Leonette's Profile

Member Info
Name: Leonette
Location: Minnesota
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Fri, 09 May 2008
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am more of a fledgling to Wicca. I practice in private and have tried a few self made spells. I have not worked with anything too deep because I do not trust myself with magic that I do not know much about. I am eager to learn all I can about the craft and become closer to the Goddess. Some people may call me a Witch or even a Wiccan, if they know the term, however, I do not consider myself one. I am still too young to the craft and ignorant of what my intentions may be, and I firmly believe that for one to call them self a Witch or Wiccan means that they have been walking the path of knowledge long enough to have faith in their magic. Being a self taught believer, I feel that one can learn much more through others' triumphs and mistakes. I am here to gain more knowledge along my path and am eager to learn all I can.