A spell to summon the sun for a given time. In this spell I will use the whole day. The longer the time, the harder the spells.
You may need:
Staff (optional)
Magic enhancers (optional)
You may need:
Staff (optional)
Magic enhancers (optional)
This spell will let you summon the sun on a cloudy day. I use some Sindarin words in my spells.
Take your staff in your hand (or imagine a psiball).
Stand outside, in direct contact with the earth.
Suck the energy from the ground, imagine it coming up in small portions at a time. While doing that say 3x:
Let the flames of Anor reach the earth!
After you loaded you psiball or staff with earth-energy and likewise saying the words three times, then point your staff/psiball at the direction of the sun and imagine your energy shoot at the sun. And say:
The flames of Anor will reach the earth whole day long!
After 30 minutes the sun will appear and your spell will be succefull. I tested this spell, and it works.
Feel free to PM me and ask for more information.
Put some salt in the water. Put some salt in each of the shells. Put some salt water in each of the shells. Place the shells and ice cubes in the water. put each of your hands in the cup for 5 minutes each. You should get powers the next morning.
Makes you feel warm and also strengthens your flame power.
You may need:
You may need:
Sit and relax. Feel the energy inside build up. Look within yourself and see your aura. You should black out and see a gate with you behind it. You'll be on fire with energy all around you. Now unlock it and you should be able to manipulate heat if you couldn't before.
Gives you a Sunny Day. Sunny Days give fire element practicers power for their fire.
You may need:
You may need:
Meditate before the spell for at least 3 to 5 minutes. Create an Energy Psi Ball. Say, "Through days of cold. I wish for heat. That help me from my heart.This is my will so mote it be."
I have casted this for a snow storm that is about to happen where I live to subside and lessen in strength. May you have blessed beginnings.
You may need:
Respect for the Gods and Goddesses
You may need:
Respect for the Gods and Goddesses
Chant this as many times as you feel necessary, and cast a circle before hand:
Mother of the storms,
Gods and Goddesses of the sky,
I plead for this storm to pass elegantly
May the snow become a swan, and fly over so softly
May it's feathers be delicate and light, and little in between
This storm I plead for it to pass, with little damage done to Mother Earth.
I wish for the humans that must go through this to be safe, and I plead Gods and Goddesses of the sky,
For it to be a swan, and leave without a sound.