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987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 987 Weather Spells
987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 987 Weather Spells
  1. The Sun Spell
  2. Pyrokinesis(tecniques not actual spell)
  3. Pheonix Flame
  4. No Wind
  5. Make the Wind Blow
  6. Cold Fire
  7. Witch Broom Rain
  8. Singe
  9. Talking With Your Phoenix
  10. Fire Claws

#891 - The Sun Spell

It will make the sun com out and power your wand.
You may need:

  • 1 sun stone
  • 2 white candles
  • 1 wand
  • 1 bowl of water
  • A pinch of ash
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    You may need:

  • 1 sun stone
  • 2 white candles
  • 1 wand
  • 1 bowl of water
  • A pinch of ash
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    First you light the candles
    Second you take the Sun Stone and dip it in the bowl of water.
    Then you put the Sun Stone in your hand and rise it to the sky and say
    '' Spirits of the sun and sky hear my call make sun seep from the clouds do you keep so mote it be.
    Put the ash on the tip of your wand ( Then repeat the first step)

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    #892 - Pyrokinesis(tecniques not actual spell)

    build pyro abilitys can possably be intergreated with fire based spells.
    You may need:

  • will power
  • concentration
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    You may need:

  • will power
  • concentration
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    Pyrokinetics are the fire-based aspect of psionics. They include the creation of as well as manipulation, of fire. It is fire AND Psi. This is an advanced skill, and can be dangerouse to others around you if you don't have controll over it. The key to Pyrokinesis is focusing on what you want the flame or fire to do, and willing it to happen.

    The Dancing Flame
    The best way to develope and train your Pyrokinesis skills is a technique called the dancing flame. Get in a relaxed position, and grab a match. Light the match on fire and focus on the flame. Create a ''tunnel'' between you and the flame. Now visualize the flame going out. You must be focusing on only the flame. With enough will power, and hard concentration, the flame will go out. Putting a flame or fire out is the easiest part of Pyrokinesis. Making the flame or fire relight is the hard part. Once you can make the flame burn out, Focus on the flame relighting. After a few weeks of doing this, you will notice that once the flame is out, you will be able to see the ember start to turn red again as though it wanted to relight. Once you practice enough, it will relight. This is the easiest way to develope and train Pyrokinesis. This techique DOES WORK!!

    Lighting a Candle
    Pyrokinesis may be accomplished by concentrating on, the wick of a candle. After going through the usual preliminary procedures, eg. meditation, visualize the wick as being made up of many thousands of swirling dots or spheres. As you visualize them, see them swirling faster and faster, and as they swirl faster and faster, feel them becoming hot...becoming hotter and hotter until they glow like miniature suns. When the dots are glowing brightly, bring part of your focus back to the wick as a whole, while still seeing and feeling the excited molecules. See the wick as a whole become hot and start to glow. Then, visualize it bursting into flame, perhaps accompanied by some sort of gesture, such as a flick of the hand or a snap of the fingers, if you are feeling dramatic.
    You may find that it is helpful, at least at first, to produce a psi ball around the wick while attempting this, not so much for sake of the energy as for concentration. It may also be helpful by way of preparation, to focus on an already-lit candle and use your mind to change the shape or movement of the flame; concentrate on the base of the flame, the faintly glowing blue part.

    The opposite can also be done (putting the flame out). I mention this in the Cryokinesis section.

    originaly from
    I:ackupandom stuffMy MagicElamental Spiritual BioSpiritual Awaken - Pyro Kinesis.htm

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    #893 - Pheonix Flame

    This will give you the power of a phoenix for a short period of time.
    You may need:

  • Match or lighter
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    You may need:

  • Match or lighter
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    Sit and relax your body and mind. Imagine the fire element as you chant: "Oh, great Phoenix. Purify me. Lend me your flame, for I have no shame. Ignite the power that dwells within me. Oh, great Phoenix. Hear my plea!". Then after your chant is done, get up and light the match or lighter and imagine it burning out.

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    #894 - No Wind

    I tweaked a earlier spell I put on here.
    You may need:

  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • Voice
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    "East to west I send thee there, north to south travle away from here, winds of night, winds of day, I command you to go away."

    (Note this spell is not a hoaxI did tweak it and it worked my last spell works too)

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    #895 - Make the Wind Blow

    A spell to call a breeze.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Lift up your hand as if you are going to wave to someone, and swish it back and forth the way you wish the wind to move and say strongly and demandingly: "Wind, wind. Do as I say. Wind, wind, blow as you may"

    Or you could switch "Do as I say" and "Blow as you may" around a little, and in any way as long as the words are in the spell. This spell has been tested recently, and can even work through glass.

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    #896 - Cold Fire

    Fire thats cold as ice
    You may need:

  • Concentration in mind and heart you have to think it and feel it.
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    You may need:

  • Concentration in mind and heart you have to think it and feel it.
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    First make your standard fireball then instead of making the fire hot and red make it blue and drop the temp with this you can make the fire either hot or down to absolute zero which ever you so choose.

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    #897 - Witch Broom Rain

    Through hundreds of years witches and other pagans have controlled the weather. This is an old Witch's spell to make rain.
    You may need:

  • Bristle of a broom
  • Bucket of water (preferably rain water)
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    You may need:

  • Bristle of a broom
  • Bucket of water (preferably rain water)
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    Dip the bristle of the broom into the bucket of cold water. W/ broom in hand, face the direction of East and give the wet bristle a shake. Visualize rain clouds gathering and drops of rain falling from the heavens above. As you do this, recite the following incantaion:

    "Clouds of the East
    Now head my call,
    Bring thy rain
    And let it fall!"

    Turn to the direction of South. Give the broom another shake and call upon the clouds of the South:

    "Clouds of the South
    Now head my call,
    Bring thy rain
    And let it fall!"

    Turn to the direction of the West. give the broom another shake and call upon the clouds of the West:

    "Clouds of the West
    Now head my call,
    Bring thy rain
    And let it fall!"

    Turn to the direction of North. give the broom another shake and call upon the clouds of the North:

    "Clouds of the North
    Now head my call,
    Bring thy rain
    And let it fall!"

    Turn full circle back to the direction of East. Holding the broomstick horizontally in both hand, raise your arms to the sky and repeat the following rhyme:

    "Rain come hither
    I decree!
    As it is willed,
    So mote it be!"

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    #898 - Singe

    Gives someone a small burn.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant "Burn fires get this skin just a pin." It'll burn you or someone elses part of skin a smidge.

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    #899 - Talking With Your Phoenix

    Learn how to talk with your phoenix.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Get in a comfortable position. Meditate for a bit and you should start to feel the phoenix's power flowing through you. You should be able to talk with it then. The words from it will be like your own. Be careful. Treat it with the utmost respect.

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    #900 - Fire Claws

    A spell that makes your finger nails longer and made from fire.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Just sit and concentrate. Imagine your nails growing with fire, forming into weapons. Feel the heat from the fire going to your finger tips. With lots of concentration you should be able to do it.

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    987 Weather Spells from Spell Casters