987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Air Bending
- Become One with the Wind
- Become One with the Wind
- Fire Power
- Fire Dragon Iron Fist
- Calling A Gale
- Hot Day
- Wind Powers
- Control the Sky
- Fairy Dust
#181 - Air Bending
The first step is to meditate. Sit cross-legged on the ground for this. Now, close your eyes and clear your mind, having the distractions and noises all around you fade away. Now, imagine yourself floating. Floating above the Snow White fluffy clouds. Now, imagine turquoise colored glowing air flowing into the soles of your palms, and imagine it flowing through your Veins. Now, keeping your eyes closed, slowly move your hands.
If you feel air circling through your palms, good! If nothing, keep trying and never give up. If you feel warmth, pressure, or pain in your hands, take a break and try again later.
Once you master this meditation, try taking a deep breath, roll a paper up, put it on the floor, and focus on it. Think in your mind the thoughts of what you thought in the meditation. Now, make a swift movement with your arms. If you are successful, the paper should roll across the floor. If not, keep trying.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#182 - Become One with the Wind
Pour exactly one cup of pepper on a windy day, and go outside (once again, it CAN'T be raining). Pour it on your head, and chant 'Gods and godesses, hear my wish and make it so. Make me temporarilly one with the wind. 15 minutes is all I need. This is my wish, so mote it be.'
Last edited on Dec 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#183 - Become One with the Wind
Grab exactly 1 cup of salt on a windy day, and go outside. (It CAN'T be raining. Only wind) Slowly pour the salt on your head, chanting 'Gods and godesses, hear my wish and make it so. Make me one with the wind for eternity. Never allowing me to seperate. This is my wish, so mote it be.' Now, you should be one with the wind.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#184 - Fire Power
Warning: Remember, you're dealing with open fire, here. Don't mess around, even IF this spell works.
1. At night, light th candle. Remember not to have anything that can burn easily.
2. Put a circle of gravel around the candle.
3. Stare into the fire, and chant:
"Gods and godesses, hear my wish. Allow me to control and summon the fire from this candle as I please. Make it listen and obey me, and me alone. Allow me to create a blazing trail if I so wish. Or a small, decent flame. This is my wish, so mote it be."
4. After an hour of staring into the flame, blow it out, and go to sleep. Let me know if this works!
Last edited on Sep 30, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#185 - Fire Dragon Iron Fist
This spell requires you not be afraid of fire and be able to withstand lots of pain.First you need to have a huge burst of energy. Now you want to grab the hot ashes In both hands and squeeze them tight and say once with all the energy you got from that burst and say:
"Oh fire dragon king igneel, I wish to have the magic of your subjects or from his grace. I wish to learn the abilities fire dragon iron fist grant me this power so that I can destroy all evil and darkness in anyones path, so that it will not torment anymore oh fire dragon king grant me this wish so mote it be."
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#186 - Calling A Gale
With a clear and concentrated mind focus on the Wind. Feel the breeze feel every nuance as it passes across your skin. you are the wind. When you have this firmly in your mind your body your heart your soul chant these words:
"Winds of time, Winds of space,
Winds that all around me race,
I call you to this fan I hold,
And bind you to it Sevenfold.
When it moves you shall move,
And to all your Power prove."
If you have spoken these words with the proper concentration, then the very wind itself should be bound to the fans every move. The faster you move the fan the faster the wind should blow. It helps if the fan is made of completely natural materials(I.e. bamboo and silk)
Last edited on Dec 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#187 - Hot Day
Focus on the weather in your minds eye and chant: "Oh Gods, hear my wish. Tomorrow is a cold day. Warm my hearth, warm tomorrow, cheer my soul. So mote it be". Imagine the weather changing, the sun coming out, and the earth heating up.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#188 - Wind Powers
Sit outside on a sunny day and close your eyes. Then just focus on the wind coming and blowing around you. Then open your eyes and see if the wind is blowing. If it is, the spell worked.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#189 - Control the Sky
''Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee, hear my plea, and let it be. ( say request)
Ancient Gods and Goddesses, I invoke thee, hear my plea, so mote it be.''
This has worked every time for me, even on my first test, so I'm pretty sure you will be successful . This is also my first spell and am really proud of it.
#190 - Fairy Dust
Let the petals soak in the water for 1-3 hours (or add the glitter/sparkles with the petals and let the water evaporate and done!). Then pour a lot of the water out and pour in glitter/sparkles. Let the water evaporate.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.