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Search Results for revenge
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Revenge Spell/Karma - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hello there lovelies. I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to cast a revenge spell for me, perferably based on karma. I prefer also black magick. I cannot cast it myself as I'm dirt poor and cannot get the ingredients. I am also having crippling depression at the moment...
revenge on cosister - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hello Dear friends, I have some serious problems with my cosister in my family and its become a everyday hassle to deal with her. I want her to suffer with serious accident/paralyse or permanent serious health issues. Can someone in this group help cast spells on her and help me ,...
Ending + revenge - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...So I saw this person for 1.5yrs. I broke it off after I reflecting on the situation. He never had my back when I needed his help. I am over it. What is a good spell to make a complete break and cut any possible cords. I suspect there are still...
spells for revenge - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...If a person is just a horrible human being would it be bad if i did several bad luck spells on her and if you know any bad luck or spells for revenge can you plz tell me Spell Suggestions spells for revenge Reply to this post oldest 1 2 newest...
Revenge on a Rapist - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Please I need help. I am in need of a revenge spell. Most revenge spells on this site require a name or picture and I cannot attain either. The predicament I'm in, my lover for about a year has just told me they were raped/molested a few years ago, and I'm...
Revenge's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: revenge Last Seen: Tue, 15 Jun 2010 Membership: .......
Message - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...For those who think I want revenge on people on this site. No I do not. I want revenge on people in my actually life. not online life. I do not harm others that done nothing to me. The reason why I deleted the post was because you guys were being...
Strong revenge - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hello I have multiple enemies which I need to destroy them fast ! Revenge them all at the same time ! Is there something fast effective to kill all of my enemies at the same time ? They are very very evil ! I need some spell that really works fast...
I used a revenge spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I used a revenge spell from here and it worked...the consequences were very severe the person I cast it on died. It was a karma spell so it said no effects would come to me but should I be worried? Site Spells Discussion I used a revenge spell Reply to this...
Revenge Break up Spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hi, I need help with this spell. Recently a guy that I had a crush on and had been flirting with, well, I found out that he has been engaged for a while and was toying with my heart and made me believe that he loved me. I want to get...
BelleJolie's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...spells are mermaid spells especially when they actually work, I love revenge spells spells because you can get revenge in the easiest way, my most favorite are love.......
It's time for revenge.. - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I want a get revenge on someone who's caused pain in these couple of days. I only know her first name, I've never met her but only in pictures in stories. I dont have any ingredients to do something crazy, I was hoping for ingredientless spells. If not then spells that...
Hoodedleo's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: Hoodedleo Birthday: Jul 2001 Location: Out of jail Gender: Female Last Last Seen: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 Membership: Member Personal Bio.......
Introduction To Spells
...and troubling over a cauldron, concocting a malevolent plan to wreak revenge on on her enemies.Or Carbosse (also known as Maleficent) the wicked witch in Sleeping Beauty who dooms Princess Aurora to die when she pricks her finger on a spindle, perhaps?Or the Wicked Witch.......
Deities of Marriage
...She is a powerful deity of fidelity and is called upon by women women seeking revenge upon unfaithful partners. Hestia: Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth and home, all family.......
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