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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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third eyes - Magic Forums
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...what I want to ask is what you guy feel when you practice open third eyes ? I ask this because i have weird experince why practice open third eyes . I don't use those practice on this page i just read it and made one practice for my . First...
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...I want to open my third eye in order to summon, astral travel, see spirits/auras and so on. Someone told me because I can open my 3rd eye, it doesn't mean I will be able to do these things. Is this true??? I want to open my third eye for these,...
Third eye help. - Magic Forums
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...Does the third eye really is an eye on your forehead?General Info third eye help. Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye help. By:.......
THIRD EYE - Magic Forums
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...HOW TO OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE. Spell Casters third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye By: AFFUM_CHARLENov 14, 2016--> (delete thread) Post # 1 Nov 14,.......
Chakras? Third eye? - Magic Forums
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...What is all this? After searching the forum I've found out the third eye lets you see spirits and such but I couldn't find out how to open it so could someone explain all this to me and chakras thank you General Info Chakras? third eye? Reply to this post oldest...
Opening my third eye - Magic Forums
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...I have read books and of other peoples experiences and how they opened there third eye i have done what they did but i dont feel any different they said to meditaite (sorry for poor spelling) but is there a special way to meditaite that is more effective or is there...
third eye - Magic Forums
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...please someone tell me how to do it and how do i know when its openedSpell Suggestions third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye By:.......
Third eye opening? - Magic Forums
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...So, i'm gaining interest in awakening my third eye as I've been doing research about it I had a few questions like how does it benefit you? what does an awakened third eye help you do? I want to know as much about third eye opening as possible.. Sorry if I...
Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...anyone know how to open ur third eye?if u can tell me id be very happy :)General Info third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye By:.......
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...My god daughter is having an extremely hard time opening and using her third eye. She says that every time she tries that she instantly gets a horrible headache. She has even tried during meditation and still gets the horrible head ache. Please tell me what I can do or she...
THIRD EYE USE ALL - Magic Forums
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...try this one on for size! ok when you have enough time lets say 15 minutes try this out. place 3 white candles around you and light them after rubbing with olive iol. use a pen or market to draw 1 dot in the middle of you right palm and another...
third eye - Magic Forums
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...hi i want to open my third eye please tell me what i have to do just please excises i dont want potions Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye By:.......
Spells for Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...Hello, Are there any working spells for opening/awakening the third eye? General Info Spells for third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Spells for third eye By:.......
third eye question? - Magic Forums
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...Okay so I was meditating last night and when I was totally relaxed, I started to feel a tingling in my forehead. I rubbed it, but the feeling just came back. Today I feel better and more in control. I've felt this before when i'm relaxed and have a clear mind,...
Third eye open? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Okay I'm very confused as to whether my third eye is open or not. this is because these are the symptoms of having your third eye {open;} 1. OBE 2. vivid dreams 3. feeling in control 4. headaches 5. Hyrdrokinesis I have been able to OBE very well and I can...
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