say ''Nine drops are eighty-one; Eighty-one clouds shall fall, the land shall smile, The rain shall fall, the land shall smile, And water flow for quite a while
This will help you use wind to aid you in telekinesis.
You may need:
Strong mind
You may need:
Strong mind
Focus on making the wind blow, make it blow around, move trees, or whatever you want it to move. This helps if thinks get stuck in trees or telephone wires.
You have to have someone to place their hand on yours so make a claw shape with you domanint hand and try to force some of your energy into you have and out you finger tips into the others hand.
If you are advance try to heat your body or anothers this spell will take a lot out of you so have a healer near you at all times.
Anger or another negative emotion inside eating you up? Burn it up!
You may need:
Fire-Proof Container
You may need:
Fire-Proof Container
Relax as much as you can. Light the candle and place it on a table. Put the heat proof container nearby. It should be large enough to hold a piece of burning paper. Sit at the table and take the piece of paper and pencil in your hand and write a letter about how your feeling. Write about why you are feeling that way. Pour all your heart and soul into writing this. Be very specific and focus on the feeling while you are writing this letter. If someone/something caused you to feel this way, you may start it out with Dear So-and-So if you so wish. After you have completed the letter (it can be longer then 1 piece of paper) take it and catch it on fire with the candle. Put it in the heatproof container and gaze into the flames. See all your hurt, anger, sorrow, etc. being burned up by the cleansing flames. Visualize this until there are no longer any flames or glowing embers left. Repeat with 2nd paper if the letter is longer than 1 piece of paper. Remember to take your time when writing the letter. There is no rush. :) Snuff the candle when finished.
First, start by using the body warmer spell. More or less, work on raising your body temperature. Once you have done this, focus that heat into your hands and say the following: "Fire, fire, hands of fire. Bring me the power of hands of fire". This will last as long as you keep focused.
Clear your mind. Now imagine fire going into your body, flowing through you and warming you all over. Imagine it getting hotter and growing within you, drawing in more heat. Practice this until you feel a difference.
Put your hands together in prayer formation and close your eyes, taking several deep breaths. Picture flames shooting from your hands. On the last breath, shoot out fire while thrusting your dominate hand out in front of you.
Make a fireball and make it big then shape it into a bow. You can make arrows on your own by simply pulling the fires string. There are many different types of arrows you can use: simple ones, explosive ones, ones where when you shoot them they spin into a cyclone of fire and continue to spin 5 seconds after impact. Use your imagination.