987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters
- Weather Jinx
- Stopping the Wind
- Fire Dragon
- Dancing Flame
- How to Work With Elements
- Levitating Things Using Wind
- Make the Wind Blow
- Sunny day spell
- Pyrokinesis
- Summon Winds
#671 - Weather Jinx
To cast this spell you need emotion. Elemental spells require emotion, as you need a strong force to control an even stronger force. With time, one can become strong enough to use simply their mind, but for beginners, emotion is key.
Second, you need willpower. Being stubborn, I will persevere at anything until I get my results. I encourage others to do the same.
On to the actual jinx. Concentrate on the one you wish to jinx. Imagine the hatred, sorrow, etc. they made you feel. Project that feeling into the weather. Think of strong winds as your anger, rain as your sorrow. When you've built up enough emotion and willpower, release your energy. For beginners, this works best at close range.
Last edited on Nov 15, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#672 - Stopping the Wind
Look at your hands. Belive your ready to control wind.
Wind I tell you! Its wind!
So now just belive! Belive!
Look outside, see that free wind.
Now roll your two hands into a fist.
Look outside, the wind will stop a little,
your weak now. If you do this lots of times
you will be stronger and could stop wind directly!
#673 - Fire Dragon
Here is how to do it.
2. Go to a peaceful place where you wont be disturbed. Next sit calmly and breath 5-8 times slowly and deeply . Next visualize a strong beam of white light coming from the core of the EARTH entering into your feet . Feel it entering and the sensation being produced in your legs due to it.
3. Next visualize this beam of white light going straight through your legs into your heart. Now visualize energy entering your body from all sides i.e From the earth,, from the wind, from everything around you, draw a lot of energy and gather it all in your heart such that your your heart gets filled with it and it starts filling up your whole body after filling the heart. Keep gathering the energy until it extends outside your body after filling it up.
4. Now compress all this energy from outside the body into the heart such that your heart gets filled with compressed dense energy. Now imagine it getting hot and finally turning into flames and fire.
5. Now feel your heart PUMPING all of a sudden and throwing all of this energy into your arms and from arms into your hands . Feel its heat as it flows. Now point your hand up in the sky and imagine a dragon of fire being formed in the sky by the energy you are releasing .While you are visualizing this also visualize a rope of fire from your hand to the dragon such that you can control the dragon with the rope of fire. Imagine it moving here and there in the sky with your hand also moving with it due to the rope in your hand.
6. After all the above things, chant out the following words :
'' Oh Mighty Dragon of the Fire ,
grant me the power that i desire,
Power of the Water and Air from the sky,
and Earth and Fire that let you fly, ''
7. Keep repeating these words and begin to feel the energy as the dragon enters into your body and gives you the energy of all the elements.
8. Again i am warning you to not practice it with less energy control as you will be in great trouble if the dragon escapes by breaking the rope. Do not practice it indoors.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#674 - Dancing Flame
Light the candle. Let the flame burn for a few moments, then focus on the flame. Imagine it moving in your mind. After much concentration, if you focus intently, you will see the flame begin to bend and move as you see it within yourself.
Last edited on Nov 12, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#675 - How to Work With Elements
Lay down and meditate. Close your eyes and think of a safe place for your thoughts. Imagine energy running through your body.
After meditating a few days, improving this skill, imagine firing your element around at at anything. The more you practice, the more you will be able to control.
Last edited on Nov 17, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#676 - Levitating Things Using Wind
First of all Get into a meditative state while sitting down somewhere with wind flowing around your position (preferably outside). Now while sitting feel the wind, each gust and separate current, feel the wind brush and move past you. Now imagine altering the gusts and currents by making them blow harder or faster etc. then once you are in a meditative state, chant:
"By the Spirits of air.
I wish to bare a gale of air,
one strong enough to,
make ships sail
one strong enough to
make brick walls fail.
So that I may make things float.
So mote it be."
Then repeat it again as many times as you want.
Last edited on Nov 29, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#677 - Make the Wind Blow
Clean your mind. Look up to the sky and "Gods of Power, Gods of Might. Let the wind blow. Make it blow stronger, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#678 - Sunny day spell
''Sun god Apollo, hear my plea
Open Up the Bright lustrous
sun as I chant thee
So mote it be''
The more you chant, the more it will be sunny. However, it may give you a fever and/or a headache, yet this is rare.
#679 - Pyrokinesis
Pyrokinesis is just one of the many forms of magic, one that lets you (if you do it well) control a bit of an element. With Pyrokinesis, it's fire. By trying to manipulate the flame, you tell the Universe, whom is always listening to you and trying to do your bidding, "I want this flame to do ...". If you have faith, and mostly keep practicing, you'll get at a point you'll bend that flame as easily as walking out your front door.
So, how to do it;
Light a candle, or other flammable material (not your house). Sit in front of it, in a comfortable position. Stare into the flame, but not too concentrated, as that won't work.
Your mind will automatically fit to the flame's level.
Just think, or visualise, or whatever works best for you, that the flame listens to you and does as you say. Keep this thought! Just do this, few times a day, and keep it up! I reccomend practicing like this:
- Grow/Shrink Flame (5 minutes)
- Push/Pull Flame (5 minutes)
- Shape Flame (5 minutes) This might be very hard, so practice first! Shaping is just make a leaf out of a flame, and that
- kind of stuff.
- Extinguish Flame. Might be hard too.
Last edited on Nov 24, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#680 - Summon Winds
While outside, shout the following three times into the sky:
"Hail to the gaurdians of the watchtower to the east
Powers of wind and creativity
I summon winds of mighty gales
So mote it be!"
Last edited on Nov 11, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.