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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. Ki Heat
  2. Pyrokinesis
  3. Eastern Wind of Borus
  4. Call the Wind
  5. Cleanse nearby Air
  6. Make The Sun Come From Over The Clouds
  7. To Summon Thunder and Lightning
  8. Control Element of Fire
  9. Light Overpower
  10. Rain Appear

#851 - Ki Heat

This spell makes some serious heat using ki and your hands.
You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Make your hands into fists, leaving a little space inside. Move all your ki into the space between your hands. After about thirty seconds, the air in your hands should heat up.

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    Last edited on Jul 02, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #852 - Pyrokinesis

    Use this spell to bend fire.
    You may need:

  • Long lasting flame source (ex: candle)
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    You may need:

  • Long lasting flame source (ex: candle)
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    Meditate for ten minutes. When you're finished, keep calm and in a relaxed state. Light a candle or source of flame and concentrate. Move your hand close to feel the heat. Put your fingers close, almost two inches or so away from the fire. Imagine becoming one with the flame.

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    #853 - Eastern Wind of Borus

    Use this spell to draw wind to you.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    "Parta migdsa ofeg pun," Say this 3 times and imagine a wind coming from the east. You can even use incense , gems and crystals to empower this chant.

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    Last edited on Jul 13, 2016
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    #854 - Call the Wind

    A spell to summon the wind.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Close your eyes and tilt your head up and chant the following: "Answer my call. Come to me, spirit of air. Prove to me you hear this cry. Answer my call. Blow from the four corners of the earth. Grant me your undying protection. Answer my call. Prove to me you hear this cry".

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    #855 - Cleanse nearby Air

    Cleanses the nearby contaminated air in a given area.
    You may need:

  • Contaminated Air
  • Voice
  • Staff enchanted by Air: (not needed, but increases the range and purification of the spell)
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    You may need:

  • Contaminated Air
  • Voice
  • Staff enchanted by Air: (not needed, but increases the range and purification of the spell)
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    Hold your staff (again, not needed) on your lap. Next, chant the following:

    ''Air around me, may you be poisoned no more.
    Your body shall be cleansed by mine.
    Our minds linked, our souls pure.
    Now be cleansed.''

    This should make the air around you able to be breathed in with ease.

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    #856 - Make The Sun Come From Over The Clouds

    You know how there are clouds and they cover up the sun? Well you don't have to worry about that anymore
    You may need:

  • BOTH Hands
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    You may need:

  • BOTH Hands
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    1) Go outside and make a triangle with your hands to the clouds.
    2) Say ''Sun O Mighty Quit Your Hideing'' (Strong Deep Voice)
    3) Stomp 2 Times.

    And There Ya Go I Did it

    * Warning The Sky May Clear Of Clouds *

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    #857 - To Summon Thunder and Lightning

    This small chant will call great storms.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    All you have to do is chant and believe.

    Thunder my anger,
    Lightning my might,
    Bring to me clouds,
    Black as night

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    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #858 - Control Element of Fire

    contral fire with your mind or hand using and out-powering your exclusive yellow energy by collecting negitave eneery
    You may need:

  • Fire
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    You may need:

  • Fire
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    Now, using all excessive negative energy: look directly into the fire. Visualize a big rope of purple energy forming into yellow energy, then imagine yourself grabbing ahold of it and pulling it towards you. You should start to feel it as a solid that will bend and the fire will move as well.

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    Last edited on Jul 02, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #859 - Light Overpower

    To let this spell work, you need to believe.
    You may need:

  • 1 yellow candle
  • A piece of paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 yellow candle
  • A piece of paper
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    Light the yellow candle. Write what you want the weather to be on the piece of paper. Now fold the paper in half. And now half again. And then say this...

    ''Goddess of light,
    Give me some power
    to overpower the darkness of this world.''

    Put your hands around the candle. Burn the paper. Now put your hands on top of the candle and make it burn out.

    PS it might take a day to work.

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    #860 - Rain Appear

    This spell will make it Rain
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Say this when the clouds are above say :

    "Ancient gods and goddesses
    I invoke thee.
    Waters from the sky let it be
    I command thee
    to thee all.
    Listen to my desire
    rain fall."

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    Last edited on Jul 01, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters