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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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aura and third eye - Magic Forums
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...Hi how to see aura and how to open it ? And charka ?how to saw a spirit ? And how to sense them ? Misc Topics aura and third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest aura and third eye.......
Opening the Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...Opening the Third Eye This exercise is done with a specific tone and chant. You need to do this exercise for 4 days in a row. Regular meditation on the third eye should follow to completely open it up and establish an energy uptake. This exercise only gets it going. Further...
Auras - Magic Forums
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...I know this has been posted already but here is EVERYTHING you need to know about auras. It's a long read but worth it. The third eye or anja charka is undoubtedly the most famous of all of the energy centers in the human body. It's even made its way into...
The Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...I'm not sure why, but lately I've been thinking about the third eye and clairvoyance and things lately. I've read a ritual on here a long time ago about how I open up the third eye and I plan on taking a look at it again. But I would like someone...
third eye? - Magic Forums
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...i was reading a healing spell and it said open your third eye, wat is that? Other Spells Discussion third eye? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye?.......
my third eye - Magic Forums
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...what is the easyiest way to open my third eye and what can ya do with the third eyeSite Spells Discussion my third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest my third eye.......
Third eye spell - Magic Forums
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...Well, I'm kinda a newby, but anyway. Can you practice any other spells while being busy with the 3 day period of the 3rd eye? Site Spells Discussion third eye spell Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye spell.......
Third Eye and other ?'s - Magic Forums
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...My questions are simple. How would one open their third eye? How can you tell how much spiritual/magical power you have? My last question may be a little {complicated;} I somehow managed to go to that spiritual library, the one you need to astral project to get to, that holds the...
third eye - Magic Forums
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...hey yall my fiance' became interested in spells and did the third eye/pineal gland exercise with no effect i was wondering if there is anyway to boost the effects of the pineal glands growth??? or boost the effects of the exercise. Site Spells Discussion third eye Reply to this post oldest...
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...There is an exercise related to the third eye that we have to meditate and say ''THOH'' for 3 days. 5 days have been over since the 3 days time period and all i feel is a little pressure in centre of my forehead. Are there any more steps involved? How...
Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...Can somebody help me open my third eye? I have tried many techniques from the Internet but none of them work:( please if u have a technique that u know works state it and excpecially if it is simple and doesn't require meditation for a whole hour (yes I tried that...
third eye, kundalini - Magic Forums
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...A very serious question. Is there a difference between the third eye and kundalini. I know pineal gland is basically your third eye so isn't the kundalini the same but apprantely kundalini is more powerful. Can someone explain.this to me please? Misc Topics third eye, kundalini Reply to this post oldest...
The third eye? - Magic Forums
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...can somebobdy give me advice on opening the third eye? Other Spells Discussion The third eye? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest The third eye?.......
third eye - help - Magic Forums
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...So i just started using the site and began my first attempt at meditating and trying to open my third eye. I began with some breathing exercises to clear my mind and began to shift my eyes to the place where the third is. Once my eyes locked I began breathing...
Third Eye opening - Magic Forums
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...Hi guys. I have been thinking of opening my Third Eye, but Id like to know the pros and cons before trotting into unknown territory. Any knowledge would be much appreciated. Misc Topics third eye opening Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1...
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