A simple spell that will make the person that makes fun of you to get a taste of there own medicine.
You may need:
7 black candles
Picture of the person
Picture of you.
You may need:
7 black candles
Picture of the person
Picture of you.
Sit in the center of the circle of lit black candles and have the picture of the person making fun of you facing the mirror so its reflection is in it, the chant the spell: "let those who mock me have the name, so they may be one in the same".
Once you say the spell take the picture of the person that mocks you and put it behind your picture, pit your picture in front of the mirror like before (with the other picture still behind it), and chant the spell again.
On a Monday morning, charge the gold coin with sun rays by holding it up in front of you and chanting:
"What I see, may it increase,
so I may have financial peace."
Place the coin in the left shoe. Put both shoes on and spin clockwise thrice. Remove the shoes and place them in a T shape in a place they won't be bothered. Do this for three days. On the third day, put the coin in a pair of shoes you wear often. Tape the coin inside and wear the shoes as much as possible. And whatever you do, Don't spend the coin!
Light the candle and loop the string in through the trinket and tie it. Then start passing it above the candle-flame while you chant: " A candle flickers, this trinket I pass. Good energy and fortune come to me. Wealth. Knowledge. Influence. Energy. By good means come to me. This trinket I pass into power". Repeat that three times, Then wear the "necklace" around your neck. The more you do this- the more powerful it will be.
Step inside the circle and place the candle in the middle, then take the jug of water and pour water along the circle(only a little)
then keep pouring and chant:
As the water falls,
the clouds sing,
have mercy Mother sky,
parch our thirst,
fell the water as i do,
bring the rain,
whithout any pain,
green the grass,
flourish the flowers,
come my rain,
fall as this water does!
Take a green candle (I prefer small ones because you have to let it burn out) and write either the name of the job you want, or just the word job if you're not sure. Let the candle burn out completely while reciting the following:
To do this deed I sincerely plead,
Send to me the job I need.
Relax and meditate. Chant softly, getting louder for about three minutes and courage will come to you. Chant the following:
Burning flame,
Cooling wind,
Summon courage from within,
I call on all my strength and love,
Send me power from above.
Etch your name and the words money, wealth, riches and any other words of power along the sides of the candles. Oil the candles and light them. Grasp them firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers. Project what you want, repeating the following:
"These candles bring me wealth and richess"
When done, extinguish with a snuffer. Re-light the candles every night until they are completely burned down.
Ritual : Lay out the IV of Wands
- visualize your business starting
- lots of customers
- generally busy, working hard, smiling as you do so.
Lay out the ace of wands
- visualizing pouring your energy in to this enterprise
- if you have any tools of your trade (example artist paintbrushes) handle them as you do so.
Lay out the III of wands
- picture a typical working day at your new company answering the phone
-all the business you need and want, picture the little things.
Lay out the IX of pentacles
- envision the ultimate security you have achieved through this business and the satisfaction you have gained
- see yourself smiling and content.
Say the following as you lay out the final card:
''With this spell I bring power to my resolve I start my own business
I enjoy the advantages and benefits of making my home my place of business
as I start this business not only do I cast this spell
but I also work unceasingly to make my business a success.
I have chosen work I enjoy and business will be good.
as I cast this spell - I cast forth my will -
I charge this spell to make word of my product spread.
Let those who use my product be attracted to me and see what I have to offer.
In this way the ends I desire shall be achieved comfort security and contentment.
So be it. ''
- From - Phantom120
If you ever feel that someone is putting negative energy or an outright curse upon you, this will break it and return it upon them.
You may need:
A sprig of rosemary
A piece of yellow paper
A red pen
Red cloth
Paprika or red pepper
A piece of red cotton string
You may need:
A sprig of rosemary
A piece of yellow paper
A red pen
Red cloth
Paprika or red pepper
A piece of red cotton string
While you are performing this spell - carry a piece of rosemary with you at all times. Write the person's name on the piece of yellow paper. If you are not sure of the person's name who is sending all of this negativity to you , simply write, "Enemy Mine". Using the red pen, draw a figure of a doll shape around the name and then cut out the shape with your scissors.
Lay the paper doll face down on the red cloth and sprinkle with the paprika or red pepper (your choice). Tie a string aroung the middle of your doll, then wrap up the doll tightly with the red cloth and hold in your hands and repeat these words:
"Enemy Mine your power is gone.
The hex is broken the spell undone.
The eye has been turned away.
Enemy mine you've gone away so shall it be
from this day this spell is cast - the spell will last
until your apology sets you free by me.
this is my will so mote it be!"
Perform this spell for 7 consecutive nights at midnight. On the next Sunday night, unwrap the paper doll and tear it into nine pieces then burn it. Scatter the ashes FAR away from your home and throw the red cloth into the garbage. You will see an improvement in your mental awareness and no more feeilngs of being attacked within a week .
Fill your cauldron half full of water and drop a silver coin into it. Position the cauldron so that the light from the moon shines into the water. Gently sweep your hands just above the surface, symbolically gathering the moon's silver. While doing this say the following:
"Lovely Lady of the Moon, bring to me yourwealth right soon. Fill my hands with silver and gold. All you give, my purse can hold."
Repeat this three times. When finished, pour the water upon the earth.