Search Results for "protection magick"
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Search Results for protection magick
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Energy Magick's Articles
...Energy magick Articles and Rituals These rituals and articles have been added by by the Coven of Energy Magick. Questions or comments regarding anything on these pages should be directed toward.......
...Energy magick Articles and Rituals These rituals and articles have been added by by the Coven of Energy Magick. Questions or comments regarding anything on these pages should be directed toward.......
Chaos Magick.
...Lucifer's Elite Articles Chaos Magick. Rated 5/5 Stars Self explanitary. A Chaote works works with results, he uses any system of magick or religion to gain results, there are very few actual.......
...Lucifer's Elite Articles Chaos Magick. Rated 5/5 Stars Self explanitary. A Chaote works works with results, he uses any system of magick or religion to gain results, there are very few actual.......
What is Magick - Magic Forums
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...I read something in my Wicca 101 class tonight that I wanted to share. I actually knew this but putting it this way just might help someone else make sense of it. ____________________________ Unlike ''Magic'' (no K), Magick is the art, or science, of manipulating or focusing will to manipulate one's...
Forum Post
...I read something in my Wicca 101 class tonight that I wanted to share. I actually knew this but putting it this way just might help someone else make sense of it. ____________________________ Unlike ''Magic'' (no K), Magick is the art, or science, of manipulating or focusing will to manipulate one's...
You don't have to believe
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...You don't have to believe to be able to use magick. It is a part of us. It is the very same that you do not have to believe that you can walk, to be able to do it. To be able to walk you must learn how to and train...
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...You don't have to believe to be able to use magick. It is a part of us. It is the very same that you do not have to believe that you can walk, to be able to do it. To be able to walk you must learn how to and train...
Elemental Magick - Magic Forums
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...Okay if you wish to learn Elemental Magick There are somethings about the elements we all should know 1. Fire. Fire Is Unpredictable and wild her power is a fickle thing Water. Water is Mystical and specail The Creator of Life First Path Elemental magick oldest 1 newest Elemental magick By:...
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...Okay if you wish to learn Elemental Magick There are somethings about the elements we all should know 1. Fire. Fire Is Unpredictable and wild her power is a fickle thing Water. Water is Mystical and specail The Creator of Life First Path Elemental magick oldest 1 newest Elemental magick By:...
Magickal trees and fruits
Forum Post\] particularly associated with peace and giving and receiving of love,poisoned apples represents seduction, wickedness and false knowledge. oak\]sacred in many traditions, including druid,judaeo christian and norse, it is particularly associated with protection and endurance, fruit and acorns. hazel\] tree of knowledge and wisdom, hazel rods are traditionally used for dowsing,...
Forum Post\] particularly associated with peace and giving and receiving of love,poisoned apples represents seduction, wickedness and false knowledge. oak\]sacred in many traditions, including druid,judaeo christian and norse, it is particularly associated with protection and endurance, fruit and acorns. hazel\] tree of knowledge and wisdom, hazel rods are traditionally used for dowsing,...
Native American Magick - Magic Forums
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...~~a brief touch on the subject~~ ''When we die...the energy's going to change. But it's going to go on 'cos it's the Life Force. We came from's in the shell, but the shell is not me. The shell doesn't define me, it just holds me together for now.'' ~~Apache Shaman...
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...~~a brief touch on the subject~~ ''When we die...the energy's going to change. But it's going to go on 'cos it's the Life Force. We came from's in the shell, but the shell is not me. The shell doesn't define me, it just holds me together for now.'' ~~Apache Shaman...
Herb Correspondences - Magic Forums
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...This is just some herbs and some of their correspondences. Rosemary--protection, love, lust Lavendar--love, sleep, attract good spirits Lemon Grass--psychic powers, increases the power of all amulets Burdock Root--protection, healing, cleansing, uncrossing Wormwood--(poison) psychic powers, protection, calling spirits Poke Root--(poison) hex breaking, exorcising evil spirits, revenge. Patchoile--money, lust, fertility, breaking any...
Forum Post
...This is just some herbs and some of their correspondences. Rosemary--protection, love, lust Lavendar--love, sleep, attract good spirits Lemon Grass--psychic powers, increases the power of all amulets Burdock Root--protection, healing, cleansing, uncrossing Wormwood--(poison) psychic powers, protection, calling spirits Poke Root--(poison) hex breaking, exorcising evil spirits, revenge. Patchoile--money, lust, fertility, breaking any...
Protection Ritual
...Articles protection Ritual This ritual is blessed upon an item for protection ie- ie- pentagram, necklace... Need : 1 red candle 4 white candles cinnamon incense bowl of water onyx crystal Method :- Cast a circle and place the red candle at north symbolizing fire, the.......
...Articles protection Ritual This ritual is blessed upon an item for protection ie- ie- pentagram, necklace... Need : 1 red candle 4 white candles cinnamon incense bowl of water onyx crystal Method :- Cast a circle and place the red candle at north symbolizing fire, the.......
What has magick done 4 U? - Magic Forums
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...I'm just curious as to what magick has done for you? I wanna hear everyone's perspective on it. Tell about the gains and mishaps you've encountered, and what have you learned from it? Baron La Croix What has magick done 4 U? oldest 1 newest What What has magick done 4...
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...I'm just curious as to what magick has done for you? I wanna hear everyone's perspective on it. Tell about the gains and mishaps you've encountered, and what have you learned from it? Baron La Croix What has magick done 4 U? oldest 1 newest What What has magick done 4...
Astral Magick - Magic Forums
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...Astral Magick Posted by CaeMagna on Mar 05, 2010 ASTRAL MAGIC-Part 1: What is Astral Magic? Astral Magic has been described and mis-described in so many ways in New Age books and articles that it can be difficult to pick out what it truly means, and what ramifications it and its...
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...Astral Magick Posted by CaeMagna on Mar 05, 2010 ASTRAL MAGIC-Part 1: What is Astral Magic? Astral Magic has been described and mis-described in so many ways in New Age books and articles that it can be difficult to pick out what it truly means, and what ramifications it and its...
Dream Magick and similiar
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...Exercise: Asking for a Dream Visit from a Loved One in Spirit What you will need for this exercise: Your mind in a relaxed state A quiet environment Before we try to communicate with spirits, we must shield our energy and call in our guides. Using your mind, call out to...
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...Exercise: Asking for a Dream Visit from a Loved One in Spirit What you will need for this exercise: Your mind in a relaxed state A quiet environment Before we try to communicate with spirits, we must shield our energy and call in our guides. Using your mind, call out to...
Types of Wands (Wood Edition)
... Different types of wands that are made of wood. Alder - Alder wands are used for witchcraft magick rituals concerning with charisma, journeys, self confidence, bravery, supervision skills, and spiritual growth. Also used in shielding the astral self from unwanted intrusion from other realms. Apple - This is a powerful wood...
... Different types of wands that are made of wood. Alder - Alder wands are used for witchcraft magick rituals concerning with charisma, journeys, self confidence, bravery, supervision skills, and spiritual growth. Also used in shielding the astral self from unwanted intrusion from other realms. Apple - This is a powerful wood...
A Luciferian Banishing Ritual
... The Binding of Shadows In silence, close your eyes and envision a large amount of energy rising up from within you. The slow breathing technique, as described by Tantrics described a slow rise of astral energy to form a shield and to clear the mind of thoughts other than the goals...
... The Binding of Shadows In silence, close your eyes and envision a large amount of energy rising up from within you. The slow breathing technique, as described by Tantrics described a slow rise of astral energy to form a shield and to clear the mind of thoughts other than the goals...
Protection Incantation - Magic Forums
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...PROTECTION CHANT I Wizard /Witchof of Ancient lore, plead with this Trees and Forest floor ,protection and your assistance here do i seek ,marry my bones and vine of my sorcery ,lord of heaven, Queen of Hell ,strenghthen this,my beloved incantation, that no harm will come to me. So mote it...
Forum Post
...PROTECTION CHANT I Wizard /Witchof of Ancient lore, plead with this Trees and Forest floor ,protection and your assistance here do i seek ,marry my bones and vine of my sorcery ,lord of heaven, Queen of Hell ,strenghthen this,my beloved incantation, that no harm will come to me. So mote it...