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"what does the color blue mean"



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Search Results for what does the color blue mean
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Aura color meanings - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...AURA COLOR MEANINGS RED AURA COLOR: Relates to the physical body, hart or circulation. The densest color, it creates the most friction. Friction attracts or {repels;} money worries or {obsessions;} anger or {unforgiveness;} anxiety or nervousness Deep Red: Grounded, realistic, active, strong will-power, survival-oriented. Muddied red: Anger (repelling) Clear red: Powerful,...
color meanings - Magic Forums
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...Today as I was meditating and trying to connect with water I kept seeing the color red. I have never seen colors before. What does this mean or the color mean? Misc Topics color meanings Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest...
Candle Color and Meaning
 Which candles to use for more effect in spell casting. White Candle: Represents Purity, Spirituality, and Peace. In some cultures it is the color of Death and Mourning. Red Candle: Represents Health, Energy, Strength, Sexual Virility,Courage,and the Masculine Principle in Nature. Pink Candle: Represents Romantic Love, Affection, Friendship Yellow Candle: Represents...
Iza347's Profile - Membership Area
User Profile
...Every person has his/her own definition of magic, it depends on him/her what what it truly means. It can be black or white. It can also be red or blue. Also, it depends if how they will use {(it;)} Good or Evil. But for me, it is both black and white....
Spell Colors
...Random Magic Articles Spell Colors Rated 4/5 Stars A list of colors and and their uses in Magick. Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up.......
gemstones elixirs? - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...Gemstones I have: *crystal quartz. *pyrite. *black tourmaline *black obsidian. *snowflake obsidian. *onyx *sardonyx black. *apache tear natural. *smokey quartz *hematite. *cat eye. *green moss agate. *Arabic stone *fancy jasper. *zebra jasper. *axinite *desert rose. *banded agate. *garnet *sodalite. *Amazonite. *angelite *obsidian blue aqua. *lapis lazuli. *turquenite *peacock ore. *blue lace...
Spell Correspondences - Colors
 Correspondences are used during spellwork to give a spell extra power. Everything on Earth has certain properties and energies it gives off, and using those energies is a way to help make your spellwork more powerful. A major tool in any magick is color. The effective use of color and its...
Beginners Guide to Magick Chapter. 2
 Discussing the watch towers and what colors mean in magick The Watch Towers: You call the watch towers before you cast your spell or do your ritual. The watch towers have a few other names such as: Quarters, Guardians, and Watchers. Each of them have their own elements which are Earth(north),...
Color Correspondences
...A list of colors and their meanings. Below is a list and discussion of colors and their correspondences/meanings. Red Passion, fire, courage, strength, power, joy, renewal, energy, health, motivation, desire, ambition, leadership, self-esteem, business deals, combat, confrontation, buying selling, mechanical things, repairs, hunting. Pink Personal success, self-love, personal harmony, friendship, calming,...
Spell Colors
 A list of colors and their uses in Magick. Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc. It will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the...
Information-Color Magic
...Here is a list of Color Correspondences. More information can be found on the web site I looked over the page and they had a good selection of colors and their meanings and from several different books I read they seem to be the most popular meanings. RED: Fire Elemental,...
Spell Correspondences - Colors
...Spell Casters Articles Spell Correspondences - Colors Rated 4/5 Stars Correspondences are used used during spellwork to give a spell extra power. Everything on Earth has certain properties and.......
candle magic course 3 - Magic Forums
Forum Post
.... There are a number of different ways that you can choose the candle color to use in your candle magick. The candle color is important when doing spellwork as each color emits a particular vibration and attracts certain influences. However, if you really must perform the spell and you have...
Crystal Ball Colors - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...This is a continuation of my post of ''Crystal Ball Gazing''. Now I would like to explain some colors and what they mean. Red - energetic or violent action in the near future. Usually an omen of something good or bad. Orange - spiritual powers are working on improving the existing...
The Basic Astral Colors - Magic Forums
Forum Post
...These are the astral colors that may be used for personal candles, representing someone, and poppet making. Aries: Red Taurus:Pink Gemini: Yellow Cancer: Silver, White Leo: Gold, Orange Virgo: Brown,Navy Libra: Light Blue Scorpio: Dark Red Sagittarius:Purple Capricorn: Black,Dark Brown Aquarius: Turquoise Pisces: Sea Green Deep Arts the Basic Astral Colors...
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