Light the candle and stare into the flame. Put your hands together and breathe deeply. Imagine yourself surrounded by fire. Suck in the fire and feel it warm inside of you. Chant, "I light the night. The dark shall feel my might". Then breathe out.
This spell is to be able to stop all storms from affecting your town/city/house-hold.
You may need:
About 1 tea spoon of rain water
A single white candle
2 black candles
A plant
A bit of dry dirt
You may need:
About 1 tea spoon of rain water
A single white candle
2 black candles
A plant
A bit of dry dirt
First collect about a tea spoon of rainwater and poor it in a small cup (bowl is fine). Get some grass (leaves are fine) and put them in the rain water chanting: "As rain may come and go, please this time. Don't let it show. As all may know, Don't let it show."
Then get some dry dirt and mix it with the grass and rain water Then light your 2 black candles (On each side of the mixture). And recite: "From moon to sun, I call apon you. Take this weather away from us. Do not let it touch us."
Now light your single white candle and wave it over the mixture and put it down in front of the mixture. Blow the candles out and the weather shall not touch or harm you.
Focus on your goal: in this case, focus on lightening and thunder. Visualize the lightening striking in the position you want and say, "By the power of the almighty Gods and Goddesses, I ask upon you to lend me your power. Allow me to do as I see. Thunder strike before me! So mote it be".
This spell may need to be repeated a few times for it to be effective. It would also work best during a storm that is already present.
Summon more clouds on a day when heat is a factor regarding severe weather.
You may need:
Your wand
You may need:
Your wand
First off, there has to already be clouds in the sky. While outside, raise your wand in the air (if you don't have a wand, use the index finger on your dominant hand). Next, chant:
"The mighty Sun brings the heat,
Right now it's not what I need.
Let the great white clouds come,
And cool down the air some.
The sun may come another day,
But for now, make it stay away.
Clouds deter bad weather from me,
'Tis my will, so mote it be."
This is from the: Wind/Air Begin Spell. This is to stop the wind, if you want it to begin go to Wind/Air Begin Spell.
You may need:
Window to the outside
You may need:
Window to the outside
*This might not work for all, you MUST have concentration, and the power to visulize things, and the will to do it*
I can see wind
I can hear wind
But wind is not what I want
And what I want shall come true
Please gods and goddess
Give me the power to do your will
To make no wind, and so I will
By the power of three
So mote it be.
Say this 2 more times. ^^^ Then say:
As I will it to stop being windy
So it shall be.
So mote it be, so mote it be
By the power of three
It should stop immediately, if you find no result please message me, I only tried this once and it worked for me. If you want the wind to begin, just go to: Wind/Air Begin Spell
This will make the wind start, if you want it to end look at the spell: Wind/Air End Spell
You may need:
Window to the outside
You may need:
Window to the outside
*This might not work for all, you MUST have concentration, and the power to visulize things, and the will to do it*
I can see no wind
I can hear no wind
But wind is what I want
And what I want shall come true
Please gods and goddess
Give me the power to do your will
To make it wind, and so I will
By the power of three
So mote it be.
Say this 2 more times. ^^^ Then say:
As I will it to be windy
So it shall be.
So mote it be, so mote it be
By the power of three
It should take effect in about 1-2 minutes, if you find no result please message me, I only tried this once and it worked for me. If you want the wind to stop, just go to: Wind/Air End Spell