it in the air.
Now, you will experience some type of good luck, if you concentrated good enough! (Ex. Good gradeon test, raise at work, decrease in electric bill, etc.) Keep practicing if you did not get results!
#544 - Scullcap Money
To inspire others to give you money, place some Scullcap in a small saucer and moisten it with Money Mist, or Money Drawing Oil. Get a ball of green cord or yarn and wind it around your "nest egg" of Scullcap and oil, winding until the herb is completely covered and secure.
Tie the cord so that the ball will not unwind and hang above the doorway. All those who enter will become possessed with an unreasoning desire to bring gifts and money to your home. Anoint the ball every seventh day with a few drops of the oil to preserve it's powers.
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#545 - To Obtain Money
During the Full Moon.
Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the Moon's silver.
While doing this say:
"Lovely Lady of the Moon
Bring to me your wealth right soon.
Fill my hands with silver and gold.
All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.
Last edited on May 02, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#546 - Money Spell
What you need is your voice and your belief, and a piece of green paper! You will need a black or dark green marker. A dark green maker will probably work best.
Take the piece of paper, (Green) and fold it half, like a folder. Then, write a symbol of a money, (coins or a dollar.) Write the amount of money you wish to have.Then close it again. Take it very close to your chest and close your eyes.
Then say this:
"May thee money come to me, as I need it greatly, I wish to spend it wisely not for greedy. All I requested is right amount for me. To use and buy only for joy and of the need. May thee money come forth and let me have the rightful cash I need. Some money is all I asked for, not too much not too little is all I ask for. So let it come forth and let it be of what I need."
Last edited on Nov 25, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#547 - Abundance Satchet Spell
After general prayers and offerings, (cinnamon is a great incense for such a spell) take up the green candle and hold it in both hands. Chant the following:
''Dear _________, God/dess of abundance,
To you I pray,
Here in this hour I ask to lend your power.
Imbue this candle I hold,
With the great gift of abundance.
Abundance in ____(Your desire____).''
Repeat this 9 times as you charge the candle with green energy. Feel the power of this energy come from within you out your hands and empower the candle. Just like a superhero would cast superpowers out of his/her hands.
When done place the candle down. and light it. Place youe hands about the glow of the light (not too close) and chant:
''Radiant power of abundance now give your power.
lend your abundant energy to this satchet craft.
And empower me as you empower the satchet.
Guide my hands properly.''
Now take up the green cloth and place it on the table/floor. Take a pinch of each of the herbs and pour it into the center of the cloth. Bundle it up tight and tie it closed with the gold cord or ribbon. No need to rush this. (Take your time and think on the abundant gifts of each herb.)
Now hold the bundle in your hand and say:
''Bundled tight in green candle light,
Bundle and mixed with a magickal twix
Bundled in green to with a magickal sheen
Bundled in gold, abundance inside it does hold.''
Say this a total 9 times.
Now place this bundle next to the candle. Hold your hands over the candle and bundle and chant:
''Divine god/dess _______ to you I ask
gift your gifts to this spell.
Imbue this satche and candle with your gifts,
and your divine energy.
This I so ask.''
Now leave the satchet in the glow of the green candle and let the candle burn down till nothing is left. When done, take the satchet and hide it in your house, somewhere safe. Do not place it near a window or door. If Abundance is a dire need, you can make 4 satchets and place them in the four corners of your home.
(If the abundance you want is indeed money, place a couple of coins in the satchet as well.)
#548 - Calling A Lost Witch Spell
Power of the witches' rise.
Course unseen across the skies.
Come to us, we call you near.
Come to us and settle here.
Blood to blood, I summon thee.
Blood to blood, return to me.
#549 - First Impression
Cut the orange into 4 pieces. Run yourself a bath. Place the orange pieces, vanilla extract & rose petals into your bath then get in! Close your eyes, inhale the aroma & chant:
"The first time you see me
I can do no wrong
To you I am perfect
My name is your song
Youll always remember
When we first met
As the day you realized
Im the best you can get
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done"
Imagine the person you are meeting for the first time and repeat the chant as if you were saying these words directly to them. You may do this several times until you feel confident that you will make a great first impression!
Last edited on May 03, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#550 - Cleansing Spell
Peel the Orange and only keep the rind (skin).
Put the Orange Peelings, Coconut & Lime Juice in your bath.
Close your eyes and chant 3 times:
"I cleanse myself
My slate is clean
Release negativity
From my very being
Positivity surrounds me
My soul is free
The Divine is within
Protecting me
This spell is true
And harms no one
As I will it
It is done."
For added power you may turn off the lights and use white candles. Close your eyes and inhale the aroma, feel the negativity being removed from you and envision a white light of positivity surrounding you. Be careful not to fall asleep!
You can also collect some of your concoction (before you step into the tub) and sprinkle throughout your home, or vehicle, or workplace for a little added protection in your environment.
Note: Do not use ingredients you are allergic to!
CAUTION: Be very careful when using fire!!!!
*Do Not Leave Burning Candles Unattended*
Last edited on May 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.