monte's Profile

Member Info
Name: monte
Location: stuck in this physical realm
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 19 May 2020
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I was first introduced to magic at a young age. I have a sister who had a friend that was a very powerful witch.That is when I developed an interest in magic.That is when I discovered I had a connection with the spiritual realm of existence.No I do not sit there and see ghost.I do not have voices in my head.I am not crazy.The ones who study witchcraft know where I am coming from.It is a gift from god.For those who don't understand, may never will. I have experiences such as ouja boards answering me without me touching the curser. I have asked spirits to wake people up in other rooms and they ran out trembling.I am not evil but some spirits have a sense of humer.I have past this gift to my eldest son. We are able to see things beyond this physical realm. Sometimes through meditation, other times it just hits you. So be careful when casting your spells, you may not like what you get. I'm an ordinary person just like you, I live, I breath, I hold a job.I can cast spells in others behalf but you must remember, you have to have an open mind, do not be to selfish, believe in yourself, you must focus your energy as well. I cannot do the impossible.Have a nice night and Blessed Be.