928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- For Employment
- A Random Spell of Good
- Get Good Grades
- Spell to Obtain Money
- Wishing Coin
- Remember Bad Memories In a Good Way
- Becoming a Fairy
- Good Road Or Bad
- Sun Money
- Ensure Success
#611 - For Employment
Holding the stone or magnet, imagine vividly the kind of job you want and the feeling you will have while working there. Do not imagine names, the appearance of the workplace, or other details which might limit your choices.
Speak aloud the qualifications you have for holding such a job. and ask aloud that you find it within a certain number of days. Raise power and charge the stone by dancing or breathing.
The next day, have the stone or magnet with you as you make six job contacts, and precisely six contacts a day until you have the job you desire.
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#612 - A Random Spell of Good
The coffee granules: no more than a pinch of these should go in.
The sugar: just a sprinkle will do.
The cinnamon: make sure it's powdered and don't use a spoon for it, or it will be too much.
The vanilla extract: a vanilla pod works too.
The hot water: pour until the container is nearly full,and don't touch it.
The lemon: if possible, grate in a little zest.
The bay leaves: stir them in nicely, but don't crush them.
The orange flower: it smells good... even better in your potion!
The bluebell: plop it in.
The dandelion leaf: chop it up finely, then put it in.
The clover and lilac flowers: put these in while chanting:
In this potion I make for me, (put in one flower and one clover leaf)
I invoke the power of three, (put in one flower and one clover leaf)
Earth, wind, fire and sea, (put in one flower and one clover leaf)
Help my spell with powers thee! (put in the stem of the clover)
Your potion is done, but feel free to add in whatever leaves you want.
Bottle up the potion (preferrably sill hot)and stand outside in a place where you won't be noticed using magic, but where the jar will smash. Say this spell:
My magical spell,
With delightful smell,
Bring good luck to me,
In whatever form,
Whether in a swarm,
Or coming piece by piece.
Drop the jar by your feet so it smashes. Something positive will happen to you soon up to a month or two. It's different every time.
#613 - Get Good Grades
Say it once while studying and once while taking a test.
"On the count of one, the spell will start. On the count of two, I'll know it all by heart. On the count of three, an A for me. 1, 2, and 3".
"On this test I take today
I will receive no less than A.
Earth, wind, fire and sea,
As I say, So mote it be".
Last edited on Nov 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#614 - Spell to Obtain Money
Inscribe a green candle with your name and the exact amount of money you need – no more, no less. Anoint the candle with vegetable oil and roll it in powdered basil (or cinnamon powder if powdered basil is unobtainable.) Light it and say:
Money come and money grow.
Money's mine; to me it flows!
#615 - Wishing Coin
Meditate. Focus your power on the coin, building up energy. Then say the following one time: "Gods of magic. I hearby call on you to give this goin (#) wishes so that I can wish for what I want. So mote it be".
Last edited on Mar 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#616 - Remember Bad Memories In a Good Way
You will have peace about it, no bad feelings about it. For example, your bestest friend ever died, you may have thought you've been alone all along.You will feel fortunete and you feel as if had good luck about it.
#617 - Becoming a Fairy
First all 4 of the people sit in a circle and hold a pinecone in the middle of eachother touching. Next you must chant the following:
"Gods of the fairies
I wish to become one of you
I will never harm any of your kind
I want my wings to be
And I want my powers to be
So mote it be".
Chant that 3 times together. When you have done that throw the pinecones in the air... This can be in the day, at anytime but remember to be alone somewhere. The side effects are two spots where the wings will grow, headache, nausea (where you feel like your going to be sick but you wont).
Last edited on Mar 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#618 - Good Road Or Bad
Whisper to the picture: "I wish for ___ not to happen or to happen in my unseen future".
Last edited on Mar 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#619 - Sun Money
First take your coins and put it in a place where there are sun rays and then say:'' Oh great sun I ask for thee, send down money for me.'' Leave the coins there and focus on them and imagine where you want it to appear.
Last edited on Aug 04, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#620 - Ensure Success
''All I ask is what I'm due
For hard-skills fought and talents true
Help me get all that I've earned
For my hard work and lessons learned
As I sow, so shall I reap
Credits earned so shall I keep
Earth, Wind, Water, Fire
Bring to me the outcome I desire
By the power of Three Times Three
As I will it, so mote it be''