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"of magic"



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Search Results for of magic
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NERVOUSNESS - Free Magic Spell
...We all get it and here is something that you can do about it using herbs. Cut valerian root into small pieces, and place them on a large clear glass container. Add the clove, the grated orange rind and rosemary twig. Pour the dry white wine over the dry mixture. Seal...
Guardian Angel Invocation
...This is an Invocation petitioning your Guardian Angel for protection and guidance in daily life. Guardian Angel, I ask that you protect me from attacks against my mind, body, and soul. I also ask that you guide me down a godly path that brings peace, love, enlightenment, and ascension. May you...
The Spell of The Arrow
...This is a very old spell, which incorporates symbols. Shaft of an arrow. Traditionally this was performed on the shore of a lake, or other calm body of water (such as a Bay). It was necessary to be able to see the path of the Moon in the water. This path...
half and half - Free Magic Spell
...Half and half spell means that gives you half and half or a paths or things. Half and half is the way show me the way. I need help on my own let me cut my food in half and half on my own. and half spell means that gives you...
Cancel - Free Magic Spell
...Cancel any spell A spell was cast now make it past remove it now dont ask me how x8 P.s. Ive seen this spell of this sight I just wanted to repost it. any spell --> Casting Instructions for 'Cancel' You will need the following items items for this spell: Belief.......
'seal making spell' - Free Magic Spell
...Usable for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. Rub your hands over the object with your work While saying Rewaso, Resillo. And your work should become sealed. Credits came from myself. I made this spell myself. Have a Nice Day/evening. for hoodoo paper to easy seal ya work. --> Casting...
Music for the 7 chakras
...All credits go to Think of these chakras like Christmas lights. Seven bulbs and one for each color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I think its happened to everyone at least once where theyve put up Christmas lights, plugged them inonly for some of them to not...
Trading Exercise - Free Magic Spell
...A spell to trade places with pets. Objective: To trade places (mentally) with a dog or cat, or other animal. Setting: Home, Zoo, Wilderness, etc. Instructions: 1. Relax your body as completely as you can. Calm your mind, eliminating all thoughts, which do not relate to your intent and purpose. Sit...
Craft-Twig Journal - Free Magic Spell
...A nifty way to make a personal journal, Grimoire or Book of Shadows. This is from the Yahoo Group ''CovenofMysticShadows''. Cut a piece of corrugated paper the size of the notebook's cover. Attach the paper to the cover with white glue. Place a heavy book on top of the paper while...
to bring prosperity - Free Magic Spell
...bring prosperity This is a ribbon spell that will lighten and bring prosperity and peace to the family and home. Items needed are three ribbons of blue, red, and green appx. 36 inches long. 1= set up your alter and cast a circle, invite Goddess and God to assist you, also...
Find a girlfriend - Free Magic Spell
Spells you a girlfriend/boyfriend say in a mirror i need a girlfriend you a girlfriend/boyfriend --> Casting Instructions for 'Find a girlfriend' You will need need the following items for this spell: voice.......
White Light Ritual - Free Magic Spell
...A protection of the essence of white magick. Best time to do this spell: In the early morning-to make the spell even stronger - do it as the sunshines on you! As the sun rises in the morning,get somewhere it can shine on you (even laying in bed is okay for...
Bide Ye Wiccan Laws, Ye Must
...Pentagram power. Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live ye must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. Form the circle thrice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out. To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be spake in rhyme. Soft...
A Fire Scrying Chant - Free Magic Spell
...Power of an element. Before doing this one, it helps to me clear my third eye with the fire. I do this by visualizing and feeling the power and heat of the flame being absorbed by my third eye, then thanking the flame for lending me its power. But do what...
Inner power pouch - Free Magic Spell
...personal power pouch I suggest making up your own directions and spell for this one because it is a very personal pouch. Add ingredients or objects that have meaning to you. One suggestion: Try to sew on some small semi-precious stone chips or a stitched personal symbol.power pouch .......
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