987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Elsa's Ice Powers
- Control a Flame
- Bring a Storm/Hurricane/Rain
- Call On The Rain
- Weather Invocation
- Elsa Ice and Snow Powers #2
- Flame
- Snow Day
- Fire in Water
- Summon Winds
#421 - Elsa's Ice Powers
"Snow and ice I now control you. My hands do what I say".
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#422 - Control a Flame
Set your candle onto the towel/mat and light it. Stare at the flame and imagine contact with it, create a force just by looking at it. After you have a path with it chant/say, "O' (god/goddess) give me the power to control this flame, make it flicker, or light it in the night, move the flame or burt it out, so mote it be."
Try to put your hand as close as you can (without getting burnt of course) to it and moving your hand up and down or side to side. Remember, it doesn't work every time you have to have a strong mind
Last edited on Jun 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#423 - Bring a Storm/Hurricane/Rain
1. Draw Magic Circle (make it large enough to move around), put bowls linear to your hands.
2. Begin chanting [Gaelic] 'Nai Natureza, traer choiva, trono, unha tempestade, traer enerxía e iluminación de un moitos máis, tronos e lóstregos e dentro de todo o que é, traer unha tempestade' do not stop chanting.
3. Put each of your hands into the water and feel as if you are charging it. Continue chanting.
4. Take out your hands and draw the following symbols on your arms, three on your left and three on your right: water, air, rain, storm, widdershins, and the rune Inguz. Continue to let the energy flow through your body.
5. Chant three more times, then say in English; 'Bring Rain!' three more times. It is appropriate now to lower the circle.
1. Draw Magic Circle
2. Ground yourself. visualize Rain, storm clouds, and being wet.
3. Continue visualizing, then begin to chant 'Nai Natureza, traer choiva, trono, unha tempestade, traer enerxía e iluminación de un moitos máis, tronos e lóstregos e dentro de todo o que é, traer unha tempestade' do not stop chanting, it is appropriate to chant for as long as you would feel comfortable. Feel the energy flow through your body.
4. Stop chanting when you feel comfortable. Lower the magic circle and proceed with your day.
#424 - Call On The Rain
Bring to me clouds dark as night
Let the rain thrash on the ground, bounce of the ground
Quench the ground's thirst
Please mail me the results for I just made this is up on the spot :)
#425 - Weather Invocation
Swell the fire of the storm make this day a dawn, ice chills and things decay as this storm sets life a new today, in this hour it shall be so mote it be.
#426 - Elsa Ice and Snow Powers #2
First put candles in front of you but make sure picture is in the middle of both candles but not on the paper. Put blue or light blue candle to your right and white to your left. Now you put your 2 hands on the picture. Say this spell 1 time:
"Boreas and Khiorne please listen to me I want to have the powers of controlling and making ice and snow from either hand.I will be able to adapt to the coldest environment and temperatures, with these powers I can creat anything I want, I will be able to creat snow storms. I can create a snowman and it will come to life and have a joyful life and funny personality, but make it do harm to none, But with new found powers will become my weaknesses , these powers will not be a curse but, they will become dangerous if I I'm not careful about my powers. If I get scared or mad I will freeze everything and snow will fall. So shall it be!"
Last edited on Jun 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#427 - Flame
Say this will a mark of power on your hand:
"As destructive as life,
As healing as death;
An institutioner of strife,
Just as prone to bless.
It is all that is good,
Yet with an evil trend;
As it was the beginning of things,
It can also be the end."
At the last part "end" a masive burst of flame will shoot out of your hand.
Last edited on May 22, 2022
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#428 - Snow Day
Draw a number of days you want to snow, then close the paper and draw a rune on it (any works) put it in a stream and then say looking at the sky
"As beautiful as the setting sun,
As delicate as the morning dew;
An angels dusting from the stars
That can turn the Earth into a frosted moon."
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#429 - Fire in Water
This has worked for me twice. The water is not extremely hot, it's very comfortable. I'm pretty sure this won't work if you're not focused enough. You have to be determined.
I really hope this spell will work for you too :)
#430 - Summon Winds
First you clear your mind then go outside and point your arm the direction you want the wind to go. Now then say out loud "Wind!" 3 xs then the winds should come. The more focus the harder the winds.
Last edited on Jun 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.