927 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- My Pendulum
- Stone Magick
- Quick Hypnotic Induction
- Manifest Something
- Gift of Magick
- Undo Curse
- Lunar Magick
- Herbs of Communication spell
- Get More Money
#671 - My Pendulum
Any necklaces can be used as a pendulum so shall it be. Its just an item hung from a string. You can take a hair tie to your ring to devine a question about anything. Speak desire if it will be it will be, it will swing deosol on that ring. If it swings side to side like Im shaking my head no then my love the question you'll know. I you walk to your target it will spin as if fate if it crosses youll know its a little to late.
Last edited on Jan 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#672 - Stone Magick
Green and pink stones bring love and happiness and produce it in others. You can seep rose quartz in milk or water and drink to heal the heart of hate and negative emotion.
Red stones are of mars confer stength, rid fear, grant bravery and strength, aid the warrior.
Blue stones are of mercury. They aid healing, communication, protect the traveler, and athletes.
Purple jupiter stones protect against spirits and possession, aid law, and power. They protect against the weather.
White stones are of the moon they aid in protection, increase the dream power, balance the mind its psyche, protect against nightmeres.
Yellow stones are of the sun they protect aid in vision the eyes and mind increase healing happiness etc.
Brown or black is of saturn suppresses binds ends blackens so shall it be
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#674 - Quick Hypnotic Induction
2. Inhale in four seconds,
hold in for four seconds,
exhale in four seconds,
hold out for four seconds,
and take a final deep breath.
3. Breathing slowly ignore any thoughts,
simply not understanding them, not thinking
about them, just letting the thoughts
slip away.
4. Administer your suggestions.
#675 - Manifest Something
Now draw anything to be manifested by the lord and lady anew. It can be an animal, a flower, a person to come into your life like a son etc. Just give it a time a place and any thing else about them like a sign, month, deity etc. Use the keys of magic to see it and help it exist in their name.
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#676 - Gift of Magick
#677 - Undo Curse
Wait till a rainy day or night. Then in the rain turn around three times and say 'by turn of one the curse is done by turn of two the curse is through by turn of three so shall it be "
Last edited on Jan 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#678 - Lunar Magick
The scissors are a long held magickal tool. It represents the fates but also the Goddess. The cresent moon on the handle is the waxing moon, the maiden. The full moon on the handle is the mother. And the blades are the crone aspect.
The scissors act, severing the thread of life the three stages of life birth life and death and the three stages of initiation beginner adept priestess. The lunar symbol represents the Goddess and therefore can be used to break spells, can be hung in the home for protection or under pillow to dream of your fate in sleep, it has so many uses black thread can be used to for bindings and other spell work.
Last edited on Jan 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#679 - Herbs of Communication spell
This isn't just a love spell, A good example of when I cast it was when I was once waiting to hear about a job and I was reckless with worry, everytime my mobile buzzed I would jump on it thinking it was a call to tell me that I had got it, I checked my emails twise a day, everyday. I waited and waited. I was going the way lots of girls go when they have been out on a few dates with someone they REALLY fancy and... not even so much as a "like" on Facebook or an email from him since and no explaination as to why he hasn't got in touch.
I was like that over a job. CALM DOWN! and do something none related to whatever it is your obsessing about. But It was hard for me as not having any money or a job at the time got me down. So I cast a little spell.
You need your "comunication tool" or why not use more then one. Your phone or Laptop will do or use whatever you want. Write on the tiny piece of paper either the initials of the person you want to call you or the name of the place if you are waiting for a phone call from for a job and don't know the name of the person who will ring you.Put this piece of paper under your phone or laptop then slowly scatter the herbs in a clockwise direction around your phone.Picture that person picking up their phone and texting you or calling your number or walking over to your computer. What do you want this person to say to you in their message or do you just want them to see how you are with a friendly phone call? Think about it and concentrate.
"Herbs or Mercury, speed to me the call I wish to receive"
or you can change the word "call" to "text" or "email" because we live in a busy modern world and texting has, in some cases replaced phone calls and it's how some would rather comunicate. No worries.
Leave your phone with the herbs scattered around it while you sleep, it's a good idea to turn it off not because of the spell but it's good every once in a while to have "me" time and focus on you. Not the person you want to call you or what outcome you want but you. Plus, getting silly facebook updates from randomers can be a tad annoying when you are trying to get your forty winks!
Turn the phone on in the morning. DO NOT ATTACH any emotions to the situation go on with your day and you will get your call/ text/ letter/ email. I've tried this spell with friends I havn't heard from in years, Would - be employers and even guys I've dated and It always works. I always get a response and I NEVER call them first, I leave them to get in touch with me.
Last edited on Jul 16, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#680 - Get More Money
2. Place the three yellow candles on the fire, earth and spirit points of your pentagram and light them in a clockwise motion.
3. Light the incense.
4. Pass the one dollar bill through the incense smoke, then place it at the center of your pentagram.
5. Visualize your goal. Imagine the bill in front of you multiplying into tall stacks. Picture spending the money on things you need, and prudently investing what you don't.
6. Sprinkle the orange, lime or lemon zest in a clockwise rotation over the one dollar bill. As you do, recite the following incantation:
Sun in the east
if it be your will
Multiply now
this one dollar bill
With help for many
And harm to none
On this sunny morning
Let my will be done
7. Close your magic circle.
8. Snuff out the candles in a clockwise rotation.
Keep the dollar bill in your wallet for a full week. It might be helpful to mark it with a pen in the very upper right corner just to make sure you can distinguish it from the rest.
After the week is up, think carefully about what you use it to help purchase. Items of necessity or practical use will bolster your karma, and therefore the potency of the spell; items that are less practical may diminish your karma.
You can expect money to come easier and in larger quantities within three days of casting the spell. If the dollar used in the ritual is spent or lost before the week is up, the spell's effect will wear off immediately.
Last edited on Apr 05, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.