Kimika's Profile

Member Info
Name: Kimika
Birthday: Jul 23 2000
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sat, 21 Dec 2024
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
My pictures are open. My name is Kimika for this. My real name is only given to those I think could do as friends. I'm new to this.
I'm not very good at holding conversations. But I try my best.
I enjoy writing story's, and drawing. Not very good at drawing, but I like to try my best.
If you need help you ask for it, but it doesn't mean I'll be able to help. I can be a shoulder to cry on. I will listen and not judge you.
A grey stone lies there
Reminding me of the past
It can never change
I wrote this for a school thing. It means once something is lost, it can never be brought back or changed.
Once you have something to protect you've already lost No.6 Rat/Nezumi