Name: missmusic
Birthday: Feb 17 1996
Location: Lost in my own little world :)
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Tue, 15 Apr 2014
Membership: Member
Personal Bio
Hello all!
My name's Tory. I'm 17, and I am a new to magic and very excited to learn about about magic and what I am capable of. The problem with me is that I have a very raw, and hard to control power. (apparently like most beginners) It makes casting spells, or meditating extremely difficult and it also drives my Mentor up a wall.
But I am talented in music-related spells. I have only been in practice for a year or so now. And I am always looking for advice so if you have some good tips for me as I am beginning, please send me a message, or add me as a friend! I don't judge. :)
Other interests: I am an actress, singer, songwriter, theater geek, author (yes, I've had some of my short stories published), and I have been teaching myself piano for the last year.
Random facts:
-I'm an Indigo child! :)
-I am a horrid speller and so please, just bear my misspellings and/or typos =S
-I am partially allergic to the sun (photosensitive)
-I love when it's foggy in the early morning.
-Fall is my favorite season.
-I have a "thing" for accents
-Andrew Llody Webber's Phantom of the Opera was the movie that got me interested in musical theater (And it made me wish I had a Phantom of my own...)
-I can sense spirits
-I am very friendly so don't be afraid to send me a message :)
-I have been told I have a very old soul and is currently looking for someone who can tell me something about my past lives.. (Also I believe that I've been dreaming of a past life but it's a bit strange so I'm not so sure..)
-I grew up in a Catholic household, and even though I'm kind of a mix of Agnostic and Wicca, I still do believe in a God, Spirit, or whatever name you give to your version of a higher power.
-I like to freestyle it and make my own spells
-I am a hopeless romantic, and I do believe in soul-mates, but I don't believe that you can do any spell to meet or be with them, that the time is specifically set by fate.
Weakness: I care too much about everyone, except if you do something to hurt me, then my anger sets in... I hold grudges too easily, but lately I've been working to improve myself. :)
Thank you for reading my little bio!