sorciere's Profile

Member Info
Name: sorciere
Location: The Astral Plane
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 03 Oct 2012
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Merry Meet,
I came to this site in hope to find people like myself who enjoy the comfort of the earths forces. I have been studying magick for a year now, and have had some experience in the craft also. I take my work seriously and devote my time and effort to the greater good. I believe that a good person is one who gives everyone a fair go, who respects others and therefore deserves to be respected, and is accepting of others and their points of view. I do not follow a certain religion or path, i walk my own path to suit me and my ways. I am a solitary practitioner and do have knowledge and expreience in different areas. I am currently studying the following:
-Herbs, Oils and Incense
-Energy Manipulation
-Rune work
I look forward to my time here and hope to get to know you all soon! Feel free to mail me about anything other than what is considered to be 'fluffy' and has to do with personal issues that you may have. I will always reach out with a helping hand :)
Bright Blessings,
Sorciere/Heart )O(