928 Wealth Spells from Spell Casters
- Money Bottle
- Nature Circle
- Rite of 4 Elements to Attract Money
- Sport Mind Control
- Attention
- Money
- Write Neat with Pencil
- Boost Your Luck
- Awaken the conscience of the debtor spells
- Money spell
#731 - Money Bottle
Light a green candle. Combine all ingredients in a bottle, shake it and say: " Herbs and silver, copper and corn. Let my money grow, in my home flow". Close the bottle cap and seal with wax on a green candle. Place the bottle on the table the money anywhere in the house, you can put in a bookcase.
Last edited on Nov 19, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#732 - Nature Circle
First off sit comfortably on any smooth surface and put the candle in front of you. The candle should be the appropriate color (ex; love=red, black=death). Light your candle and take the soil and create a circle around you and the candle. For extra strength, sprinkle sand and salt on the soil circle for extra power. Chant "Water, air, earth and fire. I call upon you"
Then say your spell. The spell has to be nature related, like growth or protection of plants or animals. Have a glass of water near so you can put out the candle with your fingers. If you don't feel comfortable doing this, either let the wind blow it out or pour water on the flame. sit in the circle for a few moments and breathe. Scoop up as much soil/sand/salt from your circle as you can and let the wind blow it from your hands.
Last edited on Nov 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#733 - Rite of 4 Elements to Attract Money
Put your piggy bank at the center of the table. On the north side of it, put a plate with salt. Salt - a symbol of the element of earth and place value. On the south side of a candlestick. Put a yellow candle, which symbolizes the element of fire, and another coin. Let the east stands a bottle of your favorite cologne (perfume) - is a symbol of the element. Air, and put it next to a coin. In the west - a glass of water (water element) and coin. Having placed all the items, proceed to the ceremony.
Take a few crystals of salt and toss them in a piggy bank. Throwing in a piggy bank and then coin, be sure to say: "As the salt on the table and money in the bank!" Light a candle, throw a coin into a piggy bank and say: "The fire is burning gold!" Let the candle burn completely.
Pick up a bottle of perfume, drip a little on the piggy bank, and say the words: "The winds are buzzing - money ring!" Do not forget to throw a coin into a piggy bank. Pour a cup of the palm of a few drops of water, run his hand over his face and say: "Monetary wave washes" - and throw a coin in the piggy bank quarter.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#734 - Sport Mind Control
Concentrate on the Batter Say/mumble/whisper:
"I can do this
You can do this,
Do (action) as the ball comes towards them".
Smile as the batter does strikes/swings at a ball.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#735 - Attention
Sit or lay down on a bed ( or a floor) but make sure your in the house you live in. Calm your mind of anything stressful or depressing. Make sure everything in the room is off like radios, computers, ipod, cell phone, tv, anything that will distract you from doing clearing your mind of everything.
Take 6 strands of hair from your hair brush or just get the small ones in the front.get a sea shell and a jar of anykind. Put everything in the jar besides the milk and the lighter. mix them all up and after 5 minutes or so put in the milk. After 5 minutes is up put the jar cap on it and seal it.
Take the lighter and light it and hold the flame under the jar for about 4 to 5 seconds then stop.Take the jar and put it under your bed and keep it there for about 2 to 3 weeks. (yes it will get nasty but that's why you put the jar cap on it). After the weeks are over go outside and pour it on a flower of your kind. your results will come in about 3 to 4 weeks.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#736 - Money
Have the money in your pocket and say:
"Double the money
Double it quick
Double the money
Double it"
Last edited on Nov 13, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#737 - Write Neat with Pencil
Hold the pencil and chant the following:
"Oh this pencil, I enchant thee, make it a pencil of writing neat."
Last edited on Dec 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#738 - Boost Your Luck
All you need to do is say:
"Turn my luck from bad to good,
In the force of my will.
Wrap it around me like a hood,
Easy as going down a hill.
So mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#739 - Awaken the conscience of the debtor spells
You draw it runoskript on a photo of your debtor: It will help determine how the debtor should the money - give much, but no more. This runoskript is suitable for recovery of debts to creditors, obtaining debt, but also for the return of different things (the material), including just lost. A picture of this can be found at the bottom.
On the reverse side of the picture you write, the name of your debtor, his date of birth and your requirement to return the money (specify amount). way to specify the period during which the money must be returned (at least 1 week).
Runeskript consists of Runes: Thurisaz-Nauthiz_Fehu(inverted, mirror)-Gebo. After repayment of the debt. burn photos with thanks to the Gods of the Northern.
Last edited on Nov 21, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#740 - Money spell
Take any box. With love anything is lined with a warm. Put back the ''golden egg''.
Eggs are preparing in advance. Take the inner box from the kinder-surprise. Inside the egg is laid etgo largest banknote. Locked, you can even wrap it with gold foil. put the egg in a box and cover the hot-water bottle on top (not electric). close the box lid.
after 3 days, you can hatch money ''chicken'' (money bill) from the egg. Put this money bill in your wallet, with the words: ''Chicken in a purse planting, to communicate it authorize the money!''.