Search Results for "protect my friend"
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Search Results for protect my friend
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Hexes and Protection - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...How does one know if they've been hexed. Does one ever know who hexed them? If someone who is very close to you, let's say a co-worker or roommate, and they're not necessarily a witch (to your knowledge) but they are jealous of you and wish ill on you, how would...
Forum Post
...How does one know if they've been hexed. Does one ever know who hexed them? If someone who is very close to you, let's say a co-worker or roommate, and they're not necessarily a witch (to your knowledge) but they are jealous of you and wish ill on you, how would...
Good protection spell? - Magic Forums
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...Hello, I was wondering if anybody know any good spells to protect you or someone else from something that mentally/physically wants to harm you? Many people I know are having problems with things and I would like to help them out. Thanks so much and blessed be! Other Spells Discussion Good...
Forum Post
...Hello, I was wondering if anybody know any good spells to protect you or someone else from something that mentally/physically wants to harm you? Many people I know are having problems with things and I would like to help them out. Thanks so much and blessed be! Other Spells Discussion Good...
Relationship for a friend
Forum Post
...My dear friend Kyle and his girlfriend Julia just broke up, not because they were done with each other, but for the reason that Julia is weak minded and is easy convinced. Her family convinced her to break up with Kyle, but she still loves him dearly. Any spells come to...
Forum Post
...My dear friend Kyle and his girlfriend Julia just broke up, not because they were done with each other, but for the reason that Julia is weak minded and is easy convinced. Her family convinced her to break up with Kyle, but she still loves him dearly. Any spells come to...
Merry Meet My New Friends
Forum Post
...Blessed be to all, I am loreofdruid, but you may call me Lore. I am an Irish Wiccan, I worship Brigid and Ceronnus, but hope to go one day worship all the gods and goddesses of Irish old. I enjoy peace, happiness, and wholehearted love. My goals in life are to...
Forum Post
...Blessed be to all, I am loreofdruid, but you may call me Lore. I am an Irish Wiccan, I worship Brigid and Ceronnus, but hope to go one day worship all the gods and goddesses of Irish old. I enjoy peace, happiness, and wholehearted love. My goals in life are to...
Protection Herbs - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...44 Protection Herbs 1- Aloe 2- Angelica 3- Anise 4- Ash 5- Bamboo 6- Basil 7- Bay 8- Blackberry 9- Cactus 10- Carnation 11- Cedar 12- Cinnamon 13- Clove 14- Coconut 15- Cumin 16- Cypress 17- Dill 18- Eucalyptus 19- Fennel 20- Fern 21- Frankincense 22- Garlic 23- Hazel 24- Holly...
Forum Post
...44 Protection Herbs 1- Aloe 2- Angelica 3- Anise 4- Ash 5- Bamboo 6- Basil 7- Bay 8- Blackberry 9- Cactus 10- Carnation 11- Cedar 12- Cinnamon 13- Clove 14- Coconut 15- Cumin 16- Cypress 17- Dill 18- Eucalyptus 19- Fennel 20- Fern 21- Frankincense 22- Garlic 23- Hazel 24- Holly...
2dr Peace N' Protection Oil | $8.50
Online Shopping
...Magic / Anointing Oils Foxcraft 2 dram Oils 2dr Peace N' Protection Oil Oil Specials & Coupons 2dr Peace N' Protection Oil Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!.......
Online Shopping
...Magic / Anointing Oils Foxcraft 2 dram Oils 2dr Peace N' Protection Oil Oil Specials & Coupons 2dr Peace N' Protection Oil Newly reduced shipping on all items!--> Free shipping within the USA!.......
My friend needs help - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I have a friend that is surrounded by a very dark forse. It's so bad that when he walks into the room you can see it all around him. What ever area he is in apears to be darker than the rest of the room. I feel like he is around...
Forum Post
...I have a friend that is surrounded by a very dark forse. It's so bad that when he walks into the room you can see it all around him. What ever area he is in apears to be darker than the rest of the room. I feel like he is around...
Any coven hoodoo friendly
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...Looking for a decent group. Covens Any coven hoodoo friendly Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Any coven hoodoo friendly By:.......
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...Looking for a decent group. Covens Any coven hoodoo friendly Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Any coven hoodoo friendly By:.......
Luck for a friend? - Magic Forums
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...Hello. My friend has been going through tough times lately and I was wondering if anyone could tell me a spell to give them good luck or to charm an object to give to them. It would be really helpful if anyone has any advice. Spell Suggestions Luck for a friend?...
Forum Post
...Hello. My friend has been going through tough times lately and I was wondering if anyone could tell me a spell to give them good luck or to charm an object to give to them. It would be really helpful if anyone has any advice. Spell Suggestions Luck for a friend?...
protection charm - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...I recently have created a protection charm, it's an arrowhead, and I charred it with a white candles flame and dipped the tip in wax. when I had done that, I then said, '' gods of the flame, protect the wearer of this charm.'' as soon as I bound it with...
Forum Post
...I recently have created a protection charm, it's an arrowhead, and I charred it with a white candles flame and dipped the tip in wax. when I had done that, I then said, '' gods of the flame, protect the wearer of this charm.'' as soon as I bound it with...
my friends coven - Magic Forums
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...she has tons of spells if you want to see them become a member we focus on meditating happiness desire chakra ect. if you want to join heres the link we have a vast variety of spells might even become an admin! Advertisements my friends coven Reply to this post...
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...she has tons of spells if you want to see them become a member we focus on meditating happiness desire chakra ect. if you want to join heres the link we have a vast variety of spells might even become an admin! Advertisements my friends coven Reply to this post...
Hi!!! Im new friend me(: - Magic Forums
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...Heyyyy!!!!Im new to this website and I work mostly as a solitary witch but two of my best friends that go to my school practice wicca too. If anybody has ideas for new interesting spells I would love to hear them and if anyone has any questions or needs help on...
Forum Post
...Heyyyy!!!!Im new to this website and I work mostly as a solitary witch but two of my best friends that go to my school practice wicca too. If anybody has ideas for new interesting spells I would love to hear them and if anyone has any questions or needs help on...
Elemental Protection Chant
...Elemental Protection Chant A chant asking all of the elements for protection. Chant Chant this after meditation. Usually, I am outdoors for both the meditation and the chant, but it works indoors as well. If you are indoors you may wish to light a candle with the.......
...Elemental Protection Chant A chant asking all of the elements for protection. Chant Chant this after meditation. Usually, I am outdoors for both the meditation and the chant, but it works indoors as well. If you are indoors you may wish to light a candle with the.......
xTabascox's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: xTabascox Gender: Female Last Seen: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 Membership: Contributor Contributor Myspace: view Personal Bio Hello! I am a beginner in witchcraft but i know some basic things. my best.......
User Profile
...Info Name: xTabascox Gender: Female Last Seen: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 Membership: Contributor Contributor Myspace: view Personal Bio Hello! I am a beginner in witchcraft but i know some basic things. my best.......
Moonshard's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Info Name: Moonshard Location: Why do you want to know? Last Seen: Tue, Tue, 07 Jan 2025 Membership: Member Personal Bio I dont use this account anymore but heres what remains of my old profile........
User Profile
...Info Name: Moonshard Location: Why do you want to know? Last Seen: Tue, Tue, 07 Jan 2025 Membership: Member Personal Bio I dont use this account anymore but heres what remains of my old profile........