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"protection magick"



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Search Results for protection magick
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Psychic Protection Course
Forum Post
...Hey everyone! This is a great course that my friend and mentor Andy Cooper has created on Udemy. Right now they are having a sell, and you can get the full course for {$9.99.} It is full of great information and techniques and I cant say enough about it. Check it...
Chaos Magick? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...So I've become interested in sigils recently, and while looking into them I saw that they were a part of chaos magick. What is that and how do sigils fall into that category? I haven't heard the term ''chaos magick'' before. General Info Chaos Magick? Reply to this post oldest 1...
Hi! New to magick! - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Hi, I just joined the world of magick,. I have been doing lots and lots of research on this topic and I'm not sure how I can cast a spell. Do I need a casting circle? Also any other advice is appreciated! General Info Hi! New to magick! Reply to this...
New to magick - Magic Forums
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...Hi im new to magick and i need a teacher for the different stuff i want to learn. I need a teacher for Healing, Astral Projection, Shapeshifting, Element Bending, Flying, Speed, Teleportation, Getting in touch with my inner animal and opening up my chakras, and invisibility. Please help me i wish...
Other magickal subjects - Magic Forums
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...Ok I don't know if the subject is written right or wrong Let's get started I've been 2 weeks on this site with intention of some spells and knowledge. I found great spells then I get to know about sigils I try it and works for me. I then started to...
Magick False or True?! - Magic Forums
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...Even when I first walked into the occult, I always hear the question if magick is real. I even ask myself that a few times back then. Always demanding the answer in such a short length of time. For those, they will nearly always find no for their answer. But for...
Introduction to sex magic - Magic Forums
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...Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.'' Oscar Wilde Sex magick means using your sexuality in order to work magick. This technique is not new nor {outrageaous;} although usually kept secret many esoteric systems use sexuality for spiritual and magical...
Started protection spell - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I started a protection spell that will run through halloween ending Sunday. i won't be home Sunday and will have to do the spell either early or late. I'm pretty sure someone cast against me, i felt things lighten as soon as i finished the first casting so that's a good...
Science and magick - Magic Forums
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...Magick itself despite most hollywood hype and shows, cannot change the genetics, appearance, or inherrent traits of a human being nor animal. It can however offer ways of suggestive behavior, in relation to trance states and hypnosis. Magick and science have traditionally been viewed as opposing forces, and alchemy or alchemistry...
Candle Magick Question - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Regarding candle magick, I have several old colored candles available to me which are fully intact but they have been burned off just a little bit. I was curious about using them in candle magick, because I am uncertain of when you might want to use a brand new candle and...
Your Magick Wand Poster | $2.98
Online Shopping
...Magical Posters / Parchments Parchment Posters Your magick Wand Poster Specials & Coupons Coupons Your magick Wand Poster One of our Most Popular items! Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free....
Price: $3.14 Sale Price: $2.98 (Save 5%)...
Practical Magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...There is a problematic trend among many in the Magickal Community today. Questions like ''Why did my spell fail?'' are answered--oftentimes--with stock answers like ''You didn't work hard enough,'' or ''You didn't believe enough.'' (As an aside, there are many on the Forums who do try to help with Troubleshooting Spells...
emotionless's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: emotionless Location: Not yet Gender: Male Last Seen: Sun, 18 Nov Nov 2012 Membership: Member Personal Bio Like my name implies,,,, I am emotionless,,, I feel no sadness, happiness,.......
Bodily fluids in magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I use this a lot when I'm praying for a particular person or on spells that I write that occasionally require them. I usually end up using saliva since its easiest to access without doing any damage/harm to my body. Is anyone else fond of using them as part of their...
Grey magick - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...ive been thinking and i think grey magick should be an option on this website, its like white magick mixed with black magick. it could be used for good and bad . (mostly good) for people who are passionate about both. who else agrees?? or unless theres someone who can tell...
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