Search Results for "third eye"
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Search Results for third eye
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Eyes Wide Shut! - Magic Forums
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...So one of my favourite movies is eyes wide shut. One of my favourite parts is the ritual scene in the movie. I fine the music and the chant the guys saying very mesmerizing/beautiful/artistic. I would love to find more songs or music like this if I can, Could anyone point...
Forum Post
...So one of my favourite movies is eyes wide shut. One of my favourite parts is the ritual scene in the movie. I fine the music and the chant the guys saying very mesmerizing/beautiful/artistic. I would love to find more songs or music like this if I can, Could anyone point...
opening the 3rd eye, help
Forum Post there any best exorcises i can do to awaken my 3rd eye? if so please tell, thank you. Misc Topics opening the 3rd eye, help Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest opening the 3rd eye, help By:.......
Forum Post there any best exorcises i can do to awaken my 3rd eye? if so please tell, thank you. Misc Topics opening the 3rd eye, help Reply to this post oldest 1 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest opening the 3rd eye, help By:....... for 3rd eye - Magic Forums
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...I was wondering if you can suggest me some good binaural beats really effective with fast results for opening my third eye. And how can I also use them? I just listen to tuem and lay down? If I accidentally fall asleep in this case is it okay??? Thank you everyone....
Forum Post
...I was wondering if you can suggest me some good binaural beats really effective with fast results for opening my third eye. And how can I also use them? I just listen to tuem and lay down? If I accidentally fall asleep in this case is it okay??? Thank you everyone....
The all seeing eye. - Magic Forums
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...To get one thing clear all this nonesense about the illuminati is nothing more than propaganda. Did you think the truth was that easy? Another fear tactic for commercialized religion. Now the all seeing eye just represents the mind the frequency in which all of us are connected. Have you ever...
Forum Post
...To get one thing clear all this nonesense about the illuminati is nothing more than propaganda. Did you think the truth was that easy? Another fear tactic for commercialized religion. Now the all seeing eye just represents the mind the frequency in which all of us are connected. Have you ever...
Wish Eye - Magic Forums
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...src='''' alt=''real wishes granted'' title=''real wishes granted'' /> real wishes granted Advertisements Wish eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Wish eye.......
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...src='''' alt=''real wishes granted'' title=''real wishes granted'' /> real wishes granted Advertisements Wish eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Wish eye.......
3rd eye opening beats - Magic Forums
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...Few questions about using binaural beats to open your chakras and the 3rd eye specifically. 1) Do I need to be in a meditive state? Could I just be lying on my back? 2) can I listen to it when I sleep and get the same or better results? 3) How...
Forum Post
...Few questions about using binaural beats to open your chakras and the 3rd eye specifically. 1) Do I need to be in a meditive state? Could I just be lying on my back? 2) can I listen to it when I sleep and get the same or better results? 3) How...
The Eye of Lilith - Magic Forums
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...Kneel on the ground and draw the Eye of Lilith using an owls feather dipped in blue pigment. If you don't have an owl feather you can use any type of feather as it is a symbolic gesture honoring the goddess. If it is not a genuine owl feather in your...
Forum Post
...Kneel on the ground and draw the Eye of Lilith using an owls feather dipped in blue pigment. If you don't have an owl feather you can use any type of feather as it is a symbolic gesture honoring the goddess. If it is not a genuine owl feather in your...
Eyes (color, vision) - Magic Forums
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...I am inspired to share this spell with everyone out there who is strongly influenced by the beauty of their eyes and want to strengthen, beautify, and enhance the overall appearance of them. When you are at your highest potential of magick strength, when your desire is strong, and when you...
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...I am inspired to share this spell with everyone out there who is strongly influenced by the beauty of their eyes and want to strengthen, beautify, and enhance the overall appearance of them. When you are at your highest potential of magick strength, when your desire is strong, and when you...
3rd eye charka - Magic Forums
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...Hey guys, I am now trying to open my 3 rd eye, the 6th charka. I've done the exercise of saying the word ''Thoh'', but I've got no dizziness, no symptoms, no head ache or anything else. Am I doing something wrong? If yes may you tell me? PS: I got...
Forum Post
...Hey guys, I am now trying to open my 3 rd eye, the 6th charka. I've done the exercise of saying the word ''Thoh'', but I've got no dizziness, no symptoms, no head ache or anything else. Am I doing something wrong? If yes may you tell me? PS: I got...
Red eyes - Magic Forums
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...Okay I thought for second about having red eyes, apperantly I think it's black magic and can mess up my free will. Is this true? Thank you and blessed be:) Site Spells Discussion Red eyes Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest...
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...Okay I thought for second about having red eyes, apperantly I think it's black magic and can mess up my free will. Is this true? Thank you and blessed be:) Site Spells Discussion Red eyes Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest...
Eye color spell. - Magic Forums
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...What is the best eye color spell that is easy to cast and works? I really hate my eye color. They are blue and they look so ugly since the rest of my families eye colors are brown and green. I really want hazel eyes.Spell Suggestions eye color spell. Reply to...
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...What is the best eye color spell that is easy to cast and works? I really hate my eye color. They are blue and they look so ugly since the rest of my families eye colors are brown and green. I really want hazel eyes.Spell Suggestions eye color spell. Reply to...
how to open your 3rd eye - Magic Forums
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...hi again so some of you seen my post help with a mer. problem or wiccans open your eyes i need to know how to open my third eye cause i found out truecat's friend has her's open and when i send her a pic of my feet in water she...
Forum Post
...hi again so some of you seen my post help with a mer. problem or wiccans open your eyes i need to know how to open my third eye cause i found out truecat's friend has her's open and when i send her a pic of my feet in water she...
I want to change my eyes - Magic Forums
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...I want change my eyes colour to light blue what should I do and what kind of magic should I do Other Spells Discussion I want to change my eyes This thread has been been lockedLocked oldest 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest I want to change...
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...I want change my eyes colour to light blue what should I do and what kind of magic should I do Other Spells Discussion I want to change my eyes This thread has been been lockedLocked oldest 1 newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest I want to change...
8mm Evil Eye/ Clear Quartz with Fatima Hand | $8.50
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Jewelry Anklets & Bracelets 8mm Evil Eye/ Clear Quartz with Fatima Hand 8mm 8mm Evil Eye/ Clear Quartz with Fatima Hand Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA! Anklets....
Price: $8.95 Sale Price: $8.50 (Save 5%)...
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3rd eye development - Magic Forums
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...Hello. As you may know i have been trying to open my third eye for some time. Well the other day i went to a witchcraft store in pa and they recommended i buy a lapiz stone. So I bought it, placed it over my forehead and meditated. After a short...
Forum Post
...Hello. As you may know i have been trying to open my third eye for some time. Well the other day i went to a witchcraft store in pa and they recommended i buy a lapiz stone. So I bought it, placed it over my forehead and meditated. After a short...