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"fat spell"



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Search Results for fat spell
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How To Infuse Oils - Free Magic Spell
...This is a Guide on how to make your own oils and infuse them. Infused oils are produced by soaking the plant material in a carrier oil over a period of time and is probably the oldest method of extraction and was used thousands of years before distillation and other methods...
Find A Ball - Free Magic Spell
 This is a spell to help you find a missing ball outside. Good for finding a ball to play base ball. Plus you must have feel where it would be. Walk around and keep repeating this until you find the ball. Its ok to mess up the sentence order just say...
Honesty Spell - Free Magic Spell
...Blessed be to all that are here friend and spirits both far and near lend me your strenght your honesty your light so that the words i speak may fly true and right Help the man/woman i visualize here to speak with truth and not with fear lies and dishonesty hurt...
Fear fire - Free Magic Spell
...Fear fire is a spell I came up with a few years back it should if done correctly burn away your fears the way this is done is you focus on your fears one at a time and stare in to the flame of a white candle Chant this spell until...
Prosperity at New Year
...Celebrate the new upcoming year with new aspirations, inspirations and of course, prosperity with this spell. Light the 2 white candles. Sit in a place or a room with sunlight and meditate for a few minutes. Now hold the petal. Visualize the luck may it bring to you. Then concentrate again...
Herbal (quick reference guide)
...Magical correspondences for herbal workings. A Acacia : Protection, Psychic Powers, Money and Love Spells Adam & Eve Roots : Love, Happiness Adders Tongue : Healing African Violet : Spirituality, Protection Agaric : Fertility Agrimony : Protection, Sleep Ague Root : Protection Alfalfa : Prosperity, Anti-Hunger, Money Alkanet : Purification, Prosperity...
Lavender pillow spray - Free Magic Spell
...A recipe of my own for aromatic lavender spray for your pillow to assist you in getting to sleep. Put the water in a deep bowl and add the water soluble solution. Put the crushed lavender buds and essential oil in. Mix well. Pt a little bit in thespray bottle and...
binding love spell - Free Magic Spell
...binds you to a lover Write your names on two pieces of paper which stand underneath the candle holder. On a third piece of paper, write both your names and draw a circle around them. Place the candles about a foot apart on their respective pieces of paper, with the third...
Lavender pillow spray (V2)
...A recipe of my own for aromatic lavender spray for your pillow to assist you in getting to sleep. You can also use my sleeping potion before using the spray! Put the water in a deep bowl and add the water soluble solution. Put the crushed lavender buds and essential oil...
Christmas Eve Floor Wash
...A holiday floor wash. Add to clean warm water a mix of Myrrh essential oil and olive oil. Use this floor wash during the Yule season to bring in the spirit of this time of year. Christmas or Yule time is a great time to clear out the old in preparation...
Candle meanings - Free Magic Spell
...Candle Colors. Red(Fire): Energy, Strength, Passion, Courage, Career Goals, Fast Action, Lust, Blood of the Moon, Vibrancy, Driving Force, Love, Survival,Love, Passion, Emotion, Courage, Sex, Lust, Strength, Power, Anger, Fire, Energy. Orange: Business Goals, Property Deals, Ambition, Career Goals, General Success, Justice, Legal Matters, Selling, Action, Attraction, Encouragement, Stimulation, Quick manifestation,...
Ancient Greek Black Hellebore Harvest
...Another spell for harvest... 1. Cast a magick circle around the intended plant, using a magick wand or knife. If you do not work with those ritual tools, consider a respectful way to demarcate the harvest space. 2. Request permission to gather the plant from Apollo and his son Asklepios, the...
Christmas Eve Floor Wash
...A holiday floor wash. Add to clean warm water a mix of Myrrh essential oil and olive oil. Use this floor wash during the Yule season to bring in the spirit of this time of year. Christmas or Yule time is a great time to clear out the old in preparation...
The Guardian of the Scales
...This Spell/Ritual is to both Cleanse and purify energy,auras,homes,ones inner cosmos. The Ritual also helps purify entities that may be in limbo/purgatory and invoke the Guardian of the Scales so they may cross over, as to exorcisms & expelling ones Which eradicate and or destroy the spirits or demons. The ritual...
Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection
...Astral Protection for a safe trip Hold the Gemstones in your hands, while you practice and travel. Also place a Gemstone on your Third Eye Chakra. This will provide divine protection. Protection for a safe trip Casting Instructions for 'Yellow Gemstone Astral Protection' You You will need the following items for...
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