First,put the cauldron on fire at the moon eclipse. Then, fill the cauldron with water and boil it. Third, mix the bloods one by one. Then, mix the heart/blood of the great white witch.
Now you just wait until the potion boiled and drink it.
it makes a well it makes a flame that attacks your foes, note that this is a risky spell it could burn you like any normal fire!
You may need:
(X) paper (need at least one)
(X) thing(s) to draw with
(X) voice (more voices better result)
You may need:
(X) paper (need at least one)
(X) thing(s) to draw with
(X) voice (more voices better result)
draw Jera under Mannaz on paper(s) (you can fined jera and mannaz in my photos) and place them around the area you want the spell to be in. (note: if the paper(s) are destroyed the spell will stop.) after this use your knowledge of fire spells (if any) to build a basic flame to your hand. then chant
''The king of the world of fire and the weather god Freyr both die after battling each other. The deer antler carried by Freyr could not be removed by the followers of the king! The masses who cannot match the king even as a group can only accept defeat!! Let the subjugation of the strict scales fill you with the order of my temple!!''
(to command the flame call it Freyr)
if you loose control you MUST chant this
''The color is yellow, the shape is a dagger. With the action of defense and the symbol of flow and change, one of the five great internal symbols of my temple shall be contained in my hand!!''
the flame will be shot into your hand you can get burned in the posses of this spell.
Look at the moon/sun ask for its energy then say: "By the power of nature I ask you to protect me in my craft. That you shall not allow evil in my presence that the shadows don't reach for me that nothing good near me". Say this as many times as you can but better 10 or more
This is not the best sounding spell but I'm new to spell crafting. So don't judge.
You may need:
You may need:
Visualize the air around you shimmering and starting to move faster and faster. Start Chanting:
''I call the wind, let it howl, let it blow, make it foul.''
as you chant this get louder and louder, and picture in your minds eye the wind getting stronger and stronger.
Say this spell 2 times :" Wind, earth, water, fire,and ice please listen to my wish. My wish is to have the power to create and control ice and snow by either hand. If I get to scared or angry everything will freeze and there will be snow falling , I will be able to create snow storms,only love shall calm me down, I will be able to control this power and adapt to the coldest temperature and shall not get frostbite when I'm in the snow or in the cold and let this spell take one day or 1 week and I shall get my powers when the spell is complete. Please listen to my wish so mote it be!"
As your crying say these words: "Make it rain with my tears, Feel my pain, Let it wash away, make my tears go away and create rain" This spell didn't work quickly when I made it up. It dried my tears but it raind the next day. And if you are just barley crying there will only be a little. Or if you crying a lot then it might flood, it depends on how much tears and how much pain.
This is a skill to make you fly. It is rare to do like this to really fly but it works for my coven friends.
You may need:
Nothing, but just make sure that you are not allergetic to air
You may need:
Nothing, but just make sure that you are not allergetic to air
Meditate, and disconnect everything around you. Then think about the energy of air elements. Breathe deeply, and visuallize that the air is pumping you and you are lighter...and lighter...lighter than a feather, and stiffer as a board. At last visuallize that the gravity sucks up in the opposite way.(hahaha) It is rare to work for beginners but if you're a flying pro then, no problem.