JohnThompson's Profile

Member Info
Name: JohnThompson
Birthday: Sep 24 1980
Location: Maine
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Tue, 02 Sep 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I am a curious and open minded individual. I believe in the powers of science, perception and magic, and, with an appetite for larger points of view, I feel strongly that I am in the right place, at the right time. I am willing to talk with anyone about anything; I am an open book, if need be. Beyond that, I am a Mainer: I like nature, reading, a good mystery and excitement. I would really like to learn from you all.
Ok, so my profile is kind of short and lame (after reviewing it). More about myself: I'm 33, currently studying the Right Use of Will books. I believe Anything is possible. I am a man of respect towards others, and feel quite strongly about that. Every point of view is valuable and I wish to learn, with the right attitude. This concept of higher learning is invaluable to me; it is, in essence, my passion. I was a US Army intelligence analyst; though, my loyalties with them have markedly changed. I try to focus on gratitude, for in that, every moment becomes changed as well. I won't blather on, I look forward to any communication/teachings!