44 Life Spells from The Immortal's Keep
- For Study and Concentration
- Activating a Wish
- Achieving a Dream Job
- A-Magical Pomander
- A-Case for Court
- How to Speed Up a Happening
- Money Doubling
- Footwash for Money
- Attracting Extra Money
- To Remove Obstacles
#21 - For Study and Concentration
Combine the herbs thoroughly while chanting either: "Bridget, Brighde fashioner of words; Help me now as I seek your aid Let me now bring you honour In what I have to say today." Or, for Sarasvati: Sarasvati, divine consort of Brahma "Mistress of knowledge Teach me to use words wisely and well My doubts and fears I pray you dispel."
Now put the herbs in the bag, tying it securely with the silver cord. Place the sachet somewhere within your work area where you can see it. You should find that simply by focusing on the sachet you are able to free your mind from distractions and find inspiration as you study for exams or write your articles and masterpieces
If you become really stuck then pick up the sachet and allow some of the fragrance to escape, remembering to tie it back up when you are finished.
#22 - Activating a Wish
Before you begin you will need to have given some thought to your wish. Be very specific in stating what you want otherwise you may get more than you bargained for. State your wish clearly and as briefly as possibly, addressing your deity or spirit by name or title if you can, for instance: "Pan and spirits of the woodland. Hear now my request I wish for health, love and happiness"
When you make your offering, be appropriate. For example: If your wish is for material goods or finance you could use a crystal or coin and bury it to signify the tangibility of your desire. If your wish has an emotional content then you might throw your offering into running water. If your wish is for knowledge or information then signify this by getting up to a high place and using the currents of air.
You might for instance choose to scatter some plant seeds to help restore the ecological balance. If choosing to use the Element of Fire outside then be responsible, use only dead wood and never place your fire close to plants or buildings. Repeat your wish three times.
This is so that any negative attached to your desire should have dropped away by the third request and by then you will also be more aware of your own feelings and whether you really want what you are asking for.
Making wishes is a quick way of making things happen within your everyday world, often without having to carry out a full-blown ceremony. As you get to know your own capabilities you will be able to take advantage of the moments which are presented to you.
#23 - Achieving a Dream Job
Light your prosperity incense. Anoint the candles with the prosperity oil from wick to end, since you want the good things to come towards you. Place one of the brown candles in the centre of your chosen space. Place the green one on the right, with your personal candle on the left.(These candles should be in a safe place; they have to burn out entirely.)
As you light your personal candle, say: "Open the way, clear my sight. Bring me chance, that is my right". Light the green candle and say: "Good luck is mine and true victory, Help me Great Ones, come to me". Light the brown candle and say: "Openings, work, rewards I see, And as I will, So Must it Be". Leave the candles to burn out completely.
Each night for a week or until the candle is used up - light the second brown candle for 9 minutes while contemplating the job and the good to come out of it. You need to identify exactly what you mean by a dream job. It is of little use aiming for something which is beyond your capabilities, though you might go for one initially which will begin to take you to where you want to be.
#24 - A-Magical Pomander
Stud the orange with whole cloves complete with stems, bud side out. It is easier to insert the cloves if you poke a small hole first with the nail or knitting needle. Space the cloves evenly in a pattern that pleases you, leaving room to tie the ribbon.
The cloves will move closer together as theorange dries out. As you work keep your intent for the pomander in mind. Place the powdered cinnamon in the plastic bag, and shake the pomander inside the bag until it is well coated with the powder.
Leave in a warm place to dry out, which may take up to six weeks. Check frequently that the orange is not going mouldy, but try not to open the bag. Lastly, tie the ribbon around the pomander, fixing it securely with the pins. Hang the pomander where you can both see it and enjoy the fragrance.
When you come to dispose of the pomander, throw it into a fire. Say: "As I return this to its Element Sun, Jupiter, Venus I thank you for your help".
Made in this way the pomander can last up to a year before its fragrance completely fades. This pomander is multi purpose. All the components are ruled by the element of Fire and the relevant deities and planetary influences are Sun for the orange, Jupiter for the cloves and Venus for the cinnamon.
#25 - A-Case for Court
- Sit in a quiet space and light the candle.
- Breathe deeply several times to help clear your mind.
- Look at the issue from the perspectives of the other people involved (your opponents, the judge, jury and so on).
- Try to think of all possible scenarios which might occur, being realistic in your assessments.
- Write down each one on a single piece of paper.
- See yourself handling each scenario calmly and factually.
- Concentrating on the candle flame, call on your own favourite pantheon of gods and ask for right action. You might for example petition the Egyptian goddess Ma’at, Themis the Greek goddess, or Forseti the Norse god.
- Ask that there will be clarity, honesty and justice in the situation.
- Take a brief look at each of the scenarios again and write down any new ones which then come to mind.
- Now choose the outcome you most desire and put that piece of paper under the candle while it burns out.
- Take the rest of the papers and cut them up into small pieces.
- Set light to them in the fireproof dish by first lighting one piece from the candle.
- When these have burnt out, flush them away under the tap or blow them to the four winds.
- When you go to court, take the paper with your desired result, put it in your pocket, and when you find yourself in difficulties hold the paper unobtrusively in your hand to give you courage.
- This spell does not automatically ensure that you will win your case, particularly if there is dishonesty involved. Remember that you are asking for justice, which may involve some kind of penance or penalty on your part.
#26 - How to Speed Up a Happening
Sprinkle each of the papers with cinnamon-powder. Arrange in a pile.
Place the candle on top of the papers. As you do this repeat the following words. three times: "Time passed, time fast Let this (event) happen"
Light the incense and the candle and allow them to burn out.
#27 - Money Doubling
Place the money in the envelope, along with the cinnamon powder, and seal it with the wax. Fold the envelope, leave it in your sacred -space and say once, every day, for seven days:
"Hear me, angels in your glory,
Hear me now Zacharael.
I see the need for the common good
And ask for this to be increased."
Hold the envelope up, and perceive that it -feels heavier than it was. Keep the envelope in your bedroom for safety. After you receive more money, open the envelope, and share what was in the envelope with others.
Zacharael means remembrance of God and is the-angel who reminds us not to be bound by material-concerns. For this reason, when we have truly-shown that we understand both the value and the-illusions associated with money we should never-go short.
#28 - Footwash for Money
Soak the root in the cup of boiling water for fifteen minutes. Strain the water and throw away the root. Put the liquid in the bottle for seven days and leave it alone. On the eighth day, rub the liquid all over the bottom of your shoes.
Be alert to your own intuition until money comes your way.
It is said that you will either find money, win it, or gain it in some legal manner. This, by its method,cannot really be used to gain a specific amount, but you can bear in mind what your needs are
#29 - Attracting Extra Money
Gaze at the Moon. Turn your money over in your pocket. As you do so, repeat the following three times:
"Goddess of Light and Love, I pray
Bring fortune unto me this day"
You will know that it has worked when you -find extra money in your pocket or your -purse or come across money unexpectedly.
In previous times the Moon was recognized as much-as the Sun as being the bringer of good luck. This-spell acknowledges that and allows you to make use-of her power. It is said to ensure that you have at-least enough for bed and board until the next New-Moon.
#30 - To Remove Obstacles
Light the incense and place the flowers and the rice in front of the figure. With your hands together and fingertips pointing to your forehead, bow to the statue and say:
"Greetings, Ganesha.
Welcome to my sacred space
With your help, all success shall be mine.
I come to you, knowing you will grant my wishes
All impediments are removed.
I honour your presence,
Good fortune be with you and with me and mine.
I praise you Ganesha!"
Light the candles and tell Ganesha what you most desire. Now commit your wishes to paper and place -the paper under the statue. Say:
"God of wisdom, God of strength
Loving bringer of success
Take now these wishes of mine.
Mould them, shape them, work them
Till together we can bring them to fruition".
Bow as before and put the candles out. Repeat for the two following days, finally -letting the candles burn themselves out. Afterwards, do not disturb the statue for three -days and never ask for the same thing twice.
Before long, a new way will be shown to enable you-to achieve your objective. Give thanks by sharing-your good fortune with others and making a further-offering to Ganesha who appreciates effort made.