vsizemore's Profile

Member Info
Name: vsizemore
Location: Kentucky
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 28 Dec 2012

Membership: Member

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Personal Bio
I was born a medium, although I did not learn of this until three years ago. I have always had the knowledge that there was something greater than ourselves out there... our great spirit that guides us, our spirit guides that help us, and our intuition. I walk between the worlds and I enjoy doing tarot readings for my clients, and I especially love when they have their loved ones visit. I have been reading tarot cards for about six years - I started with regular playing cards (gypsy card readings). I work with herbals, crystals, incense, and oils.. So much more.. eclectic in my work and in my education.... forever a student of the mystical and magical...
I am a certified Reiki Master/Teacher, I have been certified for two years. I believe we all have the energy to heal each other and ourselves; but I do know that we certainly have to see a Dr. as well. This is not faith healing.. this is true Chi energy healing with crystals, music, incense, and herbs.
I am studying to obtain my Doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences and will live my life always striving to help people, to pay it forward.. You can't keep it unless you give it away. I want to share my blessings with as many people as I can in this life.
My husband is an Ordained Minister and is working to obtain his PhD in Religious Sciences... We believe in all religions to a degree - we take from all of them - we are Spiritualists. We work for the greater good of humanity. It is our goal to open a safe place for the like-minded and we know that we will succeed.
Patience - a virtue that I continue to work on-
We are Spiritual Healers, Life Coaches, Intuitive Mediums, and we believe every one of us has the power within to become all we dream of, have all we desire to have. Hard work, dedication, faith, and life skills can get you where you desire to be. We have been there and struggled through our own battles. We can help guide you through a healing process to a new and happier you, and your life will change. Find out how the your universe can change just by mere thoughts and actions.
Love and Light to all you beautiful people - never forget your dreams and never stop believing that you can do whatever you want in this life.. it is yours to make it what you want.