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"third eye"



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Search Results for third eye
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Third Eye Pain - Magic Forums
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...I have been having pain in my third eye area and its been giving me headaches and I cleaned my chakras yesterday but it stills hurt Misc Topics third eye Pain Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye Pain.......
Third eye? - Magic Forums
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...What does the third eye do and how do I open it?General Info third eye? Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye?.......
third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post still confused about the third eye, though i feel it a lot. how do you know if its open? Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye.......
Third Eye Pressure - Magic Forums
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...For 5 months, I have been having these feelings on the middle of my forehead and sometimes they spread out to my whole forehead and even up to my nose. I have grown to it and the feelings still occur but what wonders me is that I can control the pressure....
third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post open your third eyes it not that easy to open . but here is my tips meditation. meditation is the big part of the third eye. image your third eye is opening up. by the way it does not work in the first try and bleave its going to work,...
Third Eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Merry Meet! I was wondering about this 'third eye' and what it meant and how important it is when it come to magick. I was also wondering how to open it and what the benefits of having this charkra open are. Thanks, all answers appreciated, blessed be :) P.S feel free...
third eye - Magic Forums
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...this is for anyone who wants to discuss the third eye i have been noticing a lot more about this is an open forumComments third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a new new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye By: batmanfallenOct.......
third eye opening - Magic Forums
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...Has anyone opened their third eye? I would like to hear your experiences. Astral Projection third eye opening Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye opening.......
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...Okay so basicly, I have been working for a while now in opening my third eye. Then one day at practice i was sitting with my eyes closed until my friend tapped me right between my eye brows. Thats when I felt my third eye open, just for a minute. I...
ThirD Eye - Magic Forums
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...hi...i'm just wondering if someone can help me to open my third chakra test results are here Root: under-active (-38%) Sacral: open (50%) Navel: open (25%) Heart: open (25%) Throat: open (38%) Third Eye: open (31%) Crown: under-active (6%) if someone can help me i would be tankfully. General Info...
Third eye - Magic Forums
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...Hello So i have been looking up how to open the third eye and i was wondering if your suppose to use spells or rituals?Also just any tips on how to? Thanks and blessed be. Misc Topics third eye Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread...
Third eye opening - Magic Forums
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...I was doing the thing where I say toe but it comes out thooooooo which causes vibration that opens the third eye. I missed to third day and I need to know if I just need to start over or have I missed my only oppotunity. Astral Projection third eye opening...
third eye opening - Magic Forums
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...merry meet to everyone, does any have any suggestions on opening your third eye? What is the best way to start. Thanks and blessed be. Cat Misc Topics third eye opening Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest third eye opening.......
Opening The Third Eye - Magic Forums
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...Hello There are many lessons out there for opening the Third Eye, I find many are complex and hard to do without being Guided via a tape or someone. For all that is not preferable of possible. This one I have used and it be very simple. Seeing COLORS With colors...
the third eye - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...hi,i m new at this site ,well i m a meditation practitioner since last year.i m trying to open my third eye.but my experiances are very diffrent, i am getting shoacked during meditation,one night when i was sleeping i felt that my legs uplifted very fast then leave.and one day when...
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