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4 Spiritual Spells from Twisted Insanity

Covens Twisted Insanity  ► Twisted Insanity's Spellbooks  ► 4 Spiritual Spells
4 Spiritual Spells from Twisted Insanity

Included in this list of 4 Spiritual Spells
  1. Summon a Creeper Demon
  2. Protection an Elimination of Evil.
  3. Candle Magic
  4. Summoning Hatred and Energy
#1 - #4

#1 - Summon a Creeper Demon

Use this to summon a lower level demon to do your bidding.
You may need:

  • deep believe
  • pure hate
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    You may need:

  • deep believe
  • pure hate
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    Cast a summoning circle. After you have made sure the summoning circle is cast correctly say:

    Demons who dwell in slivers of night, Uncloak your shadow to witch's sight.

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    Part of the Twisted Insanity Library.

    #2 - Protection an Elimination of Evil.

    A spell to Protect you from what Plagues you.
    You may need:

  • 1: Black Candle.
  • 2: Silence.
  • 3: Concentration
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    You may need:

  • 1: Black Candle.
  • 2: Silence.
  • 3: Concentration
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    This candle I see before me, it's color so bright, holds my needs of change in it's light...I call forth the forces higher than I, to release this energy held inside. May it work for me in the most correct way, harming none and helping all as it leaves my stay. I call on thee in perfect trust and love sending me guidance from above, Take away this which threatens me.Take away this which ill's me So mote it be!

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    Part of the Twisted Insanity Library.

    #3 - Candle Magic

    A basic idea of the different candle's there colors and meaning's.
    You may need:

  • All Candles
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    You may need:

  • All Candles
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    • Energy
    • Strength
    • Passion
    • Courage
    • Career Goals
    • Fast Action
    • Lust
    • Blood of the Moon
    • Vibrancy
    • Driving Force
    • Love
    • Survival
    • Emotion
    • Sex
    • Power
    • Anger
    • Fire

    Orange :

    • Business Goals
    • Property Deals
    • Ambition
    • Career Goals
    • General Success
    • Justice
    • Legal Matters
    • Selling
    • Action
    • Attraction
    • Encouragement
    • Stimulation
    • Quick manifestation
    • Fire
    • Courage.

    Copper :

    • Passion
    • Money Goals
    • Professional Growth
    • Fertility in Business
    • Career Maneuvers


    • Wealth
    • God
    • Promote Winning
    • Safety and Power of the Male
    • Happiness
    • Playful Humor
    • The "masculine" Aspects of the Divine
    • The Sun, Prosperity and Abundance.


    • The Sun
    • Intelligence
    • Accelerated Learning
    • Memory
    • Logical Imagination
    • Breaking Mental Blocks
    • Selling Yourself
    • Attraction
    • Charm
    • Confidence
    • Happiness
    • Joy
    • Abundance
    • Money
    • Health


    • Romantic Love
    • Planetary Good Will
    • Healing of Emotions
    • Peace
    • Affection
    • Romance
    • Partnerships of Emotional Maturity
    • Caring
    • Nurturing
    • Honor
    • Love
    • Romance
    • Compassion
    • Femininity
    • Friendship
    • Sexual Attraction


    • Earth Mother
    • Physical Healing
    • Monetary Success
    • Abundance
    • Fertility
    • Tree and Plant Magick
    • Growth
    • Personal Goals
    • Fertility
    • Prosperity
    • Love
    • Growth
    • Luck
    • Healing
    • Purifying
    • Happiness

    Blue (Water):

    • Good Fortune
    • Opening Blocked Communication
    • Wisdom
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Inspiration
    • Calm
    • Reassurance
    • Gently Moving
    • Creativity
    • Success
    • Material/Earthly Destiny
    • Patience
    • Communication
    • Clarity
    • Wisdom


    • Influencing People in High Places
    • Third Eye
    • Psychic Ability
    • Spiritual Power
    • Self Assurance
    • Hidden Knowledge
    • Spirituality and Spiritual destiny
    • Power
    • Peace
    • Royalty
    • Concentration


    • Telepathy
    • Clairvoyance
    • Clairaudience
    • Psychometry
    • Intuition
    • Dreams
    • Astral Energies
    • Female Power
    • Communication
    • The Goddess or Lady of the Moon
    • Prosperity and Abundance
    • Clairvoyance
    • Astral Traveling.


    • Influence Friendships
    • Special Favors
    • To Dispel Sorrow
    • Grounding
    • For Growing Plants
    • Gardens


    • Protection
    • Repelling Negativity
    • Binding
    • Shape shifting
    • Returning Bad Vibes
    • The Void
    • Pure Potential
    • Protection
    • Negates All Colors and Energies
    • Invocation
    • (Also.) Evil Negative Properties
    • Evil
    • Darkness
    • Used In Black Magic.


    • Spirituality
    • The Goddess
    • Peace
    • Higher Self
    • Purity
    • Virginity
    • Substitute for any other color
    • Purity and Oneness
    • Contains and reflects All colors
    • Peace
    • Purifying
    • Healing

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    Last edited on Mar 31, 2016
    Part of the Twisted Insanity Library.

    #4 - Summoning Hatred and Energy

    This is a Spell that Work's mostly for those of the Dark Alignment. This spell endows you with the Power of Evil.
    You may need:

  • A quiet Room.
  • 1 Black Candle
  • Pure Hatred.
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    You may need:

  • A quiet Room.
  • 1 Black Candle
  • Pure Hatred.
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    Light a Black Candle and place it in front of you. After doing so
    place your fist on your chest placed over your heart, look deep inside of yourself forcing your Hate, Sin, Malice, And Pure Hatred and speak forth these words:

    "I ____ Invoke The Spirit's who never sleep, and I invoke the Hounds who sleep so quietly. I ask thee to lend me your hatred lend me your fire, Lend me your undying and limitless power. Bring me forth the power of destruction bring me forth the power to smight down mine enemies..for I am a child of Darkness, for I am______ now bring forth this power to me Shall I Due thou's Bidding! So mote it be!"

    After you have done this slam your fist to the side and bend to one knee and place your first on the ground and speak:

    "And so shall it be done..!"

    blow out the candle and close your eyes. You should feel a pulse and feel a little more Evil as well as Power. ~Spell by PigWolf.~

    Added to
    Last edited on Mar 31, 2016
    Part of the Twisted Insanity Library.

    4 Spiritual Spells from Twisted Insanity
    #1 - #4