987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Create A Thunderstorm
- Make it Windy
- Rain Harder
- Rain
- Rain
- Angel Wing Transformation
- Weather Changing
- Element Control: Fire
- Blue FIre
- Fire to Banish Spirits
#201 - Create A Thunderstorm
Go outside into a clear area. *If you are in a group, join hands and spin as you* Chant:
"Thunder, Thunder,
Lightning, Lightning,
Make A Storm Appear Here."
Chant this many times to achieve the desired affect.
This spell should go into effect immediately, especially if you are chanfing as a group. This will work any time of year but is strongest in summer. Good Luck!
Last edited on Apr 09, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#202 - Make it Windy
Go out side and light a candle (optional) and then close your eyes sayimg Noc-tu Nevet-a Nec-tear Veiert-on. So this probably wont work for beggeners and it takes time also it may not be really windy the first time you try so try once a day.
Last edited on Jun 22, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#203 - Rain Harder
First, make sure it's raining. I recommend it to be more than a light drizzle. Go outside, but don't get wet. Next, go into a sheltered area such as a porch with a roof, an undercover area at the local school, places like that. Then, look out at the ground where the rain is hitting. Listen to the rain hitting the roof and so on, try to become one with the rain. Now, imagine it begging to rain harder. Then, yell "I want it to rain harder, So mote it be."
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#204 - Rain
Part one:
Place the cotton in the bowl, light it and say:
"Nimbostratus,colonimbus I need the jewel of rain,
Nimbostratus, colonimbus give me the jewel of rain,
Nimbostratus, colonimbus only for a day.
Repeat as many times you feel like, or until the cotton is completely burnt.
Part two:
First, cast your circle then take your wand/stick and wet it with water from a tap after doing so, place your bowl of rainwater in the middle of the circle or on top of your alter, then grab your stick/wand and splash the water with your stick/wand 3x then say:
"There is rain lingering in the clouds, by the power of the spirit and the power of three, I set the rain free after saying this three times say so mote it be!" Then undo your circle.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#205 - Rain
Go outside and stare up at the clouds while saying this incantation:
"Ancient Gods and Goddesses,
I invoke thee.
Waters from the sky,
Let it be."
"I command thee now,
To thee all.
Listen to my desire,
Rain fall!"
Make sure you imagine rain falling from the clouds when you say this spell.
(It may come as a hurricane, so beware)
Last edited on Nov 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#206 - Angel Wing Transformation
1. Pick up a feather (preferably your wing color) and put it on your chest.
2.Have belief that it will work! If you don't, then the spell won't work and you'll be sorry!
3. Chant this spell 3x:
"Dear Gods and Goddesses Of The Angels, please hear my plea, I would like (Color Of Angel Wings) angels wings. So I can fly through the night sky. I hate to be a bother, but I would also like them so only (People Who Can See Your Wings) to see my wings. This is my will, so mote it be!"
Then for 1 month before bed chant " Give Me Physical Wings " before bed!
Side Affects
- Between Shoulder Bones There's Pain
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Likes To Be High Up
- Feels Like Passing Out At Times
Last edited on Nov 23, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#207 - Weather Changing
First you put the pieces paper on an flat surface that you could write with (any kind of paper) then you draw a puppet.
Then you draw the symbol of (Rain if where you live is Sunny or The opposite to make it Sunny)
Beware what ever symbol of weather you put on the puppet vest it's will come true (weather). When you finish you could just tape it anywhere that the sky could see it.
Last edited on Nov 14, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#208 - Element Control: Fire
Write the spell down on a piece of paper. Light your candle. Meditate on the candle new and try to match your energies with it. Recite the spell,
" Divine goddess, goddess divine, divine god, god divine, grant me the power to control the flames. Allow me to snuff it out, or to bring it forth, and to control it with my mind's eye.
By the power of three;
So mote it be,
So mote it be,
So mote it be. "
On the first, " so mote it be", tear up the spell. On the third one, light it on fire, and place it in your vessel. Make sure that it all turns to ash. Rub the ashes on your hands, or mix it with lotion first.
Meditate on the spell, and imagine it's power from the ashes seeping into your skin, filling your entire body
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#209 - Blue FIre
Soak the paper in ethyl alcohol. Light the candle close your eyes. Hold the paper with the alcohol over the candle so it lights on fire. (Be careful your eyes must be closed) Concentrate on the color blue. Once you feel warm and smell smoke, open your eyes and there should be a blue fire. Now be careful you are dealing with fire so have at least water near by.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#210 - Fire to Banish Spirits
"Ashes to ashes,
Fire and thunder rise together and become one,
Banish this evil for all the harm it has done!"
Chant as much times as you like though I usually do it 1-5 times
Last edited on Nov 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.