28 Life Spells from Spirit Seers
- Revengence Riddle Spell
- Spell of Magnificent Beauty
- Yarrow
- Self Love Spell
- Successful Career Spell
- Flushing Spell
- Bad Habit Banishment
- Lapis Lazuli of Courage
- Healthy Garden Spell
- Garden Spell
#11 - Revengence Riddle Spell
#12 - Spell of Magnificent Beauty
Peel the skin off the avocado. Imagine your negative traits peeling off of you, including any negativity your mind has towards any part of yourself. Slice the fruit into 7 pieces, and remove the pit. Mash the slices into a paste, and use as a face mask. Visualize all your blemishes disappearing.
Now take 7 snow peas in your right hand, and 7 cherries in your left. Eat them alternately. Left hand rules the subconscious, unseen world, and the right hand rules the conscious seen world, thus you are making yourself beautiful inside and out.
Do this 1-3 days before you intend to strut your stuff.
If you want to use all three types of apples; use red on the first day, green for the second, and gold on the third.
#13 - Yarrow
#14 - Self Love Spell
#15 - Successful Career Spell
#16 - Flushing Spell
#17 - Bad Habit Banishment
You do not have to wait for a specific moon phase. Because what you want is to be rid of a habit, and to bring strength or peace to yourself. Word things accordingly... If you want you can use the entire moon phase, towards one aspect of the spell and another for a 2nd aspect of it.
To banish a habit, you need to understand things about yourself and about the habit.
Each habit gives us a perceived benefit. Usually our perception is off... ''I do it because of stress, i don't even realize I'm biting my nails until its already done''
The perceived benefit is stress relief. It's easy to blame no one or stress than it is to blame yourself.
Now you must ask yourself; what habit you are trying to be rid of? What does this habit get for you? What are other ways to get this benefit? Weigh your needs compared to the needs of others involved. Are they fair? Now ask yourself what you need to do to be rid of the habit. Now know that all you need to do to change the habit is to stop. The power is within yourself. Now, do you need anything from anybody else to help you along? Maybe you need your significant other to smoke outside, or to not scream about nothing all the time. Is this fair? of course it is! Weigh your needs.
Light your white candle. Bring purity of heart mind and soul to this working. This must be what you truly want or it wont work.
Light your black candle. Bring protection and strength to this working. You need strength to see the truth of this habit and to be done with it. You need protection from yourself, and/or any negativity around you.
Light your green candle. Bring health of soul, mind, body to this working.
Meditate on all that you have discovered about yourself and your habit. See the benefits for what they really are. Decide right now not to do this habit any more.
See the change occur. Know that your habit is banished.
During the next complete cycle of the moon you will need to be diligent with yourself. This is when it will be easiest to laps back into your habit. Sleep with a quartz and tigers eye to help you sleep peacefully and give you strength and protection during your weakened time of shaking off a habit.
#18 - Lapis Lazuli of Courage
#19 - Healthy Garden Spell
Perform this spell during the morning hours. Go to the center of your garden and hold up the stones to your third eye. Visualize your garden being green and producing an abundance of flowers, fruits or vegetables. Toss the stones one by one toward the four corners of the plot or garden and say the following:
"O active, Fertile Lower Sun I call upon You, Virile One To fertilize this garden well And activate the stones that fell So that together. You'll produce A healthy garden so profuse That none has ever seen its kind By these words, You are assigned To do these things I ask of Thee As I will so mote it be."
#20 - Garden Spell
Take all the materials outside to the garden. Mix the milk and honey together and pour it into a container. Place the branch in the container and set it aside. Poke a stake in the ground at the beginning and end of each row, then sow the seeds and/or set the plants. Tie a ribbon bow around each stake, saying to the seeds & the plants in that row:
"Perfect love, I give to you. Sprout and thrive with life anew."
Pick up the container and using the branch, sprinkle the garden with milk and honey. Consecrate it saying:
"Milk and honey flow through out, Fertilize each seed and sprout. maiden, Green Man, dance & play, Twirl and laugh here everyday. Bring lush growth and green this spot Every where you skip and walk."