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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

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80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep

Included in this list of 80 Spiritual Spells
  1. Pendulum
  2. To Find a Lost Object
  3. Magical Writing
  4. Moon Power
  5. Get Rid of a Bad Feeling
  6. When You Feel Threatened
  7. To Protect your Teenage Daughter
  8. To Break a Spell you have Cast
  9. To Break a Curse
  10. Moon Protection for the Amulets
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
#41 - #50
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#21 - Pendulum

This is a different method of finding something you have lost, particularly if it is in the immediate vicinity.
You may need:

  • Your pendulum which may be a crystal on a
  • short chain, a ring suspended on a thread or a similar object
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    You may need:

  • Your pendulum which may be a crystal on a
  • short chain, a ring suspended on a thread or a similar object
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    • Normally, a pendulum is used to answer yes/no questions, but here you take note of the direction in which it swings
    • When you have made a link with the lost object either by visualizing it or deciding why you need it, hold the pendulum in your most powerful hand and support your elbow on a flat surface.
    • Allow the pendulum to begin to move and sense which direction it seems to pull more strongly.
    • If you are a beginner, repeat the procedure three times.
    • More often than not it will find your object through indicating more than once the direction in which it may be found.
    • Follow the direction shown and unearth your object. Occasionally an object will disappear completely and not be returned by one of the above methods. It is pointless becoming stressed since it will then reappear in its own good time if you still have need of it. If this does not happen, simply consider that it is subject to spiritual law which means that you no longer require it.

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    #22 - To Find a Lost Object

    This prayer or formula is often used to have a lost object returned. In it you seek the help of St Anthony of Padua, a Catholic saint of the twelfth century. The incantation is now considered to be a folk remedy. In this spell at the same time you ‘pull’ your object back towards you.
    You may need:

  • A length of thread or string
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    You may need:

  • A length of thread or string
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    First try to remember when you last saw the object. See it quite clearly in your minds eye. Imagine tying your thread or string to the objectGo through the motions of pulling it towards you.

    Repeat these words three times: "Somethings lost and cant be found. Please, St. Anthony, look around". You will often get a sense of where the object is. Conversely you may come across it unexpectedly.

    Dont forget to thank St. Anthony for interceding on your behalf The words used are found in similar forms all over the world demonstrating clearly the link between folk customs and the church.

    You should not need to use this spell too often if you learn to keep important articles in safe places; then when you do need St Anthonys help it is easily available.

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    #23 - Magical Writing

    This spell magically charges the paper and ink you will use in some of your spells. If the request in your spell is to increase something, it is done between New Moon and Full. To minimize or get rid of something then it should be done during the Dark of the Moon or when the Moon is on the wane.
    You may need:

  • Paper (either real parchment or parchment type)
  • Quill pen
  • Ink in the correct colour for your request
  • Candle, again in the correct colour for your request Appropriate incense
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    You may need:

  • Paper (either real parchment or parchment type)
  • Quill pen
  • Ink in the correct colour for your request
  • Candle, again in the correct colour for your request Appropriate incense
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    Light the candle and the incense (for instance, use green for fertility or money and perhaps blue for healing). Write out your request carefully. Some people will write it three times, others nine. Simply do what feels right for you.

    Hold the paper in the smoke from the incense for as long as feels right. Fold the paper into three and place it under the candle. Let the candle burn out, but just before it does burn the paper in the flame.

    Alternatively, you might bury the paper in fresh earth and allow time to work slowly. As you become more proficient your intuition to guide you. This spell relies on a principle similar to that of sending a letter to Santa Claus. The magically charged paper can also be used to address the gods by name and can be used for yourself and on behalf of others. If you petition for others, however, do not tell them what you are doing, as it nullifies the good. Using magically charged paper and ink can become an integral part of your spell making.

    You may like to have some ready prepared and charged paper and ink so that as your knowledge of symbolism increases, rather than writing out your request in longhand, you can use symbols to signify your desires. You might, for instance, use a key to symbolize your need for a house, the picture of an anvil to suggest partnership and a sheaf of corn to suggest abundance. You could also use symbolic languages such as the runes.

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    #24 - Moon Power

    This spell can be performed indoors as well as outside. It is representational since you use a paper moon or flower. In the incantation the Moon is represented as a white swan. This should be done at the time of the Full Moon and is designed to bring the energy of the Moon within your grasp until the next Full Moon.
    You may need:

  • A bowl of water
  • White paper moon or flower
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    You may need:

  • A bowl of water
  • White paper moon or flower
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    Float the paper moon or flower in the bowl. Raise the bowl towards the Moon in the sky and say:

    "Hail to thee white swan on the river. Present life, tide turner. Moving through the streams of life, all hail. Mother of old and new days, To you, through you, this night we cling to your aura. Pure reflection, total in belief, touched by your presence, I am in your power and wisdom. Praise your power, your peace, my power, my peace. I am strong. I praise. I bless."

    Replace the bowl on your altar. Stand for a few moments appreciating the power of the Moon. This spell is purely an incantation to the Moon and is therefore very simple. It needs no other tools or techniques except a physical representation of the Moon. Water is sacred to the Moon and therefore we offer her that which belongs to her.

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    #25 - Get Rid of a Bad Feeling

    To rid yourself of a bad feeling, someone who is bothering you, or a situation that is difficult to handle, you can use the power of air to shift it away from you. In this spell you can use colour to reinforce the magic. Choose a balloon in the more spiritual colours of purple or blue to work at the highest vibration.
    You may need:

  • Coloured balloon
  • Pieces of paper String Pen
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    You may need:

  • Coloured balloon
  • Pieces of paper String Pen
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    Write on single pieces of paper each thing you wish to be free from. Tie them onto the string at regular intervals like a kite tail.

    Take everything up to a high place if possible, a crossroads if not. Blow the balloon up and tie it securely with the string. As you do so say: "As I bind these things together may I be free of them forever" Release the balloon into the air and watch it be blown away.

    As this happens send it on its way with these words "Spirits of Air and all things good; Take these problems, lift my mood. Give me freedom, give me rest. And let me be what is my best"

    Now turn round, walk away and dont look back. When you perform this spell you are allowing the difficulty to be taken away from you. It can however be quite agentle process with usually little conflict or confrontation.

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    #26 - When You Feel Threatened

    We all go through times when we feel that we are under threat, perhaps at work when schedules are tight and tempers are about to snap; or maybe in the home when tensions are making themselves felt, creating a chill in the air. This spell, which calls for excellent visualization skills, protects you by forming a crystal shell around you, protecting you from the bad vibrations of ill temper.
    You may need:

  • A clear crystal of quartz
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    You may need:

  • A clear crystal of quartz
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    Place the crystal where it will catch the sunshine. Sit near it and breathe in deeply through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment or two before exhaling through your mouth. Repeat this several times, absorbing the light cast by the crystal as you inhale and exhaling any negative feelings, doubts and darkness.

    After a minute or two, stand up and begin visualizing a crystal-like ring rising around you, from your feet upwards, getting higher and higher with each breath you take. When the crystal ring is above head heightsee it close over you, forming any shape in which you feel comfortable to be enclosed - a pyramid perhaps, or maybe a dome.

    Still breathing deeply, feel the crystal form a floor beneath your feet. Conversely, sense a link between you and the centre of the earth. Stretch your arms and feel your fingers touch the sides of your crystal. Look upwards and see the top of the dome or pyramid point.

    If you can, also try to view yourself from outside the protective crystal in which you have surrounded yourself. Now say: "Within this crystal, I am safe from negative thought, And am so wherever I might be". When you feel it is right to do so, return to normal breathing and see the crystal open to allow you to step outside it or perceive it dissolving.

    This visualisation can then be used wherever you are, perhaps in crowds, a sticky situation or simply under pressure, safe in the knowledge that you can return to it whenever you need to. Those who have used this spell find that keeping a crystal in the house, office, or wherever else they think they may need protection from negativity strengthens the spells potency.

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    #27 - To Protect your Teenage Daughter

    This spell arises out of the ceremonies to honour the Maize Goddess in Mexico. Today it deals effectively with teenage fears and difficulties, particularly as it honours the maiden aspect of the triple goddess. It is in many ways a rite of passage and is both a protection and an initiation. It should not be performed unless the girl herself feels that she is ready for such a ceremony, or in need of it.
    You may need:

  • A white nightgown or simple dress
  • Maize broom corn tops (silks)
  • Two or four white candles (optional)
  • Water which has been blessed
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    You may need:

  • A white nightgown or simple dress
  • Maize broom corn tops (silks)
  • Two or four white candles (optional)
  • Water which has been blessed
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    Traditionally this ceremony was carried out to cleanse and protect a young girl who had been frightened by inopportune advances, whether human or otherwise. It is inevitable that the teenagers of today will find difficulty in talking about their fears and doubts, but if they can be encouraged to think about them prior to this spell it is helpful.

    The girl should be dressed in the white gown and then lie face downwards with her arms spread outwards in the shape of a cross. If using candles place them either at her hands, her feet and head or in all four positions. Do whatever you intuitively feel is right.

    Sweep her back and legs with the silks, using the blessed water at the same time. Sprinkle her from head to foot with the water. Petition the goddess using words such as: "Goddess of fertility, power and love: Bless this child here tonight. Protect, guard and guide her as she grows to womanhood. Let her not be troubled by childish fears. But grow to be the woman that she knows she can be."

    Ask the girl now to think about her own future to take time to dream and imagine the sort of person she would like to be. As you sit quietly with her visualize a white light surrounding her and ask that she be protected from harm. You might at this point wish to make use of the opportunity to encourage her to talk about her dreams and fears, but try not to put pressure on her.

    If you have used candles then you can snuff them out but do not use for other magic. Hopefully this will give your teenager a deeper appreciation of who she is and what she may become. Obviously she must give her consent to what you do together, and it is a time which must be treated sensitively. Knowing that she is protected does not give licence to take risks, simply to act responsibly.

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    #28 - To Break a Spell you have Cast

    There are times when we have cast a spell that we should not have done, either because we have not thought it through or because we have reacted in anger and later realize that it was inappropriate. Then we are honour bound to undo it. This spell is representational and the best time to do this is after midnight at the time of the Waning Moon.
    You may need:

  • As many white candles as you feel is appropriate
  • Purifying incense (such as benzoin or rosemary)
  • Rosemary oil
  • Angelica or rosemary herbs
  • A bead from a necklace you own - clear if possible
  • Small square of black cloth
  • Cord or thread
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    You may need:

  • As many white candles as you feel is appropriate
  • Purifying incense (such as benzoin or rosemary)
  • Rosemary oil
  • Angelica or rosemary herbs
  • A bead from a necklace you own - clear if possible
  • Small square of black cloth
  • Cord or thread
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    Anoint your candles with the rosemary oil, working from bottom to top, since you are sending the spell away. Light the incense and let it burn for a few moments to raise the atmosphere.

    Light your candles and as you do so think very carefully as to why you cast the first spell, what it has caused and why you wish it removed. Then say: "Great Mother, I ask a favour of you On (date)I cast a spell to (insert type of spell])I now ask for it to be removed and rendered harmless May it have no further power or gain".

    Place the bead or jewellery and the herbs on the black cloth and say: "Here I make sacrifice to you knowing that I must relinquish this object as token of my good intentions." Knot the cord around the cloth, saying as you do: "I transfer the power of the spell to this object And enclose it within its own darkness So be it."

    Use three knots for finality. Seal the knots by dripping wax from one of the candles on them. Then take the bag to a source of running water or a clear space and throw it away as far from you as you can

    If your first spell was done in anger or fear, then say: "Begone anger, begone fear. It is done". You should find that you have got rid of any negativity you may have felt. Insofar as you have given up something which belongs to you, you have cleared yourself of the law of cause and effect and of any spiritual difficulty as a result of your initial action.

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    #29 - To Break a Curse

    There are various ways to break a curse or a malicious spell. Here you use an object to represent the curse, incense to clear it and an incantation to deflect it. You then allow natural forces to do their work.
    You may need:

  • Cleansing incense such as benzoin or Dragons Blood
  • Black candle (to represent the negativity)
  • White candle (for positivity)
  • A sachet containing equal parts of:
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Bay
  • Verbena
  • Lemon
  • Your athame
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Glass or china plate
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    You may need:

  • Cleansing incense such as benzoin or Dragons Blood
  • Black candle (to represent the negativity)
  • White candle (for positivity)
  • A sachet containing equal parts of:
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Bay
  • Verbena
  • Lemon
  • Your athame
  • Bowl of water
  • Bowl of salt
  • Glass or china plate
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    • Light the incense and candles and place them on your altar (black on left, white on right).
    • Pass the sachet through the incense smoke and put it on one side.
    • Hold the lemon in both hands and allow the lemon to signify the negativity. Think of all the negative things that have happened to or around you and push them into the lemon, particularly if you suspect they are associated with the curse.
    • Put the lemon on the plate.
    • Dip your knife or athame in the water then slice the lemon into three pieces.
    • Touch each piece of lemon with the tip of the athame.
    • As you do this, repeat the following: Three times three, Now set me free
    • Visualize the lemon drawing the negativity away from you and into itself.
    • As you do this, repeat: As sour as this lemon be
    Charged and cut in pieces three With salt and water I am free Uncross me now, I will it be. Lemon sour, lemon sour Charged now with power Let this lemon do its task It’s cleansing power I do ask As this lemon dries in air. Free me from my dark despair. Uncross! Uncross! I break this curse But let not my simple spell reverse I wish no ill, nor wish him pain I wish only to be free again.
    • Take each lemon slice and dip it in the salt, making sure it is well coated.
    • Set the slices back on the altar and say: As it is my will, so mote it be.
    • Leave the lemon pieces on the altar where they can dry. Once dry the spell is complete and the lemon can be thrown away or buried.
    • If however the fruit rots instead, you must repeat the spell. While waiting for the fruit to dry, keep the sachet with you at all times. It will help to protect you from the effects of the spells and turn away any negativity sent in your direction.

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    #30 - Moon Protection for the Amulets

    This technique can be used to protect an object that you use as an amulet. Obviously you are also taking in the power from the Moon as well. This is best done at the time of the Full Moon.
    You may need:

  • Your chosen amulet
  • A glass of spring water
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    You may need:

  • Your chosen amulet
  • A glass of spring water
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    • Place a crystal or amulet that you regularly carry in the glass of spring water a day before the Full Moon.
    • The following day, on the evening of the Full Moon, stir the water three times with your right hand in a clockwise motion.
    • Then take the glass in your hands and swirl the water in it around, moving the glass in a clockwise, circular, stirring motion three times.
    • Then repeat these words aloud: Oh Light of the Moon
    Wrap me Protect me Keep me from harm.
    • Remove your amulet from the glass.
    • Raise the glass towards the sky, acknowledging the Moon.
    • Lower the glass, bring it to your lips and drink the water.
    • Carry the amulet with you till the next Full Moon in order to ensure full protection.
    • Repeat this process every month to benefit from the amulet’s influence. When an object has been blessed by the Moon, you enter under her protection. You symbolically take in her power by drinking the water. Amulets are seemingly inanimate objects which have been given power by the incantation.

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    80 Spiritual Spells from The Immortal's Keep