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Search Results for gain wisdom
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Types of Wands (Wood Edition)
Different types of wands that are made of wood. Alder - Alder wands are used for witchcraft magick rituals concerning with charisma, journeys, self confidence, bravery, supervision skills, and spiritual growth. Also used in shielding the astral self from unwanted intrusion from other realms. Apple - This is a powerful wood...

Uses for dirt - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Here are some uses for dirt in spells and rituals: Graveyard dirt: kind of obvious....can be very potent, know what you are doing before using it. Dirt from a hospital: spells to harm Dirt from a doctors office: healing Dirt from a soldiers grave: protection, domination or courage Dirt from a...
Forum Post
...Here are some uses for dirt in spells and rituals: Graveyard dirt: kind of obvious....can be very potent, know what you are doing before using it. Dirt from a hospital: spells to harm Dirt from a doctors office: healing Dirt from a soldiers grave: protection, domination or courage Dirt from a...
Sea Shells - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Just a small list of different types of sea shells and their magical uses. I'll expand on it further in future posts. Abalone: inner beauty and finding things, intuition, abundance Angel Wing: gracefulness, balance Clam: love, passion, and purification Cockle: love, friendship, trust, and positive relationships Conch: communication, both physical and...
Forum Post
...Just a small list of different types of sea shells and their magical uses. I'll expand on it further in future posts. Abalone: inner beauty and finding things, intuition, abundance Angel Wing: gracefulness, balance Clam: love, passion, and purification Cockle: love, friendship, trust, and positive relationships Conch: communication, both physical and...
Cermony For Unlocking Your Witch
... This will allow you to become a witch, especially if you're a beginner. It'll allow you to become to your full potential. Though you don't become a witch through a spell, one can help you gain the motivation to become actively involved in the practice. You become one through studying, experiencing,...
... This will allow you to become a witch, especially if you're a beginner. It'll allow you to become to your full potential. Though you don't become a witch through a spell, one can help you gain the motivation to become actively involved in the practice. You become one through studying, experiencing,...
Magickal trees and fruits
Forum Post\] particularly associated with peace and giving and receiving of love,poisoned apples represents seduction, wickedness and false knowledge. oak\]sacred in many traditions, including druid,judaeo christian and norse, it is particularly associated with protection and endurance, fruit and acorns. hazel\] tree of knowledge and wisdom, hazel rods are traditionally used for dowsing,...
Forum Post\] particularly associated with peace and giving and receiving of love,poisoned apples represents seduction, wickedness and false knowledge. oak\]sacred in many traditions, including druid,judaeo christian and norse, it is particularly associated with protection and endurance, fruit and acorns. hazel\] tree of knowledge and wisdom, hazel rods are traditionally used for dowsing,...
Magical Properties of Wood for Wands
A comprehensive list of woods and their uses for wand making. Magical Properties of Wood Acacia Koa: It has both a masculine and a feminine side, almost completely separate. Masculine properties: The energy associated with the masculine aspects of this wood are duality and balance, like the tides. This energy is...

AP & LD - Magic Forums
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...Learn the Difference Between AP and LD Is there any difference between astral projection and lucid dreaming? Many people, even astral travelers, say that there is no difference between the {two;} while others are of the opinion that they are two different experiences. In truth, lucid dreaming and astral projection are...
Forum Post
...Learn the Difference Between AP and LD Is there any difference between astral projection and lucid dreaming? Many people, even astral travelers, say that there is no difference between the {two;} while others are of the opinion that they are two different experiences. In truth, lucid dreaming and astral projection are...
... Wisdom, healing, male principle, environment, triple goddess, power and change. Deities Of Change These deities may be invoked in rituals involving not only change but also good fortune. Oya: Oya is the African goddess, also known as Yoruba, who rules the winds and so controls the winds of change. She oversees...
... Wisdom, healing, male principle, environment, triple goddess, power and change. Deities Of Change These deities may be invoked in rituals involving not only change but also good fortune. Oya: Oya is the African goddess, also known as Yoruba, who rules the winds and so controls the winds of change. She oversees...
Herbs A-B
A summary of Herbs starting with the letters A to B. ACACIA: Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, platonic love, and friendship. Use to anoint candles censers and to consecrate chests or boxes that hold ritual tools. Use in incense to promote a meditative state. Also Called: Gum Arabic, Arabic Gum...

Aura color and Meaning
...Divine Spirits Articles Aura color and Meaning Rated 4/5 Stars Clear Color Meanings Meanings RED - Clear strong energy, fire, primal creative force, a strong passion, strong mind and will. Can reflect.......
...Divine Spirits Articles Aura color and Meaning Rated 4/5 Stars Clear Color Meanings Meanings RED - Clear strong energy, fire, primal creative force, a strong passion, strong mind and will. Can reflect.......
athought - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...seems some one has thought i need some bad luk and maybe its what is affecting the coven and for some reason i feel some one wants to attak but wont cuz im a member so maybe if i leave it will help all a sad day for me a very...
Forum Post
...seems some one has thought i need some bad luk and maybe its what is affecting the coven and for some reason i feel some one wants to attak but wont cuz im a member so maybe if i leave it will help all a sad day for me a very...
DarkGaurdian's Profile - Membership Area
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goal is to get a more hands on approach on magic, to experience experience more and gain knowledge from practitioners around the.......
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Prayer to Anat
...This is a prayer honoring the goddess Anat: the goddess of war, wisdom, knowledge, and hunting from the Canaanite pantheon. She is a wife, consort, and aspect of Yahweh under the name ''Anat-Yahu'' and is believed to be the archangel Anathiel, one of Yahweh's most loyal angels. Blessed is Anat,...
...This is a prayer honoring the goddess Anat: the goddess of war, wisdom, knowledge, and hunting from the Canaanite pantheon. She is a wife, consort, and aspect of Yahweh under the name ''Anat-Yahu'' and is believed to be the archangel Anathiel, one of Yahweh's most loyal angels. Blessed is Anat,...
Defocus's Profile - Membership Area
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view Website: view Personal Bio Im open to help anyone and also gain gain more.......
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Types of Wands (Wood Edition)
Different types of wands that are made of wood. Alder - Alder wands are used for witchcraft magick rituals concerning with charisma, journeys, self confidence, bravery, supervision skills, and spiritual growth. Also used in shielding the astral self from unwanted intrusion from other realms. Apple - This is a powerful wood...