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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. Bring a Storm
  2. Prophetic Visions - Truth Spell
  3. Burning Insence Power Spell
  4. Fire Balls
  5. Wind Spell
  6. Cloudy Day
  7. Flying
  8. Control Elements Spell
  9. 3 Spells in One
  10. Become a Drinker Spell (Vampyre)

#371 - Bring a Storm

This is how to bring a storm.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Step outside. Stare up at the sky. Yell the following spell up at the sky. be as loud as possible.

    "I wish for a storm
    It is all I want
    Lightening, thunder, water
    It is my wish
    So mote it be"

    Added to on Jul 30, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #372 - Prophetic Visions - Truth Spell

    This spell shows you the truth through visions.
    You may need:

  • Glass bowl, or something to place the herbs in
  • Thyme Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Lighter or stove
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    You may need:

  • Glass bowl, or something to place the herbs in
  • Thyme Leaves
  • Basil Leaves
  • Lighter or stove
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    Take your bowl and place the thyme and basil leaves in.

    Add a small amount of water.

    Place the lighter under the glass bowl, letting the herbs/spices to heat up. This may give off a spell. When it does give off a smell, chant three times: Speak in the smoke of the herbs, or where you can smell it.

    ''Show me the way,

    Give me the truth,

    From energy within,

    Tell me what to do.''

    Now Say once:

    ''From the power within,

    I ask thee: (your question)''

    breathe in the burning herbs.

    say once:

    ''This is my will,

    So mote it be.''

    Good luck. This spell was newly made, so it is best done by charging it, which you can find out how under the history tab on my profile.

    Be careful not to burn yourself!

    Added to on Jul 29, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #373 - Burning Insence Power Spell

    This spell gives the spell caster an increased amount of power and energy for spell casting or abilities.
    You may need:

  • red candle
  • blue candle
  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • basil
  • knife/needle to draw blood
  • night
  • Bowl (glass, metal, etc. Not plastic)
  • Lighter
  • Small piece of paper
  • pen/marker - best not to use a pencil
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    You may need:

  • red candle
  • blue candle
  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • basil
  • knife/needle to draw blood
  • night
  • Bowl (glass, metal, etc. Not plastic)
  • Lighter
  • Small piece of paper
  • pen/marker - best not to use a pencil
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    This spell was newly made, and is best done if charged.

    Get out a piece of paper and write down the spell name, it's purpose, requirements, and incantation.

    Yes, you have to physically write down the whole spell. You can shorten it a little, as long as if it doesn't change the meaning, etc.

    Now, place your hand over the paper and imagine your energy running through your veins. Imagine putting that energy into the spell. Note: Don't use too much of your energy, save some for the spell. Also, imagine energy coming from mother nature (from plants, the ground, etc.) imagine it coming from the ground, going through your body, through your hand and into the paper. Imagine energy coming from the universe (imagine the sky, the stars, the clouds, etc) going down through the top of your head, through your body, through your hand and into the paper.

    While or after you do this, (you can hold the paper if you want) still imagine the energy flowing into the paper and chant:

    ''Wind, fire, water, earth,

    I call on you to make this spell magick

    so mote it be.''

    (Chant from: )

    You can make up your own chant as well if you'd like.

    During this, you may feel coldness, warmth, tingling, etc.

    After, you may get a headache. This is a sign you used too much of your own energy, or it was too much energy that you couldn't handle just yet.

    Now, you are able to perform the spell.

    Performing the spell

    Sit on the floor comfortably. It's best if you sit up straight leaning against a wall or door.

    Place the candles in front of you at a angle (facing your knees, as you are sitting cross-legged.)

    Light the candles and place a small glass bowl (metal, ceramic, etc not plastic since it releases toxins) in front of you.

    Get a small piece of paper (one inch width x length) it does not have to be exact measurements.

    Write the following:

    Your Name

    Date of birth

    The words, ''bring me power''

    Current date.

    while you are doing this, imagine the outcome and focus on your energy.

    draw a drop of blood and place it on the paper.

    While you are writing on the paper and adding your blood to the paper, chant the following:

    ''Fire in thy casters veins,

    grant me thou dearest wish.

    Herbs in mother nature's womb,

    Show me what I have missed.''

    continue to chant this as you light the paper with the candle's flame and placing it in the bowl to burn out. Sprinkle (or place a leaf of) rosemary, basil and thyme leaves.

    After you add the last herb, chant one more time. Then, add:

    ''This is my will,

    So mote it be.''

    let the paper burn out.

    now, focus on your energy and the energy within the room.

    Imagine the outcome.

    When you feel ready, blow out the candles and place the bowl in a dark place, where no one else will find it or touch it.

    If you start to get bad luck, rinse the bowl and it's contents out immediately.

    If the spell works, you should feel more energy and power, as well as you should start to awaken and develop your current abilities, if any.

    Once you are satisfied, or whenever you feel like it, rinse the bowl out and it's contents.

    If you do start to see results with your abilities, do not rinse the bowl immediately. You can give it time. The contents in the bowl is what drawing in power, so if you rinse it out, it stops the spell from working, meaning, it stops drawing in more power.

    Good luck. If you need help, mail me!

    Added to on Jul 28, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #374 - Fire Balls

    A spell to create multiple fireballs at once.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Ground yourself. VIsualize the amount of fireballs you want. Imagine the energy draining away from you and into the fire balls.

    Added to on Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #375 - Wind Spell

    Countrolls the wind
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Move your arm up and down 3 time then pull your arm back and push out.

    Added to on Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #376 - Cloudy Day

    A simple spell to clear up the sky.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Simply look at the sky and say
    "Clouds in the skies
    I see with my eyes,
    Go far away
    Come back another day"

    Added to on Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #377 - Flying

    Chant to produce astral projection
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    "Fly fly fly thereby!
    Up o'er the mountains,
    Up o'er the seas!
    Down in the valleys,
    Through the Tall trees!"

    Added to on Jul 19, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #378 - Control Elements Spell

    This is only my second spell so im not sure if it works or not hope it does if so message me side affects and if any and how long it takes to actually take affect also if it doesn't work then tell me I will do my best to figure out what went wrong.
    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • 1/2 Cup of Dirt
  • About 2 tablespoon of water
  • Candle(any color)
  • Spoon
  • Voice
  • Hands
  • Your Breath
  • Belief
  • Hair
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    You may need:

  • Bowl
  • 1/2 Cup of Dirt
  • About 2 tablespoon of water
  • Candle(any color)
  • Spoon
  • Voice
  • Hands
  • Your Breath
  • Belief
  • Hair
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    Get your bowl and set it down in a quiet room. Add the 1/2 cup of dirt to the bowl. Then add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of water to the dirt. Mix with your spoon in a clockwise motion. Then take in a deep breath as deep as you can and let all of the air out from your lungs as you breath out onto the mixture. Next add a few pieces of hair to the mixture and stir again. After that you place your candle into the center of the mixture and light it. Cup your hands over the light and heat of the candle. When you feel the heat traveling through your hand say this spell three times:

    "To control them is my desire, the elements earth, water, air, and fire, Earth is for peacefulness, Water is for fun, Air is for gracefulness, fire is for showing how it's done, in this hour bring me these powers, I ask the gods and goddesses to give these powers to me, this is my wish, so mote it be!"

    After you say the spell three times then flip the candle upside down and place it in the center of the mixture to put it out. Remove the candle and, blow on the mixture 2 times then add the other 1/2 tablespoon of water to the mixture. Stir the potion while saying the spell one more time. When your done keep some of the mixture somewhere safe.

    And that's it well hope it works sorry if it doesn't.

    Added to on Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #379 - 3 Spells in One

    1st : Breathe freely, stronger resistance of breathe than normal breathe. 2nd : Invisible Gills (not always worked) 3rd : Elements Breathe
    You may need:

  • For 1st : Lotions
  • For 2nd : None
  • For 3rd : (Elements) Candle
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    You may need:

  • For 1st : Lotions
  • For 2nd : None
  • For 3rd : (Elements) Candle
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    Not worked for everyone but worked for me!

    For the 1st :
    • Sit down normally and grab the lotion
    • Say while grabbing :

    "Oh hidden water, colourful you are! I wish to take a control of you! Nose you will change for! Let me breathe freely, water! So please it be!"

    Open the lotion and soft it to your nose! You should breathe better than anyone!

    For the 2nd :
    • Sit down normally and say :

    "Goddess of Water, Fish, and Mermaids! Hear me now! Let me have invisible gills on my neck! So I can breathe like fishes and swimming in the sea! So please let it be! So mote it be!"

    For the 3rd :
    • Sit and put the candles in front of you
    • Light it up and say :

    "Dragons of dragons! Hear me now! Let me show everyone how strong are you! Give me the fire breathe of you that everyone will never have! So shall it be, honour and thanks I have given to you! So let it be, Dragon! So mote it be!"

    *** Side Effects ***
    Feels your nose is stronger
    Feels a thing on your neck
    Something element inside your body

    Added to on Jul 16, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #380 - Become a Drinker Spell (Vampyre)

    This spell provides the caster to temporarily become a Drinker (or vampire) note, its impossible to permanently become a vampire by a spell. Can last up to a year.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Night (recommend) or day
  • Candle(s) (optional)
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Night (recommend) or day
  • Candle(s) (optional)
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    This spell is best done using an enhancer spell beforehand.

    Light the candle(s) (optional)
    Chant five times:

    ''Hear now, for I am the thirsty creature that long desires sharp, canine teeth as a wild beast,
    for survival, I ask thee, give me the gift of sharp fangs, so mote it be.''

    This spell is temporary Note, it is impossible to permanently become a drinker (vampire) by spells.

    You may become a drinker or drainer.
    You may ''feed'' off certain energy sources. Either a more concentrated form such as blood, saliva (kissing), etc. or less concentrated form, such as sound waves, heat rays, electricity, auras, glucose-based energy, energy that surrounds the bodies of those with abilities, etc.

    -Vampires are not sensitive to the sunlight. (if so, its from enhanced sight or enhanced senses)

    Not all vampires will have any enhanced senses. Some have only speed, some have only strength, some have both.

    For more information on signs that the spell worked, PM me.
    P.S. also, if you want the enhancer spell, PM me. Or you can look up another enhancer spell on this site. (either way, the enhancer spell is on this site) lol

    Added to on Jul 04, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters