986 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Call a Storm
- Bring out the Sun
- Easy Rain Spell
- To Stop Rain
- Acoda's Rain Spell
- Doing Pyrokinesis
- Big Waves at Beach
- Bring Forth the Rain Incantation
- Make Wind Stronger
- Summon Flame Snake
#641 - Call a Storm
"Paralda I ask for a favor of thee
For your breath to the circle giveth ye.
Djinn I ask for your blazing sun
Lightning strike when work is done.
Niksa with power over the sea
Making water fall unto me.
Gnob for you I ask to make
The earth and ground to add its quake.
These four rulers I ask as one
To unify for the storm to come".
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#642 - Bring out the Sun
Before the world you can bow,
Bring us your shining light,
And light the darkness of the world bright,
Bring us your warming heat,
Certainly an amazing 'feat,
So mote it be, blessed be.''
Thank the Sun-Deities and snuff out the candle.
#643 - Easy Rain Spell
Hopefully rain will come soon.
#644 - To Stop Rain
Standing indoor (near a window) or outdoors, say the spell
"Hear my thoughts, hear my pleas,
Mother nature I call on thee,
Stop the rain, I ask of thee,
Hear my plea so mote it be"
Last edited on Jul 28, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#645 - Acoda's Rain Spell
''Ancient powers, I call upon thee, Falling Rain, Let it be.''
#646 - Doing Pyrokinesis
You don't have to be gifted by talents to do pyrokinesis. It's all about practice. OK let's get started.
Step 1: Sit in a comfortable position, make yourself comfortable.
Step 2: Place the candle on a flat surface, in front of you. Then
light the candle.
Step 3: Look at the flame, understand it. Think that its a part of
your body. You can move the flame just like you move your
Step 4: Focus hard on the flame. Don't strain yourself, and visualize
the flame moving at your will.(With your eyes opened).
Step 5: Point your index finger of your dominant hand at the
flame and move slowly left, then right,(also visualize the
flame is moving at your finger's direction).
After some practice you'll start to see that the flame is
actually moving at your will. But don't expect this to work
at first time.
After Practice you can:
*Control the direction of flame
*Raise or lower the flame
*Extinguish the flame (Might be hard)
*Relight the flame (Might be really really hard).
Don't loose hope first time guys, this requires real practice, so try and try, bye guys!!! need help?? just mail me, and i'll be there for you!
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#647 - Big Waves at Beach
Just say this in the ocean water on the beach, you can say this as much as you want.
"Moon Godess, Moon Godess,
I plee to thee.
Please make waves bigger than me!"
You have to be in the water, but just say this once twice or three times.
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#648 - Bring Forth the Rain Incantation
This spell should be done on a monday at the time of evening. Set up your candldes: The two blue candles seperate, and the white candle inbetween, so they look like a triangle.
Chant this #3 times:
"Oh Hera , goddess of air
I invite thee
Blow in the clouds of rain
So this blue sky
Won't be the same
Oh Zeus, god of the sky
I invite thee
Allow the rain to fall
Free to the ground
Listen listen listen
As it starts to pound"
Last edited on Dec 09, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#649 - Make Wind Stronger
Say the following two times: "Wind, windw, please make your power blow away the heat and bring cold breezes. So mote it be".
Last edited on Dec 09, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#650 - Summon Flame Snake
During the day on the full moon at noon enter an empty room preferrably wooden floors.
Place alter to fire deity w/ burning bowl cast cleansing circle around altar.
Cast summoning circle 3-5 feet in front of alter (this is wear the snake shall enter (out of a ball of flame ))
Put second bowl with oil in the summoning circle.
Put incense into bowl add in 4 oz dragonsblood burning oil ignite pyrokinetically or physically.
"Oh (insert deity) please grant to me a humble servant one of your children."
"With the body of deceit."
(add snake/serpent skin)
"The eyes of shadow."
(add salamander eyes)
and the dragons bite."
"With these items I give physical form to your most fearful creation."
(the next part is in tuscan pronunciation included)
"Krek creeteo mav kaas kataan...3 secs... Etreskan! Krek!"
(krek kree tayo mov kos cat on.... et res can krek)
At this point ignite the second bowl of oil.
Get ready here it comes to control this thing read my flame snake control spell.
Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.